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There is already a excel sheet like this you're trying to make.

I don't use excel sheet because my group and I play online with TTop virtual tabletop and I created map with city disctrict and buildings, so there is no need for graphical sheet for me.

Ucam kingdom sheet upgraded to 1.03 version


Ver 1.03 (12.March.2014.)


- added Skill rank fields and implemented auto calculation for skill modifiers (Optional rule in Ultimate Campaign - For every
5 full ranks in a relevant skill, the leader may increase the leadership modifier by an additional 1)

Dropbox Folder link

Np. Thank you for reporting issue.

@Fletcher Bates

Sorry I didn't manage to answer you sooner.

Based on my tests, only the latest version of Foxit Reader (6.1.2) reproduce this issue.
I tried to open sheet with Foxit Reader 6.0 and Foxit Phantom 2.2.4 and everything is working ok.

Those odd numbers occurs only in fields that have custom javascript, so I presume that latest version of Foxit Reader have some trouble with interpreting javascript.
Unfortunately I don't know how to resolve this.
I suggest you use previous version of Foxit reader or Acrobat reader.

Hope that helps

@Fletcher Bates

My friend (player in group) uses Foxit, but he never complained about this issue. I'll install Foxit and try for myself to see if this issue will reproduce.

Graveyard is adding +1 to Loyalty. +1 Economy was a mistake in Kingmaker rules. Paizo confirmed this in one of the topics for Kingmaker

This is only cuople of posts up :)

Hobbun wrote:
Well, I was going to say that originally as well, but as armor specifically calls out that the hardness is determined by the substance, it makes you wonder why weapons are not as well.

Because they probably forgot to do it in 3.5 and this chart in PF is C/P from 3.5. And they didn't check it out. Another thing is that in that chart there are nine entries for weapons and one for armor. Armor is made from one material (actually more then one but only outer part is that matter - metal or leather) and weapons can be made from more then one material. That's why there isn't any footnote number.

In weapons entries there are two hardness value:
10 for iron/steel
5 for wood
If morningstar (one handed hafted weapon, iron/steel head and wooden handle) have hardness 5 and 5 HP, so morningstar made of adamantine would have hardness 5 and 6HP.
You don't parry with head but with whole weapon and more like with handle so it's logically to say its wood hardness that matters in this example.
Special material entries says what hardness is for what material so everything made from adamnatine is 20. Period. Even if in chart of common weapons is not specificaly mentioned.
I still don't get what is all the fuss about this.

I'm curious about something. So if they didn't put that "4" in armor row, there wouldn't be this topic because everybody would know that material hardness apply to everything made from that material? Not just armor.

I didn't put any protection. File was was created in excel 2010 and sometimes saving as 97-2003 format can do some crazy stuff. For me it's wokring fine.
I presume you get a message for protection like this http://officeimg.vo.msecnd.net/en-001/files/763/533/ZA010388955.jpg
Click on that message and then click on a large button "Edit anyway" and you are good. This is for excel 2010.

I uploaded again City.xls and I also uploaded .xlsx version in dropbox. You can access it through folder link in previous post.
I think both should work now for you without getting protection message. Please try it and report it.
Btw. thanks for reporting

Use Folder link for all version of sheets.

When I created this topic I didn't know that "Edit post" is available for only one hour after posting. If I knew that, I would post links in another way.

I don't see what's the problem with interpreting the rules.
Everything made of adamantine have hardness 20.
HP is calculated how it's said:

weapons and armor normally made of steel that are made of adamantine have one-third more hit points than normal

So longsword made of adamantine have hardness 20 and 6 HP


So, FAQable question:

What is the hardness of an adamantine greataxe?

This neither is not faq.

Greataxe handle is made of wood and the head is made of adamantine.
When you sundering hafted weapon like this you surely won't try to break the head when it's much logical and easier to cut/break the handle.
So for sundering sake, hardness of adamantine greataxe is 5 and 10 HP.

You welcome

I would like to see something like Temple of elemetal evil, but with PF rules (Golarion), better story and gameplay.
I always wondered why there is no games based on PF rules.
Btw, it's a shame that Chaos Chronicles is cancelled :(


Fortunately I noticed that what we discussed above happened in Kingdom sheet v1.01.
When I C/P all fields and formulas to new sheet to reduce file size, Acrobat went little crazy and miscalculate everything and unfortunately I didn't notice.
I corrected this and now sheet should work fine.
Here is link:

UC Kingdom Sheet v1.02



Ver 1.02 (07.August.2013.)

- fixed miscalculations caused by Acrobat as a result of reducing file size.

Cathedral building entry in UCam says "Halves Consumption increase for Promotion edicts", Cathedral building entry in UCam says "Halves Loyalty penalty for Taxation edicts" and Arena building entry says "Halves Consumption increase penalty for festival edicts" (from Kingmaker AP).
It isn't mentioned if this halving is round down or what. I presumed that rounding down is correct so I included following changes:

- when Cathedral is "on", BP consumption for Token promotion level equals 0 instead 1.
- when Waterfront is "on", Loyalty penalty for Light taxation level equals 0 instead -1.
- when Arena is "on", BP consumption for 1 Festival per year equals 0 instead 1.

When I GM, I use following house rule for HP.


