
Lord Xilanthus Narthingad's page

5 posts. Alias of Urlord.

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I have a need for an item such as this in my campaign, and there's a strong possibility that the player characters will eventually get their hands on one.

So, could you be so kind as to provide your feedback on this homebrew magic item.

Invisible Bag of Holding

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If an Invisible Stalker picks up an item, does said item become invisible?

I think any gear they carry (up to their encumbrance limits) becomes invisible, just like it does with the Invisibility Spell.

However, I would like to hear your thoughts on the subject.

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I picked up the Gamemastery Guide a couple of weeks ago and I really like this book. It is going to add a lot to my homebrew campaign.
Well done Paizo!!!

I just created a couple of new magic items.

I was wondering if I could get the critique of you other forum posters.

This is a completely new item.

This is basically a ring version of the Lifting Belt with the following changes:
- Limited the +1 Athletics bonus to Strength based Athletics checks.
- Added the Hurled Object option (but it was probably an option already).

Thanks in advance!

-- Urlord --

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Good Evening All,

I'm converting my home-brew campaign setting to run under Pathfinder Playtest rules. The hardest thing for me is converting the Non-Adventure class NPCs. What I mean, is if Adventurers make up less than 5% of the population (less than 1% in many cases), what of the remaining 95-99 percent. What about that dwarven master-craftsman who has done nothing but practice his trade for the last 40 years. Or the Sage (non-magical) in the old tower who has a wise answer to any question you can think to ask him.

For example, I have an elven city-state called Ashla Alora. It is governed by a Lord Mayor (Executive Branch), a City Council (Legislative Branch) and the Council of Magistrates (Judicial Branch). All of these NPCs, along with many others, are high-ranking, highly-experienced people within the city. However, they do not fit into the Adventurer Classes, nor should they.

I know its probably not covered in the Playtest Rules for a reason, but for some GMs World Building is a huge part of the game for them, at least it is for me. Using the Playtest Rules as written, I can easily provide a Level to an NPC and use the SKILL DCS BY LEVEL AND DIFFICULTY table to assign a DC.

For example, if the Magistrate is hypothetically 13th level, then PCs should have the following DCs for challenges dealing with them:

Easy............ DC 20
Medium..... DC 28
Hard........... DC 30
Incredible.. DC 35
Ultimate..... DC 36

But, that seems flat and lacks personality.

My question is:

Has anyone thought about NPC Classes or how NPCs fit into the world as a whole? Because, if the answer is Non-Adventurers max out at Level 5 or something like that, then that is totally ridiculous and will not work for most Persistent World type campaigns.

Thanks for reading my post and I hope it makes sense.


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We have a +2 Flaming Falchion

Item Traits: Forceful, Sweep, Conjuration, Fire, Magic
Item Bonus: +2

Is the Damage?

3d10 S + 1d6 Fire (1d10 on a crit)


3d10 S + 3d6 Fire (3d10 on a crit)

Basically, does damage from Property Runes get multiplied too?

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Hello All,

I just need a bit of clarification.

At Level 1 Hit Points are equal to: Ancestry HP + Class HP + Con Mod

I got that fine from the rules.

Where I am a bit confused is...

Beyond Level 1, is it...

Calculation #1... Ancestry HP + (Level x (Class HP + Con Mod))


Calculation #2... Ancestry HP + (Level x Class HP) + Con Mod


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Hello My Fellow Gaming Friends.

Normally, I don't lack for scenarios or plot ideas, but I have a bit of a writer's block going on here and could really use your assistance. Maybe its due to all the stuff going on at work right now. But I know I can count on you readers to help a brother out.

Here is the situation so far...

Player Characters:

  • Fighter, a wanna be paladin with a bit of a gambling problem
  • Cleric of Knowledge who desires to be a famous author
  • Wizard, fire mage who really likes to watch things burn
  • Fighter, bounty hunter running from his own past
  • Ranger, big game hunter always looking for the next big hunt

The PCs investigated a series of murders in a small town and uncovered clues leading to Percival Rothmire, an 80 years dead classical music composer (bard), turned vampire. As they put the clues together and narrowed in on the Percival's secret underground lair, he figures it is time for a change of scenery. When they found the lair, it was recently abandoned with almost everything either taken or burned. However, there were a few clues left in the burn pile and behind a shelf indicating that Percival has fled to a large city 4 days away. The PCs, hot on Percy's trail, follow him to the city. They know he is in the city, but have no clue where to start looking.

