Spell Sovereign

Lorimir's page

Goblin Squad Member. 57 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.


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DM AldoriRavenLord wrote:

Final Party list for my table (at this time I will only be running 1)

Aluxion Clairfeld
Arilyth Sehwyn Lebeda
Cerian Screamingtrees
Farin Deephammer
Hella Wolf
Miri Pindles
Rodric Armstead

As it's my first pbp I don't think I could handle this table and another but you certainly have my blessing to recruit from here for your own Capt Wombat I certainly agree that there are many worthy entrants here for another table! Andrea1 it was definitely not a requirement to post in the tavern thread to qualify :)

I again want to thank everyone that applied!

Okay,thanks for your consideration.

Lorimir wrote:

A Drow Wizard is my entry

Meldan Sybock

STR 12+1

DEX 14+4

CON 13 0

INT 16+3

WIS 13+1

CHA 12+3



B.A.B 0 CMB+11 CMD+14

WEAPONS Quarterstaff,Hand Crossbow (10 bolts)

ARMOR Studded Leather FEATS Light Armor Profiency,Scribe Scroll (Bonus)

SKILLS Craft(Alchemy)+4,Knowledge(Arcana)+5,Spellcraft+5

TRAITS Gifted Adept,Fast-Talker,Issian


Traveler's Outfit
3 Potions of Cure Light
Smoked Googles
Flint and Steel
100 Feet of Hemp Rope

42 gp

SPELLS School Specialty Transmution/Evocation/Divination

0 Lvl Ray of Frost,Mage Hand,Detect Magic

1st Lvl Animate Rope,Feather Fall,Magic Missle,Detect Secret Doors

A Drow Wizard is my entry

Meldan Sybock

STR 12+1

DEX 14+4

CON 13 0

INT 16+3

WIS 13+1

CHA 12+3



B.A.B 0 CMB+11 CMD+14

WEAPONS Quarterstaff,Hand Crossbow (10 bolts)

ARMOR Studded Leather FEATS Light Armor Profiency,Scribe Scroll (Bonus)

SKILLS Craft(Alchemy)+4,Knowledge(Arcana)+5,Spellcraft+5

TRAITS Gifted Adept,Fast-Talker,Issian


Traveler's Outfit
3 Potions of Cure Light
Smoked Googles
Flint and Steel
100 Feet of Hemp Rope

42 gp

I'll be posting stats later,busy with other things right now.

Dotting for interest here with a Gnome Cleric who didn't make it into a previous game.

Krumthi wrote:
I haven't got my entry in yet, but I am going to try to start today with it. I will be posting some of it later today.

I too will be starting my entry,and posting some of it by the end of the week.

Mekura wrote:
I'm wanting to sign up like everyone else, but I can't help but feel like Kingmaker seems too big for PbP, and echoing sentiments, that you'd never finish it :/

You could say that about any AP.

Seeing that noone is giving him the time of day, and that things seem to have settled down, Halon leaves the tavern.

Dotting here... if I don't make it into a Wrath of the Righteous game

Kazalin wrote:
Kazalin nods at Goron, "Alright then," Turning back to the barkeep, "So, about my drink...." He goes on about how crusaders are men, and how men drink ale.

Halon approaches the bar closer Excuse me he says to the bartender, Do you want him out of here,it looks like he's had one too many! Halon might as well score a few points with a local here,besides he's just about had enough of this man's rantings.

Halon moves closer to the the bartender keeping a close eye on him and the teifling. He's got his rapier strapped to his back and he prep'd a few spells before coming here.

Halon walks into the tavern,having recently checked in with his contacts in Kenabres. He notices a young Varisian man badgering the bartender and to his right an elven girl and some others engaged in a drinking contest. I'd have thought a tavern like this would've had higher standards He thinks to himself. Seeing the bartender busy with something else he walks to the far end of the bar and sits down.

