![]() It's a 2nd-level spell. Agressive actions against the boss could afford the guards a new save every round. I know it's not RAW, because there are no rules written covering this, but that's how I'd consider ruling it as GM. Also remember duration is Concentration, max 1 round/level: concentration has to be maintained by caster. ![]()
![]() Xin Shalast, as described, remains sandboxy and somewaht vague... many buildings have basic descriptions but no detailed maps; encounters can happen in most of those. We use battle maps in almost all combat situations in my campaign, and I'm trying to find appropriate maps to use as I get ready to restart RotRL after a hiatus of more than a year... Which maps have you used in your campaigns for those buildings? Home-made? Salvaged maps from other adventures? Maps packs & Flip-mats from Paizo? ![]()
![]() If your intention is to Charge, but instead of making an attack at the end, you plan to make an Overrun of Henchman A as part of the charge, and he lets you pass... Then: "When you attempt to overrun a target, it can choose to avoid you, allowing you to pass through its square without requiring an attack." Wouldn't you still have available the attack you get as part of the charge (and thus be able to smack Mr. Evil if you have enough move left to get to him?) ![]()
![]() So..
![]() xobmaps wrote: I've got to assume they print less of the later volumes of an AP, on the assumption people will start and not see it all the way though… That was precisely what I was wondering about: are there indeed smaller print runs for later instalments in the APs? (or maybe that's a trade secret the powers that be can't reveal) ![]()
![]() PFSRD wrote: Pyromaniac: Gnomes with this racial trait are treated as one level higher when casting spells with the fire descriptor, using granted powers of the Fire domain, using the bloodline powers of the fire elemental bloodline or the revelations of the oracle's flame mystery, and determining the damage of alchemist bombs that deal fire damage( ...) The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome's level; the DCs are Charisma-based. This racial trait replaces gnome magic and illusion resistance. This racial trait should also affect the bloodline powers of the Primal (fire) wildblooded bloodline, shouldn't it? I know it seems evident, but I have not seen this stated anywhere and the good folks at Lone Wolf (with the fantastic HeroLab software) like to have written confirmation of errata; I could not find any for this one. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Stewart Perkins wrote: The Advanced Bestiary was from a different company (green Ronin I think) I also believe it has gone the way of the dodo and become an extinct book... You may find them on ebay (Cannot promise much though) PDF available at least from Green Ronin, maybe other sources. Book available by print-on-demand at lulu.com. It's a great book. ![]()
![]() I wholeheartedly second the HeroLab recommendation. Well worth the money (even if, like me, you end up purchasing everything!). Saved me a ton of preparation, and allowed me to customize extensively. The included Editor is also quite handy once you get the hang of it, and the devs hang around their forums a lot. ![]()
![]() The Dalesman wrote:
I ran a little side-adventure for my party in the middle of HMM... inspired by a few posts from the boards here. Spoiler: Using a long-forgotten magical transport system (with a port hidden in the dam), the PCs were transported to a hidden sunken city (Xak Tsaroth from DL1... I always wanted to use that map!). There, they found a whole bunch of Boggards, enslaved by Greed sinspawn troops. Of course, there was a greed runewell in the city, emanating transmuting magic in a large room where various objects could literally be grown on plants. This was used by the bad guys to quickly create armor & weapons for a certain giant army assembling up north. Leading the whole bunch was the third sister, who was less sophisticated and more of a brawler than the other 2 matriarches (a 2WF crit machine, in fact; my party is quite strong), assisted by a few greedspawn with class levels as well as a couple of Skullcrusher ogre bodyguards. Ultimately, the party defeated the bunch. And then came the shadow dragon who had been watching the whole thing with interest since the arrival of the invaders, but that's another story... ![]()
![]() I am currently taking my stalwart RotRL party through a little sightseeing of Glimmerhold, where they went through the above-mentioned adventure. Now, their actions have been instrumental in triggering a small-scale civil war, forcing the Mistbreather dwarves to retreat in their stronghold. This week-end, the PCs will undoubtedly try to raid the stronghold. Problem is, of course, that the stronghold is not detailed (not even mentioned) in the adventure. Would you people be so kind as to point me to existing products, maps or descriptions that could easily and quickly be adapted to detail this? I really have little time to flesh this out! An existing adventure, side trek or other similar thing would be best, but even a map (ala map of the week) would be great. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Fergie wrote: A Bard (...) is by far the best buffer in the game. For example, the Savage Bard 9/Barbarian 1 in the campaign I am currently DMing typically casts Haste then starts to sing, getting the party up to something like +7/+7 in 2-3 rounds. And I'm pretty sure that's not the very best he could be. ![]()
