
Marcelina's page

96 posts. Alias of Aluvian.

The trip to Ravengro has been a rather bleak one for everyone involved. The seemingly perpetual dull gray sky notwithstanding, the reason for the trip would be enough to dampen most anyone's spirit. Though all of the travelers knew the professor in different ways, all were touched in some measure by his generosity and good will. Perhaps that is the explanation for the weather, the world just seems a bit darker without his bright light.

The town of Ravengro itself is nothing out of the ordinary. Certainly no different than any other small town in Ustalav, save for the almost palpable oppression of the ruined prison to the south of the town. The burned out building leers over the hamlet like a malevolent gargoyle. The people are fairly typical for Ustalav. Which is to say suspicious and gossiping. More than a few looks follow the travelers as they make their way through to the graveyard located just outside the town on the north side.

It is here that you find yourselves assembling. Few others have taken the time to gather. A small group consisting of two rather self-important men, another younger man with his son, and a young woman stand apart from the wagon that contains the casket. Standing closer to the casket, obviously waiting for any other guests to arrive (or perhaps specific guests), is a woman of not more than twenty five year. She is dressed in morning clothes, and her face makes it obvious that the grief is more than just external. Still, she is obviously trying to keep herself together and present a more stolid front for the guests. You have heard that the professor had a daughter. This must be her.

Arrival order: Tiberious, Ionacu and Lilyana, then Dariyia.

Well here we are, once again at the beginning. I've gotten one character idea, so as the rest of you come up with one, shoot it up over here. Same drill as last time.

Any questions, just ask.

Male Half-Orc Ranger (Shapeshifter) 1

A constant, and somewhat unpleasant presence on board the Jenivere is the half-orc, Shadak. His twisted and tusked face seeming to be always at the edge of view as he goes about his duties, his enormous bulk used at every opportunity by captain Kovack. He strikes up no conversations, but watches everyone with an overt curiosity.

Well since I have enough people, here is the board where you all can bounce your character ideas off me and finalize things. Hopefully we can get things started in not too long.

I'm looking for 1 player to jump into a Kingmaker PbP campaign. We're still 1st lvl, so there's not that much missed. I'd need someone capable of at least 1 post a day. If you're interested, let me know here.

I'm starting up a PFRPG group in Colorado Springs and need one or two more people. The catch is that the session days might be a bit crazy. I'm aiming for every other Saturday but, as I'll soon be working a crazy schedule, the days might shift around. I will know well in advance what days I have off, though.

So, any takers out there?

Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged
by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and
authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the
Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel
within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration
should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and
west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carrier of
this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful
behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry
remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this
24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov
and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of
the Dragonscale Throne.

So reads the Charter that each of you were given before setting out from Restov. It has been a long slow trek out from Restov to the Greenbelt, but if your directions are correct you should be arriving at Oleg's Trading Post by this afternoon. Not that there is much to expect from the post, by all accounts it is struggling just to stay open, but it is the last vestige of civilization before the wilds you are tasked to explore.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I have a couple questions about Heavy War Horses. I apologize in advance if they have been asked before. I understand that a Heavy War Horse is a regular horse with the Advanced template. I was applying this and I ran into a couple issues.

1. The stat block for the horse says that unless it is trained for war, its hoof attacks are treated as secondary attacks. Which leads me to believe that a heavy war horse should have its hoof attacks as primary attacks since it is trained for war. However the table on page 302 of the Bestiary stats that hoof attacks are always secondary. So which is it? Using that table it seems that a war horse would have a primary bite attack and 2 secondary hoof attacks, which really makes no sense at all to me.

2. Horses have no proficiency in armor. Making them war horses, heavy or not, doesn't seem to give them armor proficiency. The Cavalier's mount write-up leads me to believe that you need your mount to have this in order to put barding of any kind on it, otherwise it suffers a penalty on all of its attack rolls. I just don't understand how you could ever get this for a normal mount since, unless it's an animal companion, it doesn't gain more HD and therefore doesn't gain more feats. It seems impossible therefore for a fighter to have a horse with barding on it that would still be able to attack in any reliable way. Is this the intent?

Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged
by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and
authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the
Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel
within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration
should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and
west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carrier of
this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful
behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry
remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this
24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov
and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of
the Dragonscale Throne.

So reads the Charter that each of you were given before setting out from Restov. It has been a long slow trek out from Restov to the Greenbelt, but if your directions are correct you should be arriving at Oleg's Trading Post by this afternoon. Not that there is much to expect from the post, by all accounts it is struggling just to stay open, but it is the last vestige of civilization before the wilds you are tasked to explore.