Lorimir wrote:

Here are my PC Stats

Halonket Zarkut Gnome Cleric 1

STR 12+1 HP 8

DEX 10 AC 15

CON 10+2[/b [b]Touch 12,Flat Footed 10

INT 14 +2 B.A.B 0

WIS 16+3 CMB+11,CMD+11

CHA 13+3

Skills Appraise +2,Craft +4, Diplomacy +5 Heal +3, Knowledge Arcana +2,History +2, Nobility +2, Planes +4, Linguistics +2, Profession +5, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +2 Feats Extend Spell LanguagesCommon,Gnome,Sylvan,Dwarven(bonus)

Weapons Rapier +1,Light Crossbow

Armor Studded Leather +3


Potions of Cure Light(2) Moderate(2)Serious(1)
Flint + Steel,Hemp Rope (50 ft),Bedroll

Traits, Touched by divinatity,corageous,natural born leader

PC Background

Originally from the Land of the Linnorn Kings Halonket (or Halon for short) was on a errand with his Aunt,Cousin,and a Paladin Guardian near the Worldwound border. As they traveled through the countryside the unthinkable happened, a troupe of demons who escaped through a rift in the Worldwound suddenly attacked the caravan in which they were traveling,killing all passengers,including his aunt and cousin. Halon then fled on foot toward Kenabres,where he was certain to find help. Halon would have died that day had it not been for a squad of crusaders patrolling the region who responded to his cries. After slaying the demons the crusaders took him back to Kenabres in order to find out if he had any surviving relatives. After some deliberation they found out that the Uncle in the Linnorn Kings,was his only surviving relative. His parent were killed years earlier by bandits in a highway robbery.

The Crusaders sent word to his Uncle and arranged to return the child to him by way of an armed escort. The Uncle agreed and the Crusaders explained what had happened. Halon and his Uncle lived in the Linnorn Kings Region for years thereafter,but never truly accepting their loss. When he was old enough Halon decided to join the Church of Cayden Cailean,as an opportunity to combat poverty and injustice,he found Cayden more to his liking than Iomadae,Sarenrae,and other lawful/neutral good alignments,since he was more flexible,but still good aligned. After hearing a call to all good aligned churches to once again take up arms against the demonic forces of the Worldwound,he committed himself to the cause. He now waits for the opportunity to strike a blow against them!

Here are my PC Stats

Halonket Zarkut Gnome Cleric 1

STR 12+1 HP 8

DEX 10 AC 15

CON 10+2[/b [b]Touch 12,Flat Footed 10

INT 14 +2 B.A.B 0

WIS 16+3 CMB+11,CMD+11

CHA 13+3

Skills Appraise +2,Craft +4, Diplomacy +5 Heal +3, Knowledge Arcana +2,History +2, Nobility +2, Planes +4, Linguistics +2, Profession +5, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +2 Feats Extend Spell LanguagesCommon,Gnome,Sylvan,Dwarven(bonus)

Weapons Rapier +1,Light Crossbow

Armor Studded Leather +3


Potions of Cure Light(2) Moderate(2)Serious(1)
Flint + Steel,Hemp Rope (50 ft),Bedroll

Kana, haven't forgotten about this game,just been working some long shifts,will submit my PC and backstory by deadline.

Styker,will post stats for the Gnome Cleric of Cayden Cailean by deadline and submit a backstory as well. Working some long shifts this week.

Dotting for interest here,with a Drow Wizard(transmutation/evocation)

Dotting for interest here with a Gnome Cleric of Cayden Cailean.

Feros wrote:
Anthony Adam wrote:
Joseph Kellogg wrote:
This year's second round twist: Make a "Hound Master" archetype for any class other than Cavalier.
Using domestic puddy cats... :P

An archetype that is capable of herding cats?

I know it's fantasy, but there are limits people! :)

Exactly,there's a fine line between innovative and cheesy!

I'm from Canada and I've been submitting for the past three years.

Goblin Squad Member

Banesama wrote:

I'm hoping it has fully customizable map keying. I suffer from peripheral neuropathy and I can only tolerate using the keyboard/mouse for about 30 minutes before the pain because to much to handle.

I can get by that limitation though if I can map the keys and mouse control to a gamepad. That is what I did when I played DDO. I rarely touched the keyboard and never touched the mouse when I played that game.

I agree with this suggestion,this sounds like a good idea,and it would make overall play control a bit smoother.

Marc Radle wrote:

Looks really good.

Not sure what some people's problem is with the first movie or with JJ Abrams. I'm a big Star Trek fan and I liked the first movie quite a bit.

