
Macgreine's page

Organized Play Member. 120 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Hello I was hoping to gm some weekly online games for pfs. Is that allowed or do I need an affiliation or something? I know how to report sheets and everything but is there someone I need to contact or something to do this?


I am new to Gm'ing PF2e and the other day I had a player who was five feet away from an enemy and on a ledge 5 ft above them. The player wanted to jump down on the enemy using a power attack with his longsword as he came down. Is this possible and how would you rule it?


What are the requirements regarding chronicle sheets for online play? Is an e-sig okay for the GM to use form fill-able pdf's?


If the party is attacking the BBEG and he casts dominate person on the Barb and said barb fails the will save, the BBEG commands the barb to come to his side and protect him.

What happens next?

Would this be considered to be "forced to take an action against his nature?"

If so having just failed a save would he be immediately make another?

And then would he have to take one every round?

Thanks for any help with this.

PS Barb is N if that matters.


I have a player who is wanting to do this. He moved through a pool of muck, tried to climb a muddy embankment , fell and then tried to climb it again this time with success.

It seems like a lot to do in a round so I am wondering if the rules cover this.


I have a PC who is asking whether or not a flask can have MW or magical (+1,2 ect) qualities. I am having a hard time finding a ruling on this. His argument is that since ammunition can gain this quality then crafted flasks should also have the option of having this quality since he can have a "flask Launcher" or a "launching crossbow" which basically makes his flasks ammo.

I am not sure if there are guidelines for this.


I cant seem to find info on one. Does anyone know of one or should I just invent one?


Is there such a thing and where can I find one?


I was wondering if hovering is a separate action or is it part of somethings move action. For instance;

A dragon uses its flyby attack to use its breath weapon on some unlucky party. Can it move in, hover (causing a cloud of debris while it breathes) use its breath weapon and fly past in the same round?

btw it has flyby attack and hover.


Once per round while using Crane Style, when you have at least one hand free and are either fighting defensively or using the total defense action, you can deflect one melee weapon attack that would normally hit you. You expend no action to deflect the attack, but you must be aware of it and not flat-footed. An attack so deflected deals no damage to you.

Is a natural claw attack considered a melee weapon attack?


I was wondering how a weapon like this works. It says;
A huge, crude crook of sharpened metal, an ogre hook takes its name from the savages who most typically employ it. Usually created by ogres, these are often Large, and awkward for most humanoids to use.

Benefit: You can use an ogre hook to make trip attacks.

Weapon Feature(s): trip

My question is when a character is using one and makes a successful attack does it deal its damage plus get an additional CMB roll to see if it trips?


It doesn't seem like it but I was wondering if a creature immune to magic attacks would be affected by it. Just to clarify its a wraith attacking a wilo-wisp.




in the description it says this enormous beast has a 10' span on its antler rack, yet it states it only has a reach of 5' with its gore attack. What the?


In our campaign my players are moving through an area on dog sleds. They have come to a point where 80 ft in front of them are 4 rangers with bows ready to attack. They have decided not to stop but to plow oon through.

Do they gain some advantage against the attack because I think they have a movement rate of 70ft on the sleds. It seems it would be more difficult for the ranger to hit them moving at that speed.


Last night one of the PC's in our game became possessed with an incorporeal spirit. Something called a screamer. Once he was possesed the screamer started a suicidal frenzy trying to make the possesed PC kill himself.

One of the party members used a cmw spell in an attempt to damage the screamer. He had to make a touch attack on the possesed PC because he didn't want to be healed, he was hell bent on suicide. The touch was successful and damage was dealt to the screamer only. I told him that I would allow the spell to either damage or heal but not both.

Did I play that out right? How would you have done it?


Is it possible for PC's to craft something without having the appropriate skill?

For example can players craft a trap without ranks in the craft trap skill?


Anyone have to introduce a new PC after the Black Rider encounter? How did you handle the mantle?


Does anyone know of a resource that provides a description of the world or Kingdom in which the Campaign setting of Bards Gate exists?


I posted this in the advice forum and realized I should have posted it here.

I was wondering if these 2 can be used together. The description for ring of force shield says:
This ring generates a shield-sized (and shield-shaped) wall of force that stays with the ring and can be wielded by the wearer as if it were a heavy shield (+2 AC).

Does wearing and wielding this still leave you with a free hand (the requirement for crane wing) if your weapon is in your other hand?


