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This goof.

It is one of my favorite terrible movies.

Maybe "Law" isn't the right concept. More "the Status Quo." Fights to keep things the way they have always been, without much consideration to the way things should be.

What about a dual wielding gun toting paladin? I'm thinking sort of like Christian Bale from equilibrium. Believes in Druid traditions (source of magic) and worships the Law as if a religion unto its own.

Are you full up yet?

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

I'll have to look that up. I didn't mark a color on my sheet.

I'm over extended but I will be watching this with interest. Your Beats mechanic is fascinating.

Out of curiosity, when you say: "don't be afraid to leave a 7-9 in your post" are you anticipating that people will reroll until they get the result they want (as a featured mechanic)?

Volsung, which of the three methods of flight would make the most sense in this setting?

I was thinking maybe of going with an avian race if that would work.

In that case I'll go with Sky Dancer, another that I've never seen in play before.

I am certainly interested. I'll try to come up with a good character concept.

EDIT: I'd like to try out the Walker from Inverse World. I've never seen it in play before.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets
BastianQuinn wrote:

I may be gearing up for something... interesting campaign-wise.

How are people's opinions of Funnel World?

I have listened to an AP of Funnel World that was pretty damn entertaining. I love the concept of using Funnel World to create the party. Whichever of your PCs survives becomes your PC for a longer campaign.

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Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

Friends, I've come to the realization that I'm just not able to continue GMing this campaign. I keep expecting to have new inspiration "sometime soon" but it just doesn't come.

I'm not sure why. I love the worlds we built. It has been a blast, but now it feels like a job. I'm sorry.

Spwack, I love your murderbot and I enjoyed adventuring with Emma.

Bastian, I love all your characters and your unfettered creativity.

Retzack, you changed goblins forever for me. All of my future campaigns will have goblins in your image.

Elsine, Dexter has been a blast and I consider the campaign you are running to be now-mandatory GM training for me. You make it seem effortless.

I will remain as a player in Elsine's campaign because I love it, and I want to continue improving the craft. I am also sure I will run another DW campaign in the future. I intend to PM each of you with invitations when I'm ready. I hope you will all be available.

Again, apologies. I hate to end so abruptly so I hope you will indulge me in a few final posts. I'd like to narrate the end of this mission and then have each of you (if you want) give us an epilogue post. How do things end up for you?


Of course, if any of you would like to take over GMing, you are more than welcome to continue playing in this world.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets


Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

Tasha Yar is a big fan.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

Dexter, that is a 10. For your narration purposes, Sona will find you in short order. The team's comm lines are filled with static, punctuated by occasional curses that cut through the static. Cap'n Bucanero seems frantic at this point.

2BR and Retzack, the door to the elevator shaft opens without you having to press the button.

A small girl's voice rings out. Come in! You hear heavy footsteps behind you and see three assault androids approaching at high speed. They begin firing at you as they close distance.

What do you do?

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

Wheel of Fate: 1d2 ⇒ 2

Dexter, you begin leading the escaped prisoners towards the Sixes. Near you one of the prisoners kneels in pain from his shock collars, but you manager to drag him along. Please roll to see if you find what you seek.

Sona, although you have logged out, the ship schematic remains fresh in your mind. You can move directly towards the Sixes, or move to intercept Dexter. What do you do?

Retzack and 2BR, as you move towards the bridge, the emergency lights seem to dim. 2BR, your audio receptors very clearly pick up soft laughter that doesn't seem to be localized. Retzack, you hear no laughter, only sharp cries of pain of a familiar voice. It is certainly Dexter. You soon find yourself at a turbolift shaft that you believe will lead onto the bridge. What do you do?

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

So that is Dexter moving towards Sona. Retzack and 2BR heading to the bridge?

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

I believe that BoT has unofficially dropped from our campaign.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

Asking questions and acting on answers here.

Is the plan for 2BR/Retzack to assault the bridge while Dexter/BoT escort the prisoners to the Sixes and meet up with Sona?

I just want to make sure that we are splitting the party into 3 parts when facing a teleporting, far-seeing, sadist. Just making sure.

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Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

What (goal): To return to the Sixes or stay and do more damage
Where: Detention Center of the Hierophant
Why: To rescue Quibbick the Goblin from the vile clutches of the AoS
Who: The teleporting, far-seeing, ear-cutting Elf Commander has been taunting you.
How: With extreme violence.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

Oh! It's the teleporting elf that cut off your ear. You can trigger Reminders on the elf too if you had ever run into him before he captured you.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets
Dexter Hyde wrote:
Sona Θ3 wrote:
Han Solo X Chewbacca = Ron Bucanero
I cannot tell you how confusing that was for a moment. I never knew he named the owlbear captain after his character in my game

Actually the other way around. Remember when I first "auditioned" for your game I asked if I could maybe play an intelligent owlbear...