Roll, if you got lower than half you have two options.

First, you can take half. Second, you can roll again but then you keep result from second roll

This way anyone can have decent HP. And if someone have lower than average well, it's their own fault for being greedy :)

So while I'm using this rule, I'll not permit HP retraining.

Glad to help.
I learned about this issue and its solution on a hard way :)

You welcome. Glad to help :)
If you find out another issue, just report it and I'll fix it as soon as I can.

I don't know what was your problem with calculations in acrobat but maybe this will help. I noticed that if you first create formula (code) in field and then do some changes in field(s) that are in before mentioned formula, formula will work but in an odd way. Acrobat will calculate correctly but will be one step behind. Don't know how to better explaine this.
Solution is to create formula or code in the end when all the fields are done or to delete formula (code), click OK or close, and then enter formula (code) again and it'll work.

Unfortunately I'm no artist, so if someone create new artwork (new look) for sheet, I can easily create a fillable, automated pdf sheet.


Ggodrick thanks for pointing this issue. I managed to reduced file size for kingdom sheet to cca 225kb, and army sheet to cca 150kb. Just for reference, before they were 3.8mb and 1.3mb :)

I created sheets in Adobe Acrobat X, and now I see why everybody are running from Acrobat and instead getting Foxit. I's a piece of junk.
The longer you work on pdf, the more garbage acrobat puts in it, and you can't remove it. Even with optimize and reduce file options. And thus, file size grows to unbelievable number.
I should really get rid of Acrobat and get Foxit :)

I had to change fonts type for some field (i.e. kingdom name field, reset buttons...) to reduce file size. When I tried to keep the old font for kingdom name, file size jumps from 200kb to cca 1mb. So I decided it's not worth it :)

You can access new versions from folder link in first post or this links:

UC Army Sheet v1.01
UC Kingdom Sheet v1.01

Does somebody knows how can I edit first post ???
I know that you can edit for max one hour after posting, but is there some work around ?
I want to have updated links in first post to keep things more organized.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to reduce size, but surely I can try. Give me a couple of days and I'll see what can I do :)

Well if you want one shot adventure for 1st lvl characters, I recommend We be Goblins. It's a lot of fun and pdf is free. And if you want another adventure with intrepid goblins, there also a sequel for 3rd lvl goblin characters. We be Goblins Too. Free again :)
Also there is module which is very friendly to starting players and GM. Name is Crypt of Everflame.

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I just tried links and they are working fine for me. I tried it while I was logged off from dropbox just to be sure. Don't know why you are getting a error. Several of my friends also downloaded through this links and everything was ok.
If you want, PM me your mail address and I'll send you the sheets.

Hi guys. I'm new here so I'll have to advertise myself a little :)
I've made automated fillable pdf kingdom sheet from Ultimate Campaign for use with Kingmaker.
If anyone is interested here is topic link

Also I have to congratulate Brad and Berhangen on good job with this spreadsheet. :)
If my group weren't already accustomed using virtual table application (TTopRPG) and fillable pdf, we would surely use this spreadsheet :)


Graveyard is adding +1 to Loyalty. +1 Economy was a mistake in Kingmaker rules. Paizo confirmed this in one of the topics for Kingmaker

You welcome :)

Thank you :)

I created automated fillable pdf sheet for kingdom management presented in UCAM.
Here is link if somebody need it.

22 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi guys.
I run Kingmaker adventure path (online with TTopRPG virtual table), and a need arise for fillable kingdom sheet. I created kingdom automated fillable pdf sheet to help my players managing their kingdom. With a release of Ultimate Campaign, we decided to switch to rules presented in UC, so I've made another fillable kingdom sheet (automated) and fillable army sheet.

Unfortunately I can't share Kingdom sheet found in adventure path Kingmaker because of Community Use Policy terms, but I can share sheets from Ultimate Campaign.

I uploaded the files in my Dropbox account. Here is the folder link

UC Kingdom Sheet v1.0.pdf - fillable kingdom sheet based on sheet found in Ultimate Campaign
Sheet is completely automated.

UC Army Sheet v1.0.pdf - fillable army sheet based on sheet found in Ultimate Campaign.

City.xls - this is auxiliary file for managing cities. Also helps for filling out bonuses in kingdom sheet. File is created in Office 2007, so it's best to open in Office 2007 or 2010. It isn't tested in earlier Office versions, so I don't know how it'll behave. In my experience probably it'll look uglier and more messy.

If anyone found some odd behavior or bug, please report it, so I can make corrections.

P.S. I apologize for repost. I broke Community Use Policy terms with sharing sheet from Kingmaker AP and I had to remove the link and repost again.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I use TTopRPG virtual tabletop to run Kingmaker online over the skype because my party is scattered around :)
It's for PC or Mac using win emulator.
This is the best virtual tabletop I found (I tried a lot, lot of them), and most importantly, it's free. And have very, very ease learning curve.
You can also use it to help your GM-ing while playing on table. For the map purpose, fog of war, combat, initiative. Also you can easy make macros for rolls.
You just need two laptops. One for GM and one for the players.
I use TTopRPG, Skype and fillable automated pdf sheets for kingdom managment and army which I created.

Try it out even if you don't wanna use it. Just for the ideas what to implement in you app.

Good luck with you app