Snowcaster Sentry

Lyrysa Shadowhisper's page

377 posts. Alias of Xzaral.


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{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

I'm certain it's been noticed that my posting's been sparse as of late. I'm afraid that if I continue this will keep happening, and probably just get worse. I've tried a few things to keep up (drop games, schedule posting time, etc), but it hasn't helped enough. At this point I'm just dragging things out. So rather than continue on this course I think the most prudent thing for me to do would be to drop the games I'm in.

I do apologize for taking this course of action. I don't like quitting things, which honestly is just as much part of the problem. I've taken on too much, both professionally and personally, and now I'm at that point where everything I'm doing is suffering from it. It's not just here where I've made mistakes and now I need to get things in order. I hope there are no hard feelings but I do understand if there are. Once again, I'm sorry for this.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

"Your response has answered my concerns, sire. May we claim this land in the name of lord."

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

"I would also voice Randu's and Drogan's concerns. It would be a waste if all our training were to go to waste because another decided to lump us in with the cattle."

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

I too am agreeable.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Back from my trip and getting caught up again!

If there's anything we can do to help, Big OM, let us know. We all have days like that!

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

LEVEL UP Up up!!!

Hit points 10 -> 15
Base Fort Save 0 -> 1
Base Ref Save 0 -> 1

Feat Gained!
Spell Focus (Enchantment)

Trait Gained!
Walk amidst the unfaithful

Skills Gained!
Appraise 2 -> 3
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 0 -> 1
Bluff 2 -> 3
Diplomacy 2 -> 3
Intimidate 2 -> 3
Spellcraft 2 -> 3
Craft (Alchemy) 1 -> 2
Linguistics 1 -> 3
Disguise 0 -> 1

Spells Gained!
Seducer's Eyes
Scorching Ray

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Hit Points: 1d3 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Rolling hit points quickly to get that out of the way. I plan to level tonight.

Regarding the trait, if I may suggest one for me?

"Walk amidst the unfaithful" Gain a +1 trait bonus to disguise checks and disguise becomes a class skill.

Regarding the montage.

Aside from reminding that even Rocky had a montage (bonus points for reference!), I'm feeling that Lyrysa might be looking at other forms of magic. I definitely felt pretty useless down there overall, what with all the things immune to mind-affecting. If you'd want to include anything like that, please feel free. I'm not 100% sure what spells I'll be taking this level. I've got invisibility from the Warden's Spellbook, so that's good. And Hideous Laughter (Yay!). One will be an enchantment spell of course, the other probably something a bit more combative. Maybe Scorching Ray.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Computer is fixed. I'll be catching up over the course of this week to get caught back up. Apologies for the delays.

I'll figure this out shortly, Big Om.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

So this morning my computer decided to go all screwy on me. I didn't have time to troubleshoot so I'll be looking at it tonight. I'm hoping it's something minor but wanted to give a heads up if I don't post that's why.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

"Of course, Randu." Lyrysa attempts to aid Randu in his attacks.

I'm assuming Dragon and Randu are flanking now at this point.

Aid Another: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9 Sadly no assist

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229


HP 10/10
AC 13 FF10 T13 CMD 13
F/R/W 0/3/2
Beguiling Touch 7/7
Arcane Bond 0/1
0th - Daze, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st - Charm Person, Color Spray (Cast), Silent Image, Sleep (Cast)

Lyrysa keeps up her attempts to throw Sir Balin off balance. "Just die already!"

Aid Another: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 +2 For Erodin

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Lyrysa flashes Drogan a bitter look, but still complies. "Better to die here than face failure." Drawing the looted sword as she moves, she takes it up in two hands, attempting to give one of the others an opening.

Not sure who's flanking with who, but I'll flank for the other. Move to move to spot and draw sword as I move, standard to aid another attack on Erodin.

Aid Another: 1d20 + 0 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 0 + 2 = 20 That's a +2 to hit Erodin.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229


HP 10/10
AC 13 FF10 T13 CMD 13
F/R/W 0/3/2
Beguiling Touch 7/7
Arcane Bond 0/1
0th - Daze, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st - Charm Person, Color Spray (Cast), Silent Image, Sleep (Cast)

I'll continue with the Ray's of Frost then, last round and this round. If he's too high for sleep, he's too high for daze. And in combat so no charm person.

Lyrysa continues blasting the knight, hoping to wear him down as the other's continue to pummel him.

Ray of Frost: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 - 4 = 17
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1

Ray of Frost: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 - 4 = 10
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 2

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Ah, I did! Sorry about that, I must've forgot to mark it off so thought I hadn't used it yet. I apologize for that, totally my fault. Ray of frost then.

Attack: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 - 4 = 19
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229


HP 10/10
AC 13 FF10 T13 CMD 13
F/R/W 0/3/2
Beguiling Touch 7/7
Arcane Bond 0/1
0th - Daze, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st - Charm Person, Color Spray (Cast), Silent Image, Sleep (Cast)

Lyrysa summons the power of her Arcane Bond, forming a missile of force and sending it into the knight.