For Reminders of the Past, this goblin woman is a blank canvas for you.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

Over the ship comms you hear a voice familiar to Dexter. Welcome! We've arrived at our destination. I can't wait to introduce you to my comrades!

Emergency bulkheads begin slamming shut throughout the ship.

What do you do?

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets
Dexter Hyde wrote:
Umm... Embarrassing question, but I just remembered that there was a control panel that could "release the prisoners. would that disengage the collars, or just open the doors?

Good question. You suspect it would be a complete override of all restraint systems.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

I think you would have lost your gambit for going out of combat.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets
BunkR BustR wrote:
Completely metagaming, but what would my stun blast do to small electronic devices?

It would depend on your roll. It could disable it. It could cause more entertaining problems.

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Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

What should I be on the lookout for?

The goblin girl is your target. The collar is fitted with a secondary mechanic kill-switch. An attempt to physically remove the collar would be dangerous.

What here is useful or valuable to me?

2BR's salvo miraculously avoided damage to the main control panel for the detention area. You could relatively easily free all of the captives if you desired.

Who’s really in control here?

You notice that one of the control lights in blinking in an unusual and unmistakeable pattern. This is an ancient nautical code. S ... O ... N ... A.

The code repeats.

What do you do?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

As Dexter has a moment with Retzack, 2BR absolutely lays waste to the distracted guards. It is horrifying and messy, and was cut out of the film to remove the NC-17 rating, so I can't go into too much detail.

The way forward is clear, although warning alarms ring in the air from the explosion down the hallway.

In the distance through smoke and gore you see a small figure emerge from a broken cell. She grunts in pain and collapses to the ground.

What do you all do?


Sona, you manage to terminate the kill switch before it can deliver a fatal blow. However, the sensors suggest that whoever is wearing the collar still took a healthy blast and has fallen unconscious.

Rudimentary defensive protocols in the collar begin whirring up, realizing that there is some interference in the system.

What do you do?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

I think I'll be taking XP for triggering your Horrifying murderbot flag ...

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

2BR deftly grabs Dexter as Melphits spins off into the rift void.

Vampire hunter turned zombie who breaks free to jump out into hyperspace. I don't think I've ever heard of a better villain origin story.

With ease, the killbot flicks Dexter back towards the control panel as the flow of air begins to lesson. With precise aim, Dexter has little problem shutting the outer door and beginning the pressurization process. Interesting that none of you actually care about the air loss.

Soon, the inner hatch opens and you are free to continue on towards the brig. Within a few moments, Retzack turns a corner to see a guard station between your group and the cells.

As you count the five men standing guard, far down the central corridor one of the cell doors explodes outward. The guards all turn to face this unexpected sound.

What do you all do?

Meanwhile ...

In a lonely cell not far away, a diminutive goblin girl stops sobbing, and reaches her hand out again. A blue orb of light appears and the girl starts. A wicked smile plays across her lips as she stands. Defiance burns within her eyes.

Sona, your new sensors indicate a huge temperature increase towards the front of the collar, combined with a powerful shockwave. Something just exploded. The internal gyro picks up the unmistakeable pattern of footsteps, and suddenly the kill switch is activated.

What do you do?

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

Somewhere not far from the chaos in the airlock:

A small female goblin sits in a holding cell. She appears despondent, and at rare intervals will raise her hand as if trying to cast a spell. Each time so does so, she yelps in pain, and reflexively puts her hands up to a thick collar before settling back against the wall. She sighs deeply and continues crying.

The camera pans in on the status lights of the controller, which begin flashing oddly for a few moments.

Sona, what do you do?

Love it Sona, mark xp.

In the chaos of the airlock:

2BR gracefully falls back towards the open hatch and locks his magnetic leg clamps onto the walls. Yet, despite his size, he cannot completely block the exit. Air continues to blow out of the airlock around his sides.

Retzack and Dexter manage to hold on for dear life, before turning their focus onto Melphits.

As the vampire engages in a futile attempt to regain control over his pet, Dexter attempts to kill it. Unfortunately, Dexter's failed attack gives Melphits an opportunity to disengage the mag-anchor.

Both Dexter and Melphits fall towards 2BR and the airlock exit. 2BR, you have one arm, who do you catch at the very last minute?

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

Can't believe I forgot to put the timezone. It's 3:30 EST.

Using Teamspeak3 (free) and roll20 (free).

It will be a playtest of Space Trip.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

I'll be trying to put together a live game at 3:30pm today (10/8) if any of you would be interested.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets
Blast-O-Tron v3 wrote:


I've said this in other threads that I know you see, MCKhaos, but what I said there applies to this game too. I feel badly that I've been so quiet this past week. I'll be back soon, promise.

