
Makeda's page

17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


were extremely horny

KnighterrantJR I think you are wise.And probably right about the drizzt thing to. Speaking of Drizzt do you think R.A Salvatore will write any more books about Drizzt or do you think he is gonna keep going with this Cadderly thing?
Post me back


they're bows and

spaeking of star wars battle front 2 came out!

Randy your avatar image is discusting, why the hell did you pick it? Oh and the Brothers Grimm movie was okay, (meaning the actors aren't going to win any oscars any time soon).
Well I'm in my communications class right now and life is pretty boring at the moment. Any suggestions?


conjured upa army


i haven't a clue

The real reson anikan got his legs cut off is because darth vader had no legs in the next movie which was already created DAH!

i like drizzt thats probably why my avatar figure is a adrk elf

I call him Makeda. I think thats pretty apperent considering my name for God's sake! Oh well can't expect everyone to be smart

Whose name is obvious,

Besides D&d I play Champions of Norrath, Age of Mythology Kingdom Under Fire Heroes. Basically I play everything involving Swords & Sorcery.

Your not alone Rob,


Troy Taylor wrote:

That would be "The Roman Legionnaire" from Issue 328, Feb. 2005.

Note that "self-sufficient" from the article is a relative term.

Even Roman soldiers depended upon supply trains, specialized units, smiths and armorers and the like to stay at a state of fighting readiness.

But it is true the average Roman soldier carried a lot of gear, and was responsible for keeping his kit in good repair. do it yeah

!!!!!!!ITS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

If I were in the D&D world I would probably be a Dark Elf I don't know why but I'm crazy about them exept for the spider queen thing though they're pretty awesome. Plus they are stronger and worth more in the Earth game anyway. If I couldn't be a Dark Elf I'd be a Dwarven Battlerager they have an interesting method of jumping atop people and shreading the skin off people is pretty cool...Even for D&D.someone send me a reply PLEASE!

Anyone know if R.A Salvatore is going to write ANY MORE BOOKS HELLO ANYONE LEASE SOMEONE.........

My favorite Author theese days has gotta be...
R.A Salvatore I really enjoyd his Drizzt Do'Urden Series he wrote.I really enjoyed his descriptive battle scenes.And plus he branched off from his Drizt Do'Urden series and made a quintet about Cadderly the priest. i would like him to write more about Cadderly though for that Quintet made me hungry for more.