Duergar Hammer

Maggard's page

Organized Play Member. 20 posts (25 including aliases). No reviews. 3 lists. 5 wishlists. 3 aliases.

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Wishing for export\import with Foundry VTT.

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Great Bundle as usual. I wish I never missed the ones I have.

It would be appreciated to have a way for gifting duplicates to others, even if it only gifting provided half off for those receiving them.

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Dark_Mistress wrote:

Any chance in the short time while we wait on the main PDF's to be updated. That we can have all the errata made into a single pdf or even txt file that we can download? That would be a lot more handy that having to check the web page.

I second the motion for @Paizo to provide a comprehensive errata released as a single PDF.

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Has any information expanded on the details of The Roseguard of Absalom?

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Would you purchase a "Troubles in Otari" Foundry VTT Module of Paizo offers it?

As Troubles uses many items from the Beginner's Box, they can leverage those resources already in Foundry VTT. If created with the idea Troubles links "Menance Under Otari" to the "Abomination Vaults AP" I would be very appreciative.

Troubles VTT can add more value by including all other Otari based adventures (q.v. "Otari Adventures" before). With all PDFs, maps, images, etc in Foundry VTT, the Troubles VTT can present ways to integrate Otari based adventures while playing through Menace to Troubles and during Abomination Vaults.

Anyone else interested?

Otari Adventures:
+ Menace Under Otari
+ Troubles In Otari
+ Society Scenario 06:
The Road from Otari
+ Bounty Adventure S01-04:
Bandits of Immenwood
+ Abomination Vaults AP

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Has anyone created a Foundry VTT version which is available?

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Will a Foundry VTT version be available?

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Is there a resource for bringing Greyhawk Deities upto PathFinder 2e rules?

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Is there a chance of a FoundryVTT for "The Road from Otari"?