![]() Cenobyte wrote:
I'm very much interested! emondf (at) hotmail.com ![]()
![]() wattupnow wrote: Once the Runelord is dealt with and the party is essentially done, I was going to bring in a high powered lamia cult, a group of Tatzlworms (D0: Hollow's last hope) led by a dragon, or even a Yuan-ti cult dedicated to either Lamashtu or one of her Marilith Leutenants (in keeping with the snake motif of the viperwall picture). Either way, the cults would be attacking, and in some cases destroying small fishing villiages along Ember Lake. I know this kind of feels like the whole "Nualia story" from burnt offerings, but it's what i've got started so far. Really, i've just got the map done, haven't even started describing the rooms yet, so the story could be left open for interpretation. You might want to take a look at Into The Darklands. Viperwall is mentioned there as being linked to an ancient race of snakelike beings, and being connected to the underground Darklands. ![]()
![]() MillerHero wrote: How do you illusion enthusiasts avoid your enemies making spellcraft checks to know which spell just cast? If you have access to 3.5 splatbooks, Skill Tricks (from Complete Scoundrel) like Conceal Spellcasting and False Theurgy are particularly handy here. They do require you to put skill ranks in Sleight of Hand, though. ![]()
![]() Charles Evans 25 wrote:
This is a very good idea, but then our "friend" had to leave Magnimar in a hurry (if you know Skinsaw Murders, you know why) after striking a deal with the party... a deal the paladin has been regretting ever since. I had thought his quickest way out would have been by sea, maybe even as a stowaway. Thus, the search for a coastal city on the west side. ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote: If you want to put the Styes into Golarion, though... the best bet I think would probably be one of the coastal cities of Cheliax or as part of Absalom. I'll probably go with Pezzack (Cheliax); its outline in the Campaign Setting seems to make it a good fit. Great place for our friend to restart his career! ![]()
![]() There are some details about trogs in Golarion in the Into The Darklands sourcebook. There could be an access to the first level of the Darklands not too far from Sandpoint (The Devil's Platter, maybe?) where this could be inserted rather well, though in general trogs hang out in the northern parts of Avistan, nearer Riddleport or the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. ![]()
![]() My players headed there without warning one evening, so I had to quickly wing an instant dungeon featuring a collapsed tunnel, a simple underground dwelling with ruined furniture, and an access to a (previously) sealed grotto upon which, years ago, Stoot stumbled, and where he found a very old altar to (your pick) Norgorber/Zon-Kuthon/Calistria/Lamashtu, partially explaining why he became Chopper. In there, through columns and rubble, the party had to fight a pesky attic whisperer. After, they destroyed the altar, triggering (of course) the traditional cavern collapse that left a big hole on the surface of Chopper's Isle. ![]()
![]() Craig Shackleton wrote:
First things first, sorry for the thread necromancy. However, in my RotRL campaign, the PCs may very well want to go after Mild RotRL spoiler:
a certain cult leader that got away and I had figured a place like The Styes (Dungeon 121) would be a good place. I was looking for a city along the Avistan (or even Garund) coast, rather far from Varisia, where I would locate this dismal neigborhood; so far, Pezzack (Cheliax), Botosani (Rahadoum) or maybe Nisroch (Nidal) would fit somewhat. Any other ideas? Anybody has already played The Styes in a Golarion location? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Joey Virtue wrote:
As Stone Giant arcane casters seem to be non-wizards (see Mokmurian background in FotSG), I turned Barl into an Undead Bloodline sorcerer. Can't wait to use Fell Weaken Magic Missiles on the party. Haven't thought about Mokmurian yet; I am busy preparing a side quest featuring a third Lamia Matriarch and her Greed Sinspawn cohorts. I guess I'll get around to posting that stuff one of these days, just too busy right now. ![]()
![]() Joey Virtue wrote: Well my players and I were talking the other day. And a couple of them said it would be cool if I could add a lot of the prestige classes that we have not seen to the villains in RORLs. I made Ironbriar into a Black Flame Zealot. Did not matter much in the end, but cool fluff nonetheless. ![]()
![]() Bidmaron wrote: Do we know what the coins of Varisia look like? I searched the Rise of the Runelords Path, but no matter what I search for, all I get is a bunch of user profiles, no forum entries. This thread may be a start. ![]()
![]() Name of PC: Borremus Daghanor Flamehammer (aka Gruk)
![]() Revan wrote: I may be running a Rise of the Runelords campaign for my players at college shortly. It occurred to me to wonder if any of the wonderful, intrepid members of these boards had perhaps put together some campaign traits for this Adventure Path... You are looking for this, I think.
About Zeveran Ravehttp://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=766633 |