Same here sequel was good too,JJ has done good so far!

Hi James, glad to see you'll be at Paizocon this year. I was wondering if you or any of the editors will be reviewing submissions this year? as I have written a short adventure and am looking for a place to send it. I was thinking Kobold Quarterly,but I've heard it's not in print anymore,is this true?

MrSin wrote:
Weslocke wrote:
Good DM's are made, not born.

Made? Show me the factory! I want one! Can I get them custom made to my specifications? Nothing big, just some refluffing and houserules and...

Kidding aside... If your a new DM getting some friendly support can be good. Good support is hard to describe, but it can really help. I know it would've helped me any time I've had the job.

I agree with this point of view,though I can also see Weslocke's point. Like the Sorcerer class a good DM has the ability,but only with practice and support can they hope to become great! I am still fairly inexperienced as a DM and accomadating different playing styles is what I'm finding to be the biggest challenge. Also dealing with problem players can be a real crapshot,especially when you live in a city which is short on gamers.

Douglas Muir 406 wrote:
cmastah wrote:

I wanted to know, are the books that are unavailable ever going to be printed up again?

Probably not, and if they do, not soon.

Paizo has a very deliberate policy of letting older APs fall out of print -- that's a feature, not a bug. Yes, that can be pretty annoying when you're trying to complete a set. But you can always get the .pdfs -- they'll be available forever. But as for the hard copies, nope. Paizo only prints a certain fixed number of each module. When those are gone, they're gone for good.

Why does Paizo do this? Two reasons. One, there's a large fixed cost to doing a print run of a module. So they can't just go back to the printer and say, oh, we're out of Kingmaker #1 -- please print another thousand. That would cost a lot more money than the original print run. So they'd have to either raise the price on the reprinted module (bad) or lose money on it (worse). It's possible that the gradual advance of print-on-demand technology will eventually fix this, but it hasn't happened yet and I wouldn't hold my breath.

The other reason is that the AP subscriptions are Paizo's meat and milk. And at some point, they have to let those old APs slip out of print -- or they'll be cannibalizing their own business, because the old APs will be competing with the new ones. Yes, that's frustrating for us. But it's part of their business model, and I'd rather have a healthy Paizo continuing to stay in business than one that tries to make everybody happy and implodes. And, again, you can still get the modules as .pdfs.

Finally, Paizo did reprint one complete AP -- the first one, Rise of the Runelords, in a gorgeous deluxe edition. It costs a lot of money ($200, or $180 if you buy this week and use the "ksthanks" February discount). But it's actually cheaper than trying to pick up the modules on eBay; the last time I looked, the first one alone was going for over $100.

So, short version: if it's OOP, it's gone, probably forever. If it's going OOP, grab...

Cmastah, If you're interested in OOP AP's I would recommend Legacy of Fire. It's 3.5,but a different flavor than many AP's I've seen!

Goblin Squad Member

My advice here Soldack,just pick up any Pathfinder Campaign Setting book you like,next time you're in the local gaming store. I've found them easy to read,and they concentrate on one part of the game. The Revisited Books I've found to be good (i.e. Classic Horrors,Classic Monsters,etc) I would also recommend the Inner Sea Primer,and the Faction Guide. The books mentioned above are good,but can also be intimidating for a newbie. You can of course download any of them in PDF as well.

I agree with the above posters, but more specifically try a local gaming store or better yet, an online gaming guild in your area. The Pathfinder Society is also an option if you want to get active in the hobby, but can't always find a group.

I usually do both as well,depending on what the campaign needs. I start with a race/class in mind, and build as I go. It also depends on starting gold and what the DM goes for. Like many players I enjoy min maxing to a degree,especially when I can upgrade 3.5 PC's with Pathfinder options,My two cents.

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks for the support, I thought that while some other concepts were a bit more innovative, The Haunted Crypts would be more fun to play!

Goblin Squad Member

My votes were,after some careful consideration.

1 Haunted Crypts

2 Fane

3 Darklands

Goblin Squad Member

I have pledged $75 to the kickstarter, as that was as much as I could afford. Was pleasantly surprised when I found out the community raised a quarter of a million dollars. I haven't played many MMO's,but know that they are viable in the current market. My complements to the development team,and the community as a whole,way to go gamers!

uriel222 wrote:


If that's how you submitted your entry, you messed up the BBCode formatting, I'm afraid. See how the other entries have bolded and italicized words?