Step further away, arcane bond to cast Magic Missile.

Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Just a thought. He technically can't take AoOs while using Total Defense. Not sure if it's a good idea or not, but trying to maybe grapple him might be an idea. If two of you help the third, we may be able to get him pinned, then tied up. Hell, I could even assist in that, I've got a 50/50 chance of granting a +2.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Round 2


HP 10/10
AC 13 FF10 T13 CMD 13
F/R/W 0/3/2
Beguiling Touch 7/7
Arcane Bond 0/1
0th - Daze, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st - Charm Person, Color Spray (Cast), Silent Image, Sleep (Cast)

Glad to not be near death! Though the spell might've been better in the end.

Lyrysa steps away from Sir Balin, the strike of his blade to close for comfort. Drawing upon the power of her arcane bone, she instead resummons a spell of sleep, hoping to put him down quickly.

Sleep, targeting only Balin. DC 15

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Round 1


HP 10/10
AC 13 FF10 T13 CMD 13
F/R/W 0/3/2
Beguiling Touch 7/7
Arcane Bond 1/1
0th - Daze, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st - Charm Person, Color Spray (Cast), Silent Image, Sleep

Seeing Drogan nearly run through, Lyrysa is taken aback for a moment before unleashing a spray of colors upon Balin.

Color Spray DC 15 on Balin, wanting to target only him.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

"Well now, Timeon, it would seem we've found your master. And it appears he's all dressed and ready to greet us. Though I must ask, Sir Balin. Are you willing to risk your squire's life for your crusade? Or perhaps we can make a deal?"

Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

For the party, ooc:
For those wanting to kill the guy, my 'deal' is basically going to be he can take his life and I (not we) spare Timeon. I doubt he'll go for it, but you never know.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Hmm, considering Timeon's reaction from when me and Adriana talked to him, I'd say I wasn't. At least not openly.

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

"It is the way of our Lord. The need to have powerful minions to do your deeds, but to be wary should they gain the power and ambition to throw off the shackles and become the master. For us to constantly prove our worth but to be wary of showing too great strength otherwise we shall be put down as a threat. And in the end an entire country wanting to see us dead." Lyrysa can't help but smile at the thought, turning to Timeon. "It is that which makes us strong. We are not coddled as you Mitrans are at every turn, being provided for and seeking his blessing. Each of us are forged through trials we face each day, much as this one. But for ours, even a simple dinner can be our final moments merely for a task well done. If you had a chance to grow as any of us may well have, perhaps you would have had the strength of character to oppose us." She speaks each words simply, as though lecturing a student.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Round 6


HP 10/10
AC 13 FF10 T13 CMD 13
F/R/W 0/3/2
Beguiling Touch 7/7
Arcane Bond 1/1
0th - Daze, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st - Charm Person, Color Spray, Silent Image, Sleep

Nearly beginning to curse the undead, Lyrysa unleashes another attack of ice. "If I could help in that regard, I would Randu."

Ray of Frost: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1

Note to self, Infernal Healing.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229


HP 10/10
AC 13 FF10 T13 CMD 13
F/R/W 0/3/2
Beguiling Touch 7/7
Arcane Bond 1/1
0th - Daze, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st - Charm Person, Color Spray, Silent Image, Sleep

And yet again, frost. "I think I would prefer the riddles to this."

Ray of frost: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Round 4


HP 10/10
AC 13 FF10 T13 CMD 13
F/R/W 0/3/2
Beguiling Touch 7/7
Arcane Bond 1/1
0th - Daze, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st - Charm Person, Color Spray, Silent Image, Sleep

Lyrysa tries again with the cold ray.

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3

Offense wise, I definitely seem lacking right now.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Works for me.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Round 3


HP 10/10
AC 13 FF10 T13 CMD 13
F/R/W 0/3/2
Beguiling Touch 7/7
Arcane Bond 1/1
0th - Daze, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st - Charm Person, Color Spray, Silent Image, Sleep

"Be prepared to retreat to the hall in case they try to swarm us as well."

Ray of Frost: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 2

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Round 2


HP 10/10
AC 13 FF10 T13 CMD 13
F/R/W 0/3/2
Beguiling Touch 7/7
Arcane Bond 1/1
0th - Daze, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st - Charm Person, Color Spray, Silent Image, Sleep

Lyrysa unleashes another blast of frost towards the creatures.

Ray of Frost: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 2

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229


HP 10/10
AC 13 FF10 T13 CMD 13
F/R/W 0/3/2
Beguiling Touch 7/7
Arcane Bond 1/1
0th - Daze, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st - Charm Person, Color Spray, Silent Image, Sleep

Having little to offer magic wise against these creatures, Lyrysa resorts to wracking her brain for some kind of knowledge on them, but this to is to no avail. In the end, she unleashes a stream of cold against them.

Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Ray of Frost: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

"Only what natural grace gives, I'm afraid on my part."


