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Alright I wasn't sure where to put this, but I had a thought the other day as I was playing my Paladin/Oracle of life. With the release of Ultimate magic we have the vivisectionist, who gets sneak attack damage. His sneak attack damage doesn't stack with Rogue damage, it merges with it in one line of progression (instead of one level giving you +1d6, every odd level increases the sneak attack damage as normal). I kind of think Channel Energy should work the same way. If I'm a Cleric/Oracle or a Paladin/Oracle wouldn't it make sense that the channel energy would be a cumulative total? I'm worshipping the same god either way, it seems a bit odd to have different channeling pools. Thoughts?
Hey folks, and welcome to what will be the home of a journal of sorts. I've decided to start modelling and painting a Space Wolves army for Warhammer 40,000 and I thought I'd use this thread as a home base to share what I'm doing and get some feedback from anyone who wants to give some. I'll start with an entry tonight, as I'm converting some terminators from the core set to work with my army concept. I'll be posting links to pictures, and try and get as much information as I can up here. The Army list in my head; Some Rune Priests, a terminator wolf-gaurd unit, four units of mark of the wulfen marines in rhino's, two speeders, two units of longfangs w missile launchers. More tonight.
Hey folks, looking at Synthesist (which rocks) and I have a few questions; 1. Do the saves from the Eidolon stack with the Summoners saves? 2. If the Summoner wears armor does the armor bonus stack with the Eidolon? 3. The Summoner gains the Eidolon's physical stats - does he gain additional hp from the increased CON, or just stack the whole Eidolon hp total on top of what he already has? Thank you to anyone who responds!
Hey there folks, I'll be in Huntsville AL for two weeks starting the 18th of this month and I'm looking to get some gaming in (as much as I can really, what the hell, right?) so.... Is there anybody out there? I'd love to meet up with anybody that's down for a game. I know the hobby tends to be a bit insular, but I'm pretty relaxed and (I like to think anyway) mature.
This is Sebastian's Publicist reporting on the scene of Natalie Portman's new live film adaptation of the 80's cult classsic "Unico". Rumor's abound of her involvement with Co-Star Sebastian, the friendly, multi-colored Unicorn playing the role of Unico. At 8 this morning, this reporter witnessed Natalie Portman leaving Sebastian's trailer, walking distinctly bow-legged and covered head to toe in what a bystander described as "a hideos mix of mushed skittles and what must have been buckets of glitter from the local chippendales". Sebastian hasn't been available for comment, but this reporter overheard Natalie Portman as she limped away from his trailer singing the following song.... "Apocalypse pony, it's my @#$%ing pony, don't you dare touch it, I'll @#$%ing kill you...." Previous reports had cast Sebastian in the role of a "persistent unwanted admirer", but this reporter postulates that maybe, just maybe, it was Natalie Portman with a case of Unicorn Fever. As always, Sebastian's PR camp had only the following to say; "Haters gonna hate"
Hey I got a chuckle out of this, thought you all might laugh at it; Jalen Von Stupp Physical Traits, picture if you could have sex with one man, who would it be? That would be an accurate description of Jalen Von Stupp. 5’ 6”, 110 pounds, Silver Hair, Silver eyes, White as a sheet Jalen Von Stupp spent the majority of his life in a monastery worshiping the god Saranrae in the hopes that one day Saranrae would give him the opportunity to go out and help the world in some generically lawful good manner. Jalen was always a small fragile child and he had not improved much in recent years, he always depended on faith to provide him strength during difficult times or when he need to catch something on fire or heal dead animals or heal the animals he burned or burn the animals he healed, anyway I digress….. Once Upon a time Jalen was watching the wilderness through his stained glass window, as to not get a sunburn, when he happened to see a large barbarian shambling through the bushes as though it were drunk. Jalen immediately knew that he would either need to heal it, or burn it, whatever the case may be. So he decided to go outside of the monastery, which had not happened in many a moon, or daylight as it were. When Jalen approached the barbarian he saw that she had shat on herself and was quite confused as to where it was. The barbarian introduced itself as Emil……erm Ursa and informed Jalen that she had indeed forgotten where the bathrooms were. Jalen was quite confused as to what she meant by that when he took her inside and helped to clean her up.
