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![]() Calling all DM's !! I am having a horrible bout of writers block and need some creative ideas! I am running a weekend long game with my best friends and decided to use the map from the 4e Tomb of horrors the Garden of Graves. I like the concept of an ancient elvin graveyard. Set-up: The players need to enter this long hidden grave yard to find an ancient tomb that will explain how they can destroy this artifact they recently found out about. I have NO IDEA what in the world to place in the graveyard, I really don't want to do undead, I would like to try and go with something different. Its for 4 10th level characters ... any ideas would be awesomely awesome! we are playing in Pathfinder rules set Thanks in advance !!! ![]()
![]() Here is a shot in the darkness and well you know how good that usually ends up, but hey when all else fails! I am looking for people in the Delmarva area that's lower eastern-shore of Maryland. I would like to put a group together for a weekly table top pathfinder game. If there are any Easternshore Maryland players who would like to get a group together , please e-mail me lrdpanther2006@yahoo.com Thanks and I hope I rolled a crit on this attempt... ![]()
![]() Hey gang, I am going to run the temple of elemental evil for a once a month group. This classic module i loved when i ran it back in 1e and I have had the urge to convert it and run it, so now I am. I have found some very impressive maps on line, but I was wondering if anyone knows of any resources (hands outs and other stuff) that people have created which I could use. I have access to the pictures with in the module itself, however I wasn't sure if anyone else has attempted to convert this for pathfinder and had stuff which i could use in my conversion. Thanks for the help ![]()
![]() I am from the old days when each class had its own xp tables. so Fighter needed 2,000xp for 2nd level while the rogue needed 1250xp for 2nd level. Has anyone attempted to try this in pathfinder? Is there a reason I should not. will it unbalance everything if I use it? let me know if anyone out there has tried this ![]()
![]() I had an idea for an artifact of Pharasma- its this silvered long spear. but my group plays 4E not sure what type of weapon to make it, I was thinking some sort of undead slaying weapon. I figured I would pick the creative minds of the message boards :o) what type of powers should I give it so that it is not over powered. my group is 13th level. ![]()
![]() I am starting a secondary group with my players for a plot line, in essence running two groups. The players have made the characters which start at 10 level. here is the problem, the core rules stat that the players who start at 10th level should have 62,000 gold to purchase equipment and such. this will allow them to purchase items which are over what i would like them to start with. I thought about cutting the gold they are allowed, but I didn't know if there were better ideas out there to handle Magic Item purchase. ![]()
![]() We had a question come up in my game last night and I couldn't figure out the answer to. What is the difference between temp. negative level and a permenant negative level. when a Vampire bites you you gain negative levels (permenant) but you still make a save do you only get that one save or do you get a save each 24 hrs. Temp negative levels allow you a save each day ? I am confused can anyone help? ![]()
![]() I recently had a player ask how the spell Magic Vestment works with an already magic suit of armor, I read the spell and it doesn't mention anything about no stacking so my question is does magic vestment stack with an already magical suit of armor. example: player is wearing a chainshirt +1 does the spell stack with that or over ride it? ![]()
![]() I am currently playing in a campaigne where I am playing a druid. I have a bear as an animal companion. I have encountered numerous things which make having this pet very difficult. for example there was a 30' cavern wall that the party had to climb. The bear is small in size so my thought was to place the bear on my shoulders and climb, however My DM thought different. then we had a 1' wide ledge we had to cross , again my bear was an issue and almost fell to his death. Then there was a 5' break in the ledge we had to jump over, I had the bear make a jump check but appearently bears can jump well, and again the bear almost feel to his death. are there things I am missing that will make this easier to include my bear or should I just leave him outside thoughts? ![]()
![]() I had a question about magical items. I am currently DMing for a group of friends and family and we had a discussion come up. I wanted to swing it past the great minds here on paizo and see what you guys thought. They fought and killed a evil necromancer and found that his cloak had some magical properties to it. There is a paladin and a cleric both of lawful good gods. The paladin noticed that when he detected evil on the item it gave off a faint evil aura. here is where the debate comes in. how would a paladin react to another party member wearing the cloak? It has useful properties for mages , however the debate over this evil taint on the item has cause some irratation in the group. I as the dm added the aura for a couple of reasons, but if its going to cause my palyers to revolt, then I will not persue it. Should I bother to add the aura or continue using it? Thoughts? ![]()
![]() An NPC I was playing in my current campaigne died last night ( dramtic pause). the players have taken the body to a druid ( only healer who could do anything) and she casted reincarnate. my question is are there any alternate tables because the core book list I am not a fan of. does any one have alternate ways to handle the spell? could it change sex, class , or just race? just picking your massive brains please don't get upset I'll put everything back where I found it :o) ![]()
![]() I had a small question I wanted to throw out there to you all. I have a player whom is constantly using the monster summoning spells during combat. he will summon 1d4+1 monsters each round sometimes having as much as 15 monster out on the map at one time. I tried looking to see if there is a limit to the number for creatures allowed to be summoned at once but couldn't find anything. Is there such a rule or is he allowed to summon as many as he wants. I personally don't care that he is doing it, but some of my players are complaining that it is slowing down the combat horribly, which in truth it is. what say you ?? ![]()
![]() OK I have an issue that I am hoping some of you on here may be able to help with. I am currently playing a 3rd level priest of Apsu and we are exploring these ruins. Now since the church of Apsu is not that well written out I based it off the church of Bahamut from WOTC. After clearing a room we notice that a red dragon is looking down on us from the level above. the rogue of the group runs immediately, the CN socercer with draconic blood line attempts to speak with it. My character stands his ground trying to decide how strong the creature is. The dragon begins talking to us and holding a conversation , I detect evil on the dragon and it doesn't radiate evil. My view is that my character would still have no dealings with the dragon since the church teaches that red dragons should never be trusted and killed if possible. However most in my group are making me feel like I am being unreasonable. am I way off base? |