I'll attempt to Make It So on a live game in that time frame but I am not optimistic. Don't worry about posting frequency ... I certainly currently live in a glass house in the area of posting frequency!

Side note, if any of ya'll would like to run a blind playtest of Space Trip for me, that would be ... like pretty cool man. I've recently made it a bit more generic so that it should work with any episodic starship-based sci fi show (Star Trek, Star Wars Rebels, Firefly, Farscape, BSG, Red Dwarf, etc.). It was birthed in Star Trek, but I'm converting my Star Wars PbP from FFG over to Space Trip, so hopefully the system can handle all the different tropes.

Here's the current 5-page playable Alpha v0.4.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets
Dexter Hyde wrote:
Can I use my charisma roll from my earlier "Whoopsies" post? it was fun to write

I'll take the combination of Retzack and Hyde's rolls as a 7-9 result. You will be at 3 hold after this scene.

Melphits leads you away from the destroyed spiderbots down a dose corridor that heads to the outer hull. He stands before a locked door and takes a moment to center himself, as if it is difficult to speak. We kept prisoners near the hull so we could vent them if they caused trouble. He punches in a code and the door opens. There is a second hatch on the other side about 20 feet from the entrance. He motions you through (and thanks to a 6-) you proceed. Once you are all through, he steps in after you and punches in another code that seals the door behind him.

The zombie contorts his face in a mask of pain. We are abominations! He slams his hand on the control panel and the opposite hatch begins to open to reveal the purple glow of riftspace. Air begins flowing out, and it becomes difficult to keep your balance.

What do you all do?

Sona, making sure I read your post correctly. You remain in the Matrix but are keeping a low profile, correct?

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets
Blast-O-Tron v3 wrote:

Sounds fun! I can't because I have my baby son on weekends and I need to sleep when he sleeps at night so I can keep up with him during the day!

If you do any sessions that fall after 5:30 PM Mondays thru Thursdays I would be so in.

What time zone?

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

So I have no idea what time zone you are all in but ...

If you'd like to participate in a live game with me I will be running a playtest of my Star Trek hack from 11pm-1am PST this Friday (tomorrow). That's 2am-4am EST.

So if any of you happen to live in Europe and want to play in a game Saturday morning, let me know.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

2BR crashes forward as the spiderbots begin to latch onto Dexter and BoT. Like a robotic elephant of death, 2BR has not forgotten these things. He bats left and right with his remaining clawed hand, sending the bots sprawling into sparking heaps. From 2BR's shoulder, Miss Muffet leaps into the fray, like a soldering angel of death.

Inspired by 2BR, Dexter begins smashing spiderbots to pieces, and joins 2BR in ripping them off BoT before drawing his phase blade.

The bots are temporarily pushed back by this combined effort, and then stop in their tracks when Melphits addresses them. They are clearly confused, attempting to determine whether Melphits has authority to stop them. The hesitation comes to an end as an animated massage table bursts out of a nearby room and begins flailing at the creatures. Discretion is the better part of valor for robots as well as organics, and the bots flee down a side corridor.

Loved the solutions there. No damage for anyone.

Silence falls over the corridor as the party continues in the direction Sona indicated.

Can I get a Search the Hierophant roll? You have 2 hold.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets
Blast-O-Tron v3 wrote:

Even with Dexter's attempts to aid him, BoT is rapidly becoming overwhelmed. In his command chair back at the ship, Jamee is pelted on all sides by alarm klaxons blaring at him.

A particularly significant number of them are focusing their plasma drills on the back of the RAB's chassis and on the head. With a growl of rage, Jamee flips on the jetpack's thrusters and rams his own body into the ceiling! Hopefully, a few of the blasted things are crushed in the process. Should I roll to do that?

[dice=Unsure of which stat to use]2d6

Did you recover your jetpack?

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

It isn't that hack, Retzack. This is my take. I've been having trouble with google drive links lately so this may not work. It started as an attempt to put my "13th Age backgrounds as replacement for stats" idea into practice, then exploded into a full blown game. My goal was to keep the entire game under 4 pages total, and I've hit that goal so far. I'll be playtesting it live on Friday for the first time.

Destructive criticism would be more than welcome.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

Can't believe its been a week already since I posted. Time flies when you've become irrationally obsessed with creating a Star Trek PbtA hack. I will update tonight.

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Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

Sona, I do want to get into the Sprawl moves. I will try to do a better job with giving opportunities to spend hold. Also, take the console cowboy move, because I think it has a great name. For the purposes of this scene, lets just arbitrarily say that you are otherwise clean but that I had implemented a Blue ICE routine against you (the light heading right towards you). Let's interpret your control roll as a 7 on a Melt Ice ... so you temporarily disabled that ICE, but it managed to increase your Trace by 1 to a total of 1. I'm not sure we decided on your "deck" stealth rating, but let's set it to 3, unless it is already higher.

