Red Dragon

LordeAlvenaharr's page

Organized Play Member. 169 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

A little creative exercise, for those who know the anime/manga Black Clover, which characters would you bring to Pathfinder 2, and what would they be like? Show me your creations and the process behind them! A.k.a I'm out of ideas for characters and I'm definitely going to steal some builds!

Noble brothers of the stars!
First, I do not speak English, I'm from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, my knowledge is medium, any mistake, it's Google Translator's fault.
Anyway, I am to play Aeon Throne and I intend to go with a Technomancer, I have seen a lot of rifles but I intend to create something more body combat, or as we call here in Brazil, "porrada", finally browsing through Alien Archives 2 I came across the Uplifted Bear, considering your modifiers, can I consider this breed as a good melee combat technomancer? If so, what tips can give me good efficiency and performance on the paper I chose? Can you help me?