
Lord Xilanthus Narthingad's page

5 posts. Alias of Urlord.


Priest of Findeladlara most definitely.
If I have an alt, I will probably go Expert and concentrate on crafting.

Kemedo wrote:

Well, that's a Fantasy Racist Company. But everytime I see the "Kill all the Orcs", "kill all the evil" quotes, I think the same way.

So, do you kill an half-elf baby, for the sake of your believes? Are you hostile with couples of human/elf and ther brethen?

This sound like a Neutral Evil or even Lawful Evil behavior to me...


Your view of our organization is both short-sided and violent. Nowhere did I say anything about killing half-human children. I said that I felt pity and sadness for them due to the impulsive decisions of their parents. I also said that this was my personal viewpoint.

The League looks at the issue of half-human offspring from a long-term perspective and uses education of elven children & youth as the primary means of correction. But, I understand this may be a difficult concept for members of shorter lived races to fully grasp.

I'm loving this debate. It is sometimes quite difficult RPing the other side of the argument. Especially when it is something you fundamentally disagree with. But, it ultimately strengthens my nonprejudicial beliefs. Thanks!

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T7V Jazzlvraz wrote:
Urlord wrote:
Why would the LoEP want to do this?
Same issue as my answer to Mikaze above, Urlord. Someone tried to cause you to address--or even to defend--a position you were clear you'd not hold; that questioner's been banned, so you can safely move along the (forest) road of true Elven conquest!


Dear Jazzlvraz - Hûd Glanas Edhellen as we call it is not interested in conquest. On the contrary, we desire that all civilized races live side by side as peaceful neighbors. Because only then, can the uniqueness and beauty of each culture truly shine. Our goal is focused on the preservation and promotion of Elven Culture. I would hope that every race would have a group dedicated to such a cause. Just because you are a proponent of one thing, doesn't automatically make you an opponent of others.

As stated above, the league would only be against issues that threaten Elven culture. For example, if an evil warlord were attacking our settlement, then of course the Hûd would raise up arms against them. Likewise, if someone were poisoning the minds of our people with propaganda, trying to undermine our beliefs, that too would be a threat. Without a threats such as these, the Hûd will concentrate its efforts on preservation, education and strengthening our society.

This whole debate appears to stem from our views of half-humans (the child of Elven and human parents). Just as with any controversial subject, views will vary. Personally, my feelings on the matter are of pity and sadness. Due to the unwise decisions of the parents, that child will be in limbo between two different cultures, never being truly accepted by either. But again, that is my personal view on the subject.

I thank you for your interest in Hûd Glanas Edhellen and perhaps in time you will lose your distrust and skepticism.


Lord Xilanthus Narthingad
May all I do bring joy to Findeladlara

Jordon Narciso wrote:

The accordion-playing bard finishes up his stormy song with a flourish, then begins playing much softer, letting the conversations of the bar overtake his music. He moves over to the table the new arrival sat at, thinking to himself, Now this man seems to have a level head. Perhaps he can help us with this mystery...

Jordon, trying to look casual despite the unwieldy accordion slung around his neck, says to the man while leaning against one of the seats (but not taking a seat yet), "Pshaw, the rain still that bad out there? Seems ol' Gozreh's havin' herself a fit tonight." He absently picks at his teeth with one gloved hand, trying to remove a dark green piece of an earlier meal.

*The elf raises his left eyebrow to a defined arch, momentarily studying the disheveled black hair and the gawdy outfit worn by the pale skin man.*

Yes, it is still raining. Does this establishment have wine? If so, I would like a bottle of port, a small wedge of cheese and a loaf of bread.

A well dressed cloaked male elf enters the tavern from the rainy darkness outside. As he removes his oiled leather cloak, shaking the droplets of rain from it, he surveys the crowd with a discerning eye. He is tall, even for an elf, with a tanned complexion, deep violet eyes, and long silvery-white hair in a single braid down his back

If he notices any other elves in the tavern, he nods a greeting. Otherwise, he takes a seat at an empty table and waits for a bar maid to come over.