So narratively ...

Sona, you disappear gracefully into the milling crowd as the light dashes back and forth over the area you were a moment ago. You sense the web tightening, but are otherwise unaffected.

What do you do? Please feel free to ask for more details, but you have more or less carte blanche to help me narrate this scene. If you think the ship would have a security system to compromise or another system to manipulate, then it does. For example, the spiders attacking the group could be targeted with a compromise security roll.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets
Blast-O-Tron v3 wrote:

After repairing his BoT's injuries by injecting the nano-machines directly into his biofeedback harness, Jamee makes his robot snap his fingers in a remembering gesture.

"That beamsword I took off Captain Huxton! I still have it!" relieved that he actually still has a weapon on him after his Vibrospear was taken, the elf boy taps his own thigh wearing his control gloves, and on the RAB, a compartment opens up to reveal the beamsword inside.

He pulls it out just as the party is attacked by a swarm of bug-robots! He had doubts as to how effective it would be, but he brandished the sword anyway, thankful to have something instead of nothing.

[dice=Damage]1d8 (RAE is still "healing")

BoT and Dexter, you slice and shoot down the first dozen spiders as they approach, but then the swarm is truly on you. Despite your valiant efforts, the swarming bugs begin to latch onto each of you. Plasma drills begin whirring ominously as you attempt to shake them off. No damage yet, but bad things are about to happen. You may want to defy this danger as best you can.

2BR and Miss Muffet charge into the fray to come to BoT and Dexter's aid. Sona and 2BR, BoT and Dexter are about to have a very bad day, how do you spend your defend hold?

Retzack, the spiders that have ignored your comrades and are approaching you along the ceiling slow down at Melphits' words. They gather in a bunch above you before dropping to the ground in a circle around you. One of the spiders stands on its hind legs and inspects you with a set of eight glowing red eyes. It sways back and forth as if considering your words while the others chitter excitedly.

Waiting to see if anyone is narratively able to aid that roll.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

Retzack, it looks like you are trying to Parley. What is your leverage?

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets
Retzack, the Black wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Much. I don't actually have the vampire playbook. Hence me confusion.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets
Retzack, the Black wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

:( I don't get it.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

Yes you can level. And you can definitely use your worldly move to take Gambit. We will need to tweak it since we are not using bonds. Just act like you have a bond with every other player.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

They heal 10 hp. Sona is back in the control room on the wing of the ship jacked into the ship computer. You can certainly defend Retzack, BoT and Dexter though.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

Retzack, animal blood works, but not as well as humanoid blood. What is the difference? Fey blood doesn't satisfy your hunger, but it is delicious. 1:1 conversion is probably a bit much.

Sona, would you mind (not a rush) putting the sprawl matrix moves into your character sheet?

Haha Dexter. When I saw that post this morning during a short work break I just noped out of the thread. "I'll deal with this later."

For now we are rolling aid the way we roll defy danger. Whatever stat you justify.

I'll wait to see 2BR's actions before resolving what is already out there.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

Alright, I'm ready to move back into the swing of things. I've got two 6-'s hanging out there, and you've elected to face the dangers of the Hierophant to get 2 hold. It's christmas time. We are officially implementing the new defy danger rule now.

Do you guys want to take a breather to patch up? In retrospect, have I really never given you enough gold or an opportunity to purchase healing potions? That's not fair. The party brought four healing potions from the Lucky Sixes. These things are truly a magical/mechanical marvel. They consist of tens of thousands of magically infused nano-machines suspended in a dark liquid. Upon consumption, they immediately begin repairing damaged tissue, and also work on purely mechanical systems. Take an opportunity to patch up if you'd like.

As Retzack removes various barriers he accidentally rips out a large power conduit leading to a control console. This causes a cascading failure that completely disables the central shuttle transport system.

Fortunately, soon after you realize that you've earned yourselves a nice long walk through unfamiliar, hostile territory, lights on the floor begin flicking in an unmistakeable come-hither pattern.

You move into a side corridor and begin moving quickly towards the front of the ship. Your feet clang rhythmically against the metal floor and soon you realize that the rhythm is picked up by the sound of a hundred smaller feet clanging very near by. 2BR, this sound is intimately familiar. From a side corridor, two dozen small, bug like robots pour out in front of you. They chitter menacingly, and spread across the corridor, and up the walls, and onto the ceiling as they rush towards you. It is immediately apparent that these things are working together, and have dedicated a portion of their number to each of you.

What does everyone but Sona do?

Sona, as you skillfully manipulate the ship's systems to guide your companions, you fail to notice a bright blue orb descending right towards you. It is mere moments from engulfing your head in a bright light.

What do you do?

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

I didn't even think about the silver. The silk handkerchief does not have any silver in it.

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