The PCs are not anywhere strong enough to take on a Vampire so I want to avoid a direct confrontation. I am wanting Percival Rothmire to become an arch nemesis of the PCs - much like Prof. Moriarty to Sherlock Holmes.

Even though I know the flavor I to achieve, I'm at a creative loss of ideas. What fiendish plots could Percival be up to that the PCs have to foil?

Any suggestions you have will be much appreciated.

Thank You,

I'm looking to connect with 3-4 other Game Masters who meet once per month via Google+ Video Hangout to discuss various Games Mastering topic. The meetings will go for about an hour and an agenda will be developed a few weeks prior to the meetings. The goal of the meetings will be to discuss how different GMs handle certain aspects of their games and to teach less experienced GMs.

The plan is to record the Round Tables and make them available for anyone to watch on YouTube/Google+. Once we have a few meetings under our belt, we can start take questions/topics from our viewers and maybe even have guests (like Game Designers) from time to time.

I am looking for GMs who meet the following criteria...

AGE: Should be 40+ years old
EXPERIENCE: Should have been GMing various games for at least 20 years.
CURRENT GAME: Should be currently GMing a game that meets at least once a month.
GM STYLE: Looking for a more serious style. Not looking for Monte Haul style GMs.

My stats are:
NAME: Jim, aka Urlord
AGE: 54. married with 3 kids (28, 21 and 17 years old)
EXPERIENCE: Been GMing all sorts of RPGs since 1977
CURRENT GAME: Running a PFRPG game now with 7 players that meet monthly. We are about halfway through the Rise of the Runelords Campaign. However, they have gotten side tracked and are now in First World.
GM STYLE: I try to run a more realistic game (as much as that is possible in Pathfinder) where the characters have lives outside their adventures.

If you are interested and can commit to at least 4 months, please reply to this post.


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The characters in my campaign have crossed a planar tear into First World. I have been reading everything I can find about First World. In several places, references are made to "Shaping" the local area. I would like to develop this as an ability and need your assistance.

Should this be a Spell or a Feat?

How can low level Shapers only affect their immediate area, while powerful Shapers can make changes to hundreds of miles.

Once altered, how is it maintained over time to keep the chaos of First World from undoing it?

What happens if multiple Shapers try to make changes to the same area?

What is the Saving Throw if a Shaper tries to change a living thing or a magic item?

I welcome all your thoughts at this point.

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Hello Ladies and Gents,

I am GMing a Pathfinder RPG game and we are going through the Rise of the Runelords Campaign. Currently, we are in a lull period between chapters, because I want to get them a bit more experience before continuing. I can also take this time to allow them to clean up a few loose ends and I can throw a couple of red-herrings their way. The characters are all level 6-7. One of the character's back story has them getting married. The character, Joseph, is a lesser noble who is marrying the daughter of another lesser noble. The whole grand affair will be very posh and will take place in Magnimar surrounded by gentry and upper class folk from all over the city.

I will be dedicating an entire 10-12 hour game session (we only game once a month) to the various festivities leading up to the wedding and the wedding itself. Lots of role-playing opportunities, but I want a bit more. Some sort of mystery might be appropriate. I am looking for ideas of what I can throw into the week of the wedding without actually ruining the event.

The characters in the party are:
- Joseph - A male Varisian Fighter [NG] (the lesser noble getting married. His family is in warehousing business)
- Ulfgar - A male dwarf ranger [CG] (Raised by a Shoanti tribe, he is rediscovering his dwarven heritage)
- Adonis - A male half-elf fighter [NG] (Ex Magnimar Military who aspires to nobility. Being 1/2 elf is a barrier)
- Belanor - A male elf wizard [summoner] [CN] (Power hungry personality who I expect might join the dark side if promised the right things)
- Tizra - An female elf druid [snake shaman] [CN] (Priest of the Grean Faith and somewhat of a druggie with all the "Herbs" she uses)
- Talisha - A female Varisian Rogue [NG] (A practitioner of Harrow Readings and very attuned to spirits and haunts)
- Jana - A female Varisian Cleric of Gozreh [LN] (A down to earth river barge captain with man issues)

There are three major events planned so far:
1. The Wedding Harrowing - Four days before the wedding, the couple along with family and friends march along the street in festive clothing to eventually end up at the home of the elder Harrower. Along the way, lots of passers by join in and all sing and dance as they are going along. When they get to the home of the Harrower, the couple go inside along with the Bride's best friend and the Groom's best friend. The Harrow Reading is performed and they exit the home. Then all go to a per-arranged tavern/hall and party most of the night away.