Well here is the OOC thread. I think I covered most of the chargen stuff before but just to be sure I'll re-cap

20 point buy
Average starting gold
2 regular traits + 1 campaign trait
Only Pathfinder core rules with the addition of the APG
No Evil Alignments please. Shouldn't be a problem as none of your backgrounds sounded such.

I don't need a separate copy of your sheet, just place it in your profile so I can access it wherever I am. If you could also please add your backgrounds and descriptions to your profile that would be awesome too. Gives me a handy place to go to for reference.

Lastly, as you get your characters loaded, please take a moment to post on this thread some more commonly known things about your characters. When we start, you will all have been traveling together for several days so there will have already been some time to get to know the basics of each others personalities. I will however give some time to RP before the real action starts.

Again, thanks for your interest in this campaign! I think we'll all have a lot of fun.

PS I did not choose this group for game balance exactly. So if anyone wants to alter their characters to give the group more balance, I'm fine with some small changes. However, I also reserve the right to throw in a character of my own as I enjoy doing this in the games I play. If I do, it will be to fill in a role appropriate to an NPC that the group needs.

Well here is the board where you all can discuss and compare ideas and whatnot. I'm looking forward to getting started when you all get your characters done.

Since we have five already I'll not be making a char of my own unless I see a real gap.

I'm looking to start up a Kingmaker PbP. If you're interested please email me the following info at sracornelius at yahoo dot com.

The Character Name, Race, Class, Brief description, Personality, Brief background, Campaign trait you would most likely use, Your potential posting rate, and a good e-mail to contact you at.

I'm looking for a group of about four or five players who can reliably post at a decent rate. Preferably at least once a day. I'll be using a 20 point buy, with only Pathfinder Core rules and the Advanced Player's Guide classes. Items outside of this might be allowed but will be considered on a case by case basis. I'll take submissions until Tuesday at which time I'll pick the group. Thanks for any interest, I'm really excited about getting to run this campaign. Any questions, feel free to ask.

Male Half-Orc Ranger (Shapeshifter) 1

Shadak Stormrider is a contradiction to most every dwarven stereotype. To start, he loves the water. He’s even a decent swimmer, which by itself would make him odd. His wild dark brown hair tied down by a red bandana and his equally wild beard tucked into his belt are widely recognized down at the docks, as is his persistence in wearing a fine suit of scale mail, something no other sailor in his right mind would do. His scimitar and shield are nearly always strapped to his back but by far the most distinctive features are the black patch over his left eye, and his newest acquisition, a metal hook where his left hand should be.

Since his return from the outing out in the Mushfens that earned him that medal and lost him his ship, he’s been seen most often in the dockside taverns, drowning his sorrows in whatever the best ale those low brow establishments can offer. After all, he is still a dwarf.

Shadak quirks his one good eye at the Halfling and furrows his ample eyebrows. “She wants ta ‘ave dinner?” he asks, incredulously. “Well I got no qualms against a free meal an’ I can’t say as I don’t need the work if it’s good…” He shrugs and tucks the note into his belt. “Aye, I’ll be there. Just tell her ta be sure ta ‘ave something decent to drink.”

I’m looking to create a Half-Merfolk race for someone in my group using the Half-Elf and Half-Orc as a guide. I can’t help but feel, however, that what I’ve come up with just doesn’t come equal to the other base races. There really isn't that much in the Merfolk race to work with. I was wondering if anyone here had any ideas how I might beef it up a tad. Any and all suggestions welcome.

+2 to any 1 stat
Medium: Half-Merfolk are medium creatures.
Normal Speed: Land speed of 30 ft.
Aquatic: Can breathe underwater, 20 ft swim speed
Low-Light Vision: All half-merfolk have low-light vision.
Merfolk Blood: Count as Merfolk for all purposes
Languages: Merfolk begin play speaking Common and Aquan. Half-Merfolk with high Intelligence scores can choose any language.

Here's the OOC thread for the new Savage Tide campaign. As far as I can tell we have an Monk, a Cleric, and a Sorcerer. I think Jim was talking about playing a tank for us if he likes the idea of playing. If not I'll throw in a tank. I may throw in a char regardless, we'll see.

Some info for those making their characters. We're using the Pathfinder 25 point buy for stats. You can choose two character trait, plus a third since there's no campaign trait. The campaign starts in Magnimar, if you want some info on that city as well as the surrounds I can provide it.