Well howdy, folks! I haven't started many threads before, but I'm looking at Dragon Disciple in the book and I really want to love it. I'm trying HARD to love it. I like it? I..... I dunno. I want to build a Dragon Disciple using nothing but Pathfinder Books (companions, core book) that will be able to hold it's own. I've always seen it as a Prestige Class for Sorceror/Monks more then for anything else. I've never played one before, and I'm toying around with some ideas, but what do YOU all think are good builds for a dragon disciple? I'm sure I'm missing something obvious that DD is really good for beyond multi-classing sorceror with a melee class.
My party really seems to have taken to the Summoner class, and it came as little surprise that one of my players wanted to join the playtest. Neiji, gnome drug-dealer and general causer of mischief converted from an air elemental blooded sorceror to a Summoner with the quadruped (essentially wolf-like) eidolon. We've run through the first mod, and just finished the play portion of the second. The party consists of the gnome summoner, a Human Wizard, a half elven paladin of Iomedae, a human paladin of Asmodeus (I allow it, dagnabbit) and a gnome druid (with polar bear cub) I'll list out the things that I've noticed so far; Summoner is very flavorful and doesn't step on the feet of the parties Wizard at all. Summon Spells, at these low levels (2-5), have NOT slowed gameplay. The player has been good about having stat cards for all of its summons Eidolon and summons have in no way mitigated the usefulness of the rest of the party. I want to say that the Summoner has too many hp, but then I'm drawn to compare it to the parties druid, and the two seem to be pretty much in line with each other... the Druid's pet is only slightly weaker then the summoners, but the druid itself is stronger so I think it's a wash. I don't like falling back on Protection from Evil, and I can see that I'll have to as the campaign progresses. Augmented Summons are capable of doing some crazy stuff that I won't always have a decent answer for, but that's no different from anything a conjurer or druid can do so no real foul there. I'm not sure about summon monster. I almost think the class should have a different summon list or something to set it appart from the conjurer a little more? I don't think it's overpowered (you only get one action a turn either way, and the full round to cast has hurt the player a time or two). So; Low Levels 2-5
Alright, the wording's a little vague on this one...I have a player who's summoning Celestial Giant Ant Drones...and it's a beast at 3rd level. When I checked the wording of the spell it nowhere indicates giant ant, and summon monster three states that you can call a soldier option I dont see in my PF Bestiary. On the d20 PFSRD I found the stats for a soldier ant, but the CR is lower then the drone's and if that's the case why isnt the soldier ant the summon for Summon Monster 2 and the drone for Summon Monster 3? Any clarification would be greatly appreciated... I was pretty impressed with the way the dron fought. It was divebombing ogres into a grapple pretty reliably.
Hiya folks! I've been reading up, ordering, and in general studying all the pathfinder society stuff I can get my grubby little paws on. I have a few questions for those of you with more experience in this then I have. First, is there a "best" order to play the scenario's in? I was thinking the devil we know parts 1 and 2 then Silent Tide as the opening set, but after that I'm kind of lost. Second, I have a player who desperately wants to play a paladin of Asmodeus hell knight in training. I've read the society handbook and I see where it says no evil pc's but I'm left to something of a conceptual loss when there's a MAJOR faction of evil devil summoners and my PC can't be...well, evil. Mind you, I'm not worried she'll throw a monkey wrench into the game or try to do any PVP I'm just not really sure how to say no about it when there isn't a logical alternative (blackguard) to play yet. Suggestions?
