
Macgreine's page

Organized Play Member. 120 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


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I received my physical copy yesterday and I notice that the artwork in the printed book is a lot tonally darker than the digital artwork. The content is great but the something went wrong printing the artwork.


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Not something I will play but good luck with it.


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Are these available to people who have rulebook subscriptions?


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Kickstarters are stupid. Dont do them and you should be fine. There's a lot of talented writers and game designers out there of which Gary is definitely one. Would I give any of them money to write and publish something? No. Show me the product and I will decide whether its a good purchase or not.

Kickstarters are stupid. You may be putting someone into business that has no idea how to run a business and then you get mad that they cant run a business when you put them there in the first place. Don't assume that because someone can design a killer game that they can run a business. Left lobe , right lobe thing, anyway...

What were we thinking? Good heavens......


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chaoseffect wrote:
RAW doesn't necessarily make sense a lot of the time. You get used to it :p

Or you house rule it. Which is what I would do.

Common sense > RAW


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My previous is edited for confusion. Lol


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I hope you figure out a way to this and I am glad I am not GM'ing you. Sounds epic. Rock on.


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Thanks for all the great advice. I have sought out wise counsel and found it here.

I think its been more difficult to settle because the game has been more of a tactical dungeon crawl with less character development and rp. Add to that the fact that we play on a vtt and the players dont really know each other well.

I have sent out an email asking the players to work it out in character and my hope is it will improve the game play overall and lead up to some great Rp. Time will tell,
Thanks for all the great advice.


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The biggest issue's I have found are the maps are too tight (small?). There's hardly any room to move around on the fringes. When I place my players tokens on a map I have to stack them all up in a corner until they decide whats next.
The other thing is that on the frozen crossing map, the dark blue ice patches aren't removable and very difficult to edit out in a photo editor. My party just avoided them thinking there was something wrong with the ice in those places. It makes that part of the encounter unusable.

Just my 2 cents...


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Does anyone know of a feat or anything that would allow me to move-attack and then move again?