The only character hook you need to start is that you've done something to bring yourself to the attention of people looking for help. So it could be discovered that you are above the usual.. an adventurer.

I would like backgrounds again too, just like CoT. If you need any help making chars, just let me know.

You all recieve a visit from an attractive young woman in her early twenties named Janiven Her short curly brown hair frames a face that, while smiling, is obviously cautious. She bears a longsword but her hands stay well wide of the hilt as she makes a slight bow. She is dressed simply, certainly no one of any importance politically, but she has an air of confidence and determination that is hard to miss.

Yukimura, Kalvek, Prevara:
Janiven tells you that she has heard of your efforts to help the people of the city and she would like you to join her at Vizio's Tavern for a late dinner (1600) tomorrow. During which you might find others who feel the same.

(OOC: Of course I assume that you agree.)

Janiven is tells you that she knows you have a score to settle with the government of Cheliax and that she might be able to help you with that. If you want, come to an early dinner at Vizio's Tavern. There you will meet others who have issue with the government.

(OOC: Of course I assume that you agree.)

DC 10 Knowledge Local/Diplomacy:
Janiven not unknown in Westcrown. She’s worked for several guilds and mercantile interests, sometimes as a caravan guard but more often as a city guide and bodyguard for visiting merchants and business partners that the guilds want to keep out of trouble with local thugs or the shadow beasts that patrol the streets at night. Janiven has a reputation of being a bit rash (for example, she recently dragged her charge half-dressed out of a whorehouse when he refused to head back to a safer part of town before sundown) but quite trustworthy—everyone the PCs talk to has nothing but praise for the woman.

Vizio's Tavern is named for the family that once ran the establishment. Vizio’s was a place where merchant guards went to relax, gripe about their employers, and look for more work. Several months ago, however, the Vizio patriarch passed away, and the surviving family moved out of Westcrown to go live with kin in distant Corentyn. The tavern has stood empty since

DC 15 Knowledge Local/Diplomacy:
Vizio's Tavern has new owners reputed to be a half-elf man and a human woman—although they seem to be taking their time getting the tavern off the ground and open for business

Vizio’s tavern is nothing more than hundreds of other buildings in this part of the city. Obviously closed, upon closer examination it does appear to still be in good repair. There is nothing to suggest anything is amiss as one approaches and upon arriving close to the door you can see Janiven within, walking about straightening up while in the midst of preparing a meal.

As each of you enters, Janiven, who is quite alone, directs you to a chair at a large table she has prepared. The interior of the tavern is solid, but obviously unused and it is evident that Janiven has gone to some effort to clean the place up and make it presentable. She gets each of you something to drink, but politely refuses to answer any questions until everyone has arrived.

Corvus is the first to arrive, and anyone who comes after finds her already there, sitting so as to watch anyone else coming in.

Welcome to the Council of Thieves campaign!

Here you can kick off your shoes, relax and discuss anything that may or may not relate to the campaign. But hopefully it's at least a little relating. I think you all have all the books you need and know all of the character generation rules we're using but I will emphasise again that I'm using the 20 point buy from the pathfinder book, just because it isn't what I usually do. I think everyone's characters are coming along so hopefully we can start sooner rather than later.

Since you all are likely new to these boards I'll point out that you can load your character sheet into your profile. This makes a handy dandy way for me to check things and for you to update.

I'll probably be using Google Docs for images and whatnot, placing the links to them in here, so I'll need everyone's email addresses. I have everyone's but Luke's I think.

Lastly, when you're making your character's backgrounds please give some thought as to some way specificly that the government of Westcrown has wronged you. This is a stipulation of the campaign. It also helps if your character is a native of Cheliax/Westcrown, but visitors can work too, as long as you have an angst towards the government. Shouldn't be hard considering they're not very nice.

Any questions, just ask. And just to review, we so far have (spoken for) a Half-Orc Druid, a Human Bard, an Elven Rogue, probably a Tiefling Fighter, and..... whatever Luke picks.

Just to let y'all know, you may each pick out two traits in addition to the one campaign trait.

I'm looking to start up a PRPG Legacy of Fire PbP campaign. I'd prefer to just play in it, but I'm willing to GM it if there are no other takers.

Assuming I do end up GMing, I will be looking for 3-4 players, I will be using Gestalt rules, and only the "Complete" 3.5 books aside from the Pathfinder rules.

Anyone out there starting up a Pathfinder PbP game? Got a hankering for some gaming.