Other than that, you didn't describe the item; from the title I'd guess it's a vase, but since one doesn't normally wear vases, from a literal reading it's a medium-sized vase (or, in other words, a five foot tall vase...).

The slot type is right (though they prefer "none" instead of an em dash now), and you got the aura formatting right.

The weight seems fine (for a normal vase, which is what I think you meant).

The construction requirements are over done (you'd probably be okay with just gate.

The real issue is: what does this actually do? I've read it three times, and the best I can figure is that it changes summmon spells to callings (i.e. it makes the creature actually there, so it can actually die when killed). That is actually kind of innovative, but if it's what you were going for you didn't really do a great job of describing it.

A good trick to help with this kind of thing in the future is to give your item to someone else to read, without you explaining it to them verbally. After they've read it, get them to explain to you what it does. If they can't, or if they describe something other than what you intended, you need to rewrite.

The other problem is price, but how it should be priced depends on what you meant for it to do. At a minimum, though, for an item which is use activated or continuous (like this seems to be) it should have a price of at least 2000 gp, though there are exceptions (like a cloak of resistance +1).

Don't bother writing about possible variants ("Variants of this item can be made by a more advanced level caster,and can also use the Summon Nature's Ally tree"), first, because it's not required and just uses up words, and second, because it distracts from your...

Okay to respond to my critics here,the comments about formatting and item description are fair,but the provided template doesn't do a very good job of explaining that. I've seen a few pathfinder books which have spelling and grammar mistakes in them!

I was trying to create an item which, although was a spell in a can, could also be varied instead of being limited to one spell. I hadn't seen a vase in any of the pathfinder books I also didn't see a vase in any pathfinder book I read.

As for the Spellcraft save I was trying to get away from the cliche of having a Charisma based save. I heard the judges say in the recording elsewhere on the sight: "boring,that's what I expected to see!" (Sean said that if I'm not mistaken,but I'm not sure) that told me that I was just rehashing an old idea by going that route!

Jonathon Vining wrote:

Navigational Helioscope

Aura faint divination; CL 5th
Slot —; Price 1,200 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This small handheld item, shaped roughly like a compass, is commonly used by planar explorers as an aid in returning home. As a move-equivalent action, it directs the user towards the nearest portal to the next-closest plane to Positive Energy - a traveler in the Astral would be directed to the Plane of Fire, for example. This effectively guides any character eventually to the Material Plane, and is thus most useful to explorers from that plane.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, locate object; Cost 600 gp

Specs seem good on your item,but I'm a bit confused as to how this item can eventually guide characters to the Material Plane, when they are on the Astral Plane,Plane of Fire,etc. Wouldn't it be better to call this item the Navigational Heliscope of Planar Travel,or something similar since that seem to be the flavor here, some explanation would help here.

[Vase of Extraplanar Gate]

[/Aura] moderate conjuration; [/CL] 5th

[/Slot]-; [/Price] 1000 gp [/Weight] 5 lbs


This medium sized item, when used by a caster of the minimum level can summon a creature or creature(s) from Diminutive to Medium size. The Caster can summon a creature of 12 HD or 12 HD of creatures of the Outsider or Elemental type. This item works like a gate spell and when used with Summon Monster,Planar Ally,or Planar Binding; can call an extraplanar creature into the caster's service. In the case of Planar Binding the creature must make a Will Save (DC 10+ Caster's Spellcraft Modifier)to avoid being enslaved. If the saving throw fails the creature must do the caster's bidding for the spell's duration. If it succeeds the creature(s) are free of the caster's control,and can either return to their home plane,or stay on the Material Plane. Variants of this item can be made by a more advanced level caster,and can also use the Summon Nature's Ally tree.


Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item,Gate,Summon Monster I-IV,Planar Ally, Planar Binding, Cost 500 gp

That's my entry,please try to keep the feedback somewhat positive, as I am still fairly new to this side of the hobby!

AdAstraGames wrote:

I'm technically not eligible to enter (I work full time as a game designer). This is what I would've entered.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

Personally, I like this item it's almost like a Hydra living in a Cloak! Innovative and has some cool flavour, I can see why you're a pro designer. This is something I may want to use in my own game.