2. The Ball - Two nights before the wedding, there is a grand ball where everyone shows up in their finest clothes. It is a very formal affair.

3. The Ceremony - This will be the actual wedding ceremony performed in the Temple of Sarenrae officiated by the high priest.

Any and all ideas are welcome.


Dark Archive

I have some questions about the Agents of Erastil. Can someone associated with AoE please PM me?


I paid for Early Enrollment on the Goblinworks site for PFO and I am showing as a Goblin Squad Member there. However, it is not showing here. Both accounts use the same email address.

What do I need to do?

I was considering for one of my characters:

Creating a RP group of elves that fundamentally believe that Humans and Elves should never produce offspring. Meaning, they are completely against the birth of Half-Elves. This group would be attempting to educate their people of the dangers of tainting the elven bloodline. Some members might be quite open and forthright with their beliefs, while others might be secret members who strive to "Cleanse" the tainted bloodlines in more violent ways.

Do you see this potentially working?

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In my game, the characters are getting ready to go into a Haunted House. I have all the Haunts created and such. However, in my preparation I had a thought...

One characters in the group is a female Varisian Rogue (level 4) that is a Professional Trapsmith and Fortune Teller. She took the rogue talent Minor Magic "Disrupt Undead" spell. The player is playing the character like a gypsy who does Harrow readings and is into the spirit world.

I wanted to give the character an ability interact with Haunts, but I want it to be balanced so that the character is not something for nothing and the benefits and penalties balance out. Can you please read over Haunt Empathy below and give me your thoughts about it.

Thanks in advance!


Haunt Empathy (Ex):
The character gains an intuitive sense that alerts her to presence of haunts. Whenever she comes within 10 feet of a haunt, she receives an immediate Perception skill check to notice the haunt. This check should be made in secret by the GM. She also gains a +1 Will save bonus to resist the haunts effects and a +1 Dodge bonus to AC verses any attacks by the haunt.

The character is also hyper sensitive to haunts and regardless of who the haunt targets, she is slightly affected by the same haunt. Whenever a character within 60 feet is affected by a haunt, she experiences exactly what they do. For every point of damage they take, she takes an equal amount of non-lethal damage. If they take ability damage, she takes it too but all abilities recover 1 point per hour instead of one point per day.

Finally, she may attempt to commune with the haunt. To do so, she initiates a Will save vs the Haunt. If successful, she may ask a single Yes or No question. If the Haunt knows the answer, the spirit answers directly or provides an empathic feeling of Yes or No. If the spirit doesn’t know, there is no answer. It is important to note that Haunts seldom know why they exist or how to remove the Haunt. If the Will save succeeds by 5 or more, she may ask two Yes or No questions. If the save fails by 4 or less, there is no answer and if it fails by 5 or more, the spirit invades her mind and she takes 1d3 Wisdom damage.

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According to the description of Pathfinder’s Survival skill with a DC 10 skill check you can “Get along in the wild. Move up to half your overland speed while hunting and foraging (no food or water supplies needed). You can provide food and water for one other person for every 2 points by which your check result exceeds 10.”

I personally find this an oversimplification. I want more about hunting and it’s not there, so I am making it up.

Hunting involves 3 to 4 activities (1) Locating the game, (2) Stalking the game, (3) Bringing it down and possibly (4) Tracking. For the purposes of these rules, game for hunting is always an animal. What follows are rules for hunting animals:

Time Frame: 3d6x10 minutes

Locating Game – The hunter must state what type of animal they are hunting. It is up to the GM to decide if the animal resides within the search area (approximately 1 square mile). If an animal of that type does not reside in the area, the hunter expends 3 hours and fails to locate an animal of that type or any signs of one. If the animal resides within the area, the DC to locate the animal is its CR+10 (for CRs less than 1, treat as a 0). If the roll fails by 1-4, the time frame has passed and the hunter locates signs of the animal’s presence but not the animal and must continue searching. If the roll fails by 5 or more, not even signs are found.