About ReillBackground:
Reill was born the only child to a human mother, and an elf father (both of whom are still alive.) He was raised solely by his mother, whose family was well known an members of the local yeomen, in a small town not even a days walk from Rhest. His mother was deeply in love with an Elven merchant, but he quickly and easily broke her heart. The merchant turned out to be quite the swindler, and used Reill's mother in order to steal a good amount of the towns gold and goods. Reill's family was once honored by the society, but after his mother's disgrace, the family began to began loathed by the town and blamed ever since for the town's misfortunes, and considered traitors. This, combined with his half-elf heritage, caused Reill to be especially hated. Reill's childhood took place during the overthrowing of a great power. In the wake of these dramatic political changes, bards thrived by traveling and singing tales of the great wars and powers and times-a-changing. When he was =till young, he saw a troupe of musicians perform and completely captivate a large audience in his hometown and immediately decided he wanted to be like that: up on the stage entertaining. He immediately requested to be trained by the group, and spent several years training with them, eventually gaining some renown and becoming a minor celebrity in certain parts. One of the men whom he trained with was known only as The Wanderer, and he was a minstrel, performer, bard, etc. of great mystery and fame. He told many tales of all the places he had traveled and the people who lived there, giving Reill a large world-view, and inspiring in him a wanderlust. As a child, he was caught attempting to rob stealing from the shop of some of his family's rivals. He did it because the idea of screwing with the people who give him and his mother so much grief amused him. He has mixed feelings about this. He was well-known as a ladies man in his youth, as the town's notorious "bad boy" due to his family's disgraced name. He caused trouble in the households of several young ladies, but nothing ever worked out, leaving him alone. Reill longs to influence the world politically, artfully, and socially through his music, and longs for the power and fame it will bring him. He believes by achieving wealth and fame, and can show the world his family name is still strong. Defenses:
Hit Points: 18/18
+1 Chain Shirt: +5 AC, check penalty -1. +4 max dex Attacks:
BAB: +3
+1 Composite Shortbow: +6, 1d6 + 2, crit: x3, 70' range, P Mwk Rapier: +5, 1d6 +1, crit: 18-20, x2, P Dagger: +4/+5 thrown, 1d4 + 1, crit: 19-20, x2, 10' range, P/S Feats:
- Point-blank Shot
* denotes class skill. 56 total skill points Appraise*:
Class Features:
Bardic Knowledge: A bard may make a special bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to his bard level + his Intelligence modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. (If the bard has 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (history), he gains a +2 bonus on this check.) A successful bardic knowledge check will not reveal the powers of a magic item but may give a hint as to its general function. A bard may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this sort of knowledge is essentially random. Bardic Music: Once per day per bard level, a bard can use his song or poetics to produce magical effects on those around him (usually including himself, if desired). While these abilities fall under the category of bardic music and the descriptions discuss singing or playing instruments, they can all be activated by reciting poetry, chanting, singing lyrical songs, singing melodies, whistling, playing an instrument, or playing an instrument in combination with some spoken performance. Each ability requires both a minimum bard level and a minimum number of ranks in the Perform skill to qualify; if a bard does not have the required number of ranks in at least one Perform skill, he does not gain the bardic music ability until he acquires the needed ranks. Starting a bardic music effect is a standard action. Some bardic music abilities require concentration, which means the bard must take a standard action each round to maintain the ability. Even while using bardic music that doesn’t require concentration, a bard cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), spell trigger (such as wands), or command word. Just as for casting a spell with a verbal component, a deaf bard has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use bardic music. If he fails, the attempt still counts against his daily limit. Countersong (Su)
Fascinate (Sp)
To use the ability, a bard makes a Perform check. His check result is the DC for each affected creature’s Will save against the effect. If a creature’s saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and listens to the song, taking no other actions, for as long as the bard continues to play and concentrate (up to a maximum of 1 round per bard level). While fascinated, a target takes a -4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, such as Listen and Spot checks. Any potential threat requires the bard to make another Perform check and allows the creature a new saving throw against a DC equal to the new Perform check result. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a ranged weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability. Inspire Courage (Su)
Inspire Competence (Su)
The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as he or she continues to hear the bard’s music. Certain uses of this ability are infeasible. The effect lasts as long as the bard concentrates, up to a maximum of 2 minutes. A bard can’t inspire competence in himself. Inspire competence is a mind-affecting ability. Racial Traits:
Medium: As Medium creatures, half-elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Spells Known: 0th: Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Flare, Read Magic, Ghost Sound 1st: Sleep, Grease, Hideous Laughter 2nd: Sound Burst, Glitterdust Spells per day: 0th- 3/day
500 gp, +1 Composite Shortbow (+1), +1 Chain Shirt, Arrows (20) x3, Wand of CLW (42 charges), Backpack, blanket, bedroll, mug, rope, pen, ink, notebook, caltrops, chalk, waterskin, spell component pouch, lute, Magic Short Sword.
Remaining Resources:
Bardic Performances: 4/4 Wands: Wand of CLW (41/50) |