{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

"So. Shall we go through?"
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Lyrysa lets out a sigh as he backs away from Adriana. "Consider for a moment your situation. Your not dead. Your not even bound at the moment. Disarmed certainly, but can you blame us for that? You attacked us first. At no point has anyone in this group lied to you or even attempted to lead you astray. Now I certainly could use a spell to make you more compliant, but be honest with yourself. Do you have any worth to justify that? You're not even qualified to guard a privy, let alone be someone's squire. Even your attempt to overpower us was cowardly in nature, an attempt while otherwise distracted. I'm certain if your master is even alive, he's probably left you for dead. Now you can sit there and continue to prove every word I say true. If we must carry you, we will and I can promise you it will not be pleasant. Or you can stand and maybe give us a reason not to send you to your beloved Mitra when this is done with." Lyrysa says each word calmly, anger present but not uncontrolled.

Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

[ooc]Also did the amulet flag as magic from my Detect magic spell?[ooc]

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Lyrysa begins to scan the room, searching for any signs of magical auras within the room, including the pendant. "I'm still focusing upon the pendant, but it appears there's another door in this room. To the west on the wall, there's a thin sheet of stone in the middle of it."

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

"Regardless we should exercise caution. For one of us to be made a fool, I would venture some form of danger or trickery. Stay on guard."

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Round 6

The snakes seemingly being dealt with, Lyrysa turns back to help Adriana with the boy. "Let's try this instead." She begins to intone a spell of sleep.

Standard to cast sleep on Timeon. It takes effect beginning of my next turn, Will DC 15.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Round 4 and 5

Between the two threats presented, Lyrya focuses on the snakes, seeing the squire's attacks to be of little effect.

Ray of frost: 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (15) + 3 - 4 = 14
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 2

Ray of frost: 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 3 - 4 = 11
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 2

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Lyrysa keeps up her frosty assault on the snake.

Ray of Frost: 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 3 - 4 = 4
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Round 2


HP 10/10
AC 13 FF10 T13 CMD 13
F/R/W 0/3/2
Beguiling Touch 7/7
Arcane Bond 1/1
0th - Daze, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st - Charm Person, Color Spray, Silent Image, Sleep

Lyrysa leaves Adriana to handle Timeon and attempts to provide what help she can with her allies dealing with the snakes.

Move to an area without cover preferably, cast Ray of Frost.

Ray of Frost - In Melee (against touch AC): 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 2 - 4 = 8
Damage Cold: 1d3 ⇒ 1

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

The save stops further dexterity damage being dealt, but the existing dexterity damage will persist. If I recall, ability damage heals 1 point a day (2 with long term care). Faster if you have access to Lesser Restoration.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Round 1


HP 10/10
AC 13 FF10 T13 CMD 13
F/R/W 0/3/2
Beguiling Touch 7/7
Arcane Bond 1/1
0th - Daze, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st - Charm Person, Color Spray, Silent Image, Sleep

Seeing Timeon suddenly go on the offensive, she steps back from him and utters a spell, clouding his mind.

Daze on Timeon, DC 14

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

"While you travel with us, Timeon, learn that Mitra is not the only path in life." Lyrysa prepares for whatever may lie beyond the door as well.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Sorry about the sudden disappearance. I'm back now and caught up. Also fine with moving on.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Letting everyone know my boss is in town this week (surprise, surprise!) and it looks like I'll be working some pretty long days all week. I'll try to get posts in when I can, but will be tough. I apologize for the short notice I also suffered from. Please bot me in combat.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

We eagerly await your return!

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

He said metal snakes are close by, so was starting with that.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Lyrysa ponders vicious metal snakes for a moment, "It seems you may have been of some use. If you should remember anything else, speak quickly about it."

Here's a knowledge check if I can, based on what he's told us. That's any knowledge but dungeoneering.

Knowledge: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

"And where is your master now? Were you on an errand for him when you were kidnapped? Why would anyone wish to kidnap you?"

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

"There are many paths in this world to follow. Some of these lead to power and glory. Others, well, you look like the type to choose the better path. And that path starts by answering Lady Adriana's question. Who are you and why are you here?"

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

"Of course Adriana." Lyrysa comes up behind her, putting a calm look on her face as she does, a trained response when dealing with new slaves in her past. "We do not wish to harm you. We are just seeking information right now."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20 Add 1 if Charming applies.

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

"As good as any, unless there's some other clue in this room." Lyrysa takes a moment to check both doors for magical auras.

Perception North: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Perception East: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

{HP 15/15 | AC13 T13 FF10 CMD13 | F/R/W 1/4/2 | Init +3 Per +1 S.M -1 }Female Wizard (Manipulator) 3 XP: 5229

Sorry, busy time of year. Can't wait for it to be over, lol.

Lyrysa gives Drogan a cold stare at his 'suggestion', thinking it some crude joke, reinforced by Erodin's words. When he moves to tear his own shirt, she offers the flasks of oil and watches as they soak, accepting the one offered back to her. As the door is opened, she too throws her flask, aiming for a different part of the room.