Stalking the Game – Successful stalking of the animal is the hunter’s survival roll opposed by the animal’s perception roll. If there are multiple stalkers, each stalker rolls and the lowest result is used for everyone. If successful, the hunter gets to a range of 2d10x10 feet. To get closer (half the distance) requires another opposed stalking roll at -2 for the hunter. Each halving of the distance increases the difficulty by an additional -2. If any of the rolls fail, the animal is spooked and gets away.

Bringing down the Game – Successfully stalking an animal allows the hunter to attempt to bring down the animal with a single ranged attack (or melee attack if they can get that close). Roll a survival roll based on the size category of the animal (Tiny or below: DC 5, Small: DC 10, Medium: DC 15, Large: DC 20, and so on…). If the roll succeeds, the animal is brought down with a single shot. If the roll fails by 1-4, the animal takes normal weapon damage. If the normal weapon damage fails to slay the animal, it either flees or attacks (GM’s discretion). If it flees, it may be tracked. If the roll fails by 5+, the attack was unsuccessful.

Tracking a Bleeding Animal – Use the normal survival rules for tracking and grant the hunter a +2 because the animal is wounded and bleeding. If the tracking roll is successful, the animal is found and the hunter is able to kill it. Add 1d6x10 minutes to the total hunting time. If the tracking roll fails by 1-4, add 1 hour to the hunting time and they must make another tracking roll. If the roll fails by 5+ the tracks are lost and the animal got away.

Dark Archive

** A tall and distinguished elf stands addressing the crowd **

Elves - Please listen...

In an effort to keep our bloodlines pure, the League Of Elven Purity stands ready and vows to do its best to educate, promote and arrange elven only marriages and copulation. The League asks that all elves, regardless of clan, support our cause to help stop the careless mating that is leading to the impurity of our race. Every time an elf makes the choice to mix-mate and bring a half-blood into this world it ushers our race one step closer to extinction.

Stand With Us!

Support the League!

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This alternate magic item crafting system was born when one of my players wanted to cast a single-use, Command Word Activated, Raise Dead spell on his Masterwork Silver Holy Symbol. We couldn't figure out which Item Creation Feat to use and the one we picked had issues with the process.

So, was born this alternate system:

Please read it and give me your honest critique, including any and all typos you can find. I have proofed it a couple of times, but you know that it is very difficult to find all of your own typos.

Thanks in Advance,

Urlord the Wonderful

In Chapter 2, when Ellasif had the necromancer use the spell to change the body to look like her, is that an actual Pathfinder spell? I have a player who would like to know such a spell in my game.

I have been playing various iterations of D&D since the very first 5x8 paperback books in the mid 70s. I just got turned on to PFRPG in the last few weeks. I have to say, from what I have seen so far, I am quite impressed. But enough of that, I have a question.

I have always run my games with no GM screen with all dice rolls right there in front of God and everyone to see. Only secret rolls are seen by the players. Well, in our first real PF adventure (2nd game session) with five 4th level characters, they ran into 2 worgs and 2 werewolves (a Hard, CR 6, encounter). They barely won with no one getting killed, thanks to a well played Cleric. However, in the end, three of the five characters were bitten by the werewolves. Secretly, the dwarven fighter made his save and is not afflicted. The halfling ranger and human wizard were not so lucky though.

They were attacked in the middle of the night and after the werewolves died and changed back into dead elves, they are aware of what is going on. The Cleric is of the knowledge domain and the ranger rolled a natural 20 on Knowledge(nature). So they pretty much know the deal. They are currently 3-4 days from the nearest town and the rise of the next full moon is the next night, only 24 hours away.

We ended the session and will pick up there in the next game session in a couple of weeks. Now that you know the situation, here are my questions:

  1. I can make up rules for it, but are there any published material on how to handle looking for herbs (namely wolfsbane) in the wilderness? I want to stick to standard systems as much as possible since I am new to PF and want to test out the system as best as I can.

  2. Lacking published materials, has anyone published any house rules on scrounging for herbs?

  3. Baring that, what do you think should be the process for locating wolfsbane in the wild. It is spring time and they are currently in temperate foothills covered by deciduous forest.

Like I said, I know I can just make it up, but I am all about systems that are dependable and reusable, so if I create something I want it to be workable and not too easy, because my players will reuse the system to find herbs for use and resale in future games.

Thanks a bunch,