I noticed this thread here, I agree with much of the other posters on here. I think you do need to at least submit, if you don't you can't win. I've learned a thing or two from my experience last year, this will be my second year entering the contest. I don't think my chances of winning are that good,but I will enter again. Clark I'd like to participate in your item critique thread,as it may be a way for me to get some feedback before making my final entry! I am still fairly new to this so is there anything I need to know before posting an item? I don't want to do anything to get disqualified before making my final entry!

Ship to Ship combat would be cool as I'm not very familiar with it. The pirate theme is a fresh concept as I haven't seen it done too much. I'm not sure underwater combat is the way to go in an AP involving pirates,unless there are encounters involving Krakens,Sauhagiun,Mermaids or other underwater creatures. Also wondering if any decision has been made on whether or not to include the creature we designed at Paizocon,and if so what volume will it be in?

Sorry to hear of the passing of another great creative person! May he rest in peace!

Just to add a bit to my previous post, will the said creature from paziocon, be appearing at some point in this adventure path? If not what book will it be apperaring in?

This is a bit off topic here,but does anyone know if the Creature at the end of Brinewall Legacy,is the same one that was developed at Paizocon? as I remember being involved in a design workshop there!

xorial wrote:
herkles1 wrote:
I would love if Paizo made a computer game similar to the baluder's gate games/planescape torrent. But what I truelly would support and love is a pathfinder version of Neverwinter Nights, with the module capablities, and toolset to design servers, it thus allows mutiplayer capablities without being mmo. I play on a NWN server set in ravenloft, and I think this type of game would be awesome and fun.
Absalom Nights?

This sounds like a great idea!

If we do see a Pathfinder video/computer game it will likely be in the form of a Neverwinter Nights Mod,or something similiar. I don't see the electronic game industry investing much time or money (at least not now) in the Pathfinder name. If a full game is made it should be (as another poster pointed out) a PC exclusive title. Today's console market isn't well suited for this type of game.

I've definitely learned a thing or two about this competition. Being a new comer to this side of the hobby, I must say that the feedback I got on my item, wasn't quite what I was expecting. I would liked to have seen more emphasis on what I did right, instead of solely what I did wrong.

I was initially shocked by the feedback I got, but understand why I got those responses. Now that I know what NOT to do, hopefully I can avoid making the same mistakes next year.

Okay all here's my entry, it is slightly different than the one I posted on the judges board

Stone of Banishment

Aura: Moderate Abjuration; CL 7th
Slot-; Price 8000 gp, Weight 1lb

Description: This round stone when given the command word "entrap" emits a high energy vortex. The vortex is powerful enough to suck in the form of any extraplanar creature(CR 9 or lower). The creature(s) remain trapped within the stone for 1d6 days. A caster of 7th level or higher can command the stone to banish said creatures to another plane. The stone turns to dust after 3 uses.

Requirements: Craft Wonderous Item, banishment, Cost 4000 gp

Hi Everyone, thought I'd weigh in on this thread with my own entry, here it is

Stone of Banishment
Aura: Moderate Abjuration; CL 7th
Slot-; Price 8000 gp, Weight 1 lb

This round stone,when given the command word of "entrap" emits an energy vortex, which is powerful enough to suck the form of any extraplanar creature (CR 9 or lower) Thus trapping it within the stone for 1d6 days. A caster of the required level or higher, can command the stone to banish the trapped creature(s) to another plane of the caster's choosing. The stone can be used by any creature of any alignment,provided they meet the listed requirements. Once the command word is given the stone will illuminate and seek out the nearest extraplanar creature,the targeted creature must make a DC 13 Wil save to avoid imprisonment. The stone turns to dust after 3 uses.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item,banishment,Cost 4000 gp

I'd throw my hat into the ring here,but don't feel I am knowledgable enough about the game or ruleset to be a good candidate. Also don't have any of the above credentials,live North of the Border in Vancouver B.C. as well. Did enter the RPG Superstar Contest this year for the first time.

Eagerily awiting the results, curious as to how many entires there were this year?

Okay Neil, I think I understand your position. Thanks for taking the time to answer! I`ll be watching for updates.

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