I was wondering if these 2 can be used together. The description for ring of force shield says:
This ring generates a shield-sized (and shield-shaped) wall of force that stays with the ring and can be wielded by the wearer as if it were a heavy shield (+2 AC).

Does wearing and wielding this still leave you with a free hand (the requirement for crane wing) if your weapon is in your other hand?


I have a party of 5 I am bringing through a few of the DCC modules. The players get along well enough but one of the PC's who is a dwarven fighter slaughtered a bunch of unarmed bugbears (women and children) the other night and the Druid ( Lawful Neutral) and the archer (neutral good) say they cant continue on in the party if he is committing such atrocities.

i dont want the game to fall apart and the Fighter is saying that he spared the lives of countless people by killing the females and children before they grow up and breed. Bugbears killed some of his family at one time.

Both sides make good points and are right in their own minds.


One of my players is rouge who was using feint quite a bit in our last game. I wasn't too sure of how the skill works so I took his word for it to expedite combat. Now after looking at it I think he may have been doing it wrong.
He would feint then get a sneak attack in the same round. After reading the text it looks like it is a standard action so he wouldn't be able to make an attack in the same round he used it.

Could someone clarify this for me?


I was wondering how you go about handling this a a GM. If I am reading this right if you have a caster level of 10 he can animate 20 HD of undead to follow him around. In combat that means lots of attacks and such slowing it to crawl while other players fall asleep. How do you deal with this?


Lets say I have a Shambler that is CR6 and I add another shambler which is CR 6 and two Bugbears which are CR2 each, what is the CR of the encounter and how do you figure it out?
Thanks for help, Mac


I was wondering If two Anti-paladins of at least 3rd level are both within 10 feet of the same enemy, do their Auras of Cowardice stack, resulting in a -8 to will saves?


If I am reading this correctly it says that this guy does 4 attacks per full attack round? 2 with the right and 2 with the left? If not what is the +10/+5 after the morning star and the +9/+4 after the MW shortsword?

Bugbear Rgr4: CR 6; Medium Humanoid;
HD 3d8+4d10+14; hp 66; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 21, flatfooted
17, touch 14; BAB +6; Grp +10; Atk +2 morningstar
+12 melee (1d8+6; 1d8+8 vs. humans); Full Atk
+2 morningstar +10/+5 melee (1d8+6; 1d8+8 vs.
humans) and masterwork shortsword +9/+4 melee
(1d6+4/19-20; 1d6+6/19-20 vs. humans); SA favored
enemy (humans); SQ Animal companion (recently
deceased), combat style (two-weapon combat), darkvision,
scent, wild empathy; AL CE; SV Fort +8, Ref +12,
Will +3; Str 18, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 6.
Skills and Feats: Hide +11, Move Silently +15, Spot
+13 (+15 vs. humans), Survival +8; Alertness, Cleave,
Endurance, Power Attack, Track.
Spells Prepared (1; save DC = 11 + spell level): 1st
– entangle.
Possessions: +2 morningstar, masterwork shortsword,
+1 studded leather armor, 2 potions of cure light
wounds (CL 5th)


The party I am GM'ing for has made friends with an Ogre npc from the campaign. I think its great and they want to keep him around. My question is how do I handle xp? Does he get a split and level with the party?


I was surprised tonight to find that the max dex modifier pertaining to certain armor types only affects dex based skills and not dex based attacks, I just cant picture someone wearing full plate and trying to handle a bow and arrow as if the weren't wearing any armor. But I read and re- read the rules and it only says the modifier applies to dex based skills. Does anyone have a clarification on this?


Obviously the CR charts from the CRB dont work with all the advanced races, archetypes and so on.What is supposed to be an epic encounter is very easy.How do you adjust things to keep the game challenging and fun for the players without raising the exp?


I was wondering how you would go about running this in sequence. It seems that characters using PFS leveling would not be ready for the next adventure level. What I am saying is completing Crypt of the Everflame would leave players at 2nd level when they should be 3rd to start MOTLG and finishing Motlg would leave players at level 2 when they should be 5 to start City of golden death. anyone ever dealt with this?


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Does anyone know of a feat or anything that would allow me to move-attack and then move again?


I was wondering if anyone could tell me the ideal # of players for the average AP and what character creation guidelines to use? Are there books that should be excluded from use ect. And if you could please let me know the source of the info your sharing.

Thanks , Mac


Can a cleric channel energy through walls?