Priest of Desna

Lord Kyle Pembrose's page

8 posts. Alias of DireMerc.


"Very well I shall have a hunt organised you can stay for now or return later if you have have some preparations to make."

"A shame I was hoping you would all take my offer but still two is better than none. I'm afraid fair maiden I only have a crossbow to give and no longbow...I don't supposes you would like to join me on a boar hunt this evening?...Your all invited of course. I enjoy the company of adventurers and love to hear your stories. My father was an adventurer you know, he killed a green dragon and most of his wealth came from it's horde."

"My friends welcome! I heard the news that the attack on the fort was a glorious success a short while ago! I will have some men sent to secure it immediately." Some servants come in and place a chest on the table. "The second half of your payment as promised, 150 gold for each of you. As an additional reward I offer you a choice between an enchanted longsword and an enchanted crossbow that belonged to a former adventurer. I would also like to make you another offer. Would you take residence in the fort an help guard it against attacks? I would pay you of course and give positions as officers among the men I will place at the fort. you wouldn't be force to stay at the fort all the time just check in as often as you can a few times a week at least and be ready to return if your called for help."

"Yes well I'm glad I can count on your help with this matter. Go make your preperations and best of luck to you friends I hope to see you again soon."

Lord Kyle considers it and replies "Very well, you will each be paid a sum of 300 gold coins for this task, half of which I will provide up front to help fund the expedition."

"Well the bulk of the keep is above ground but there should be a few levels of basement and an entrance somewhere in the tunnels north of the underground lake. My proposal is this, clear the keep and I will have it repaired and you can stay there and use it as your base of operations. I will post a few mercenaries there as guards and have them patrol the area to keep the outlying villages safe from raiders."

In reply to Lilly "I would love to hear both but I will settle for what you have discovered under the Inn for now. The other tale you can tell me another time I hope."

To Min "Recently there has been trouble outside the city, the orcs are once again becoming active and there are rumors of a troll attacking some farms...I have looked into some of my father's papers and discovered that there is an old keep in the area that belongs to my family. My intention was to have some men go out there and repair the keep and man it so we can use it as a deterrent to further attacks or as an outpost to repel them. However the men I sent came back bruised and with several dead. A band of Hobgoblins have taken the fort and claimed it as their own they area is riddle with traps and a deep trench surrounds the fort. Despite my insistence my guards and the local mercenaries refuse to attempt a frontal assault. I did more digging and found a journal belonging to a former guard at the outpost that mentions a secret tunnel leading from the fort to a local tavern so I sent my Stewart to inquire about such a tunnel. It mentions that the tunnel passes by a large underground lake. If you have found such a lake then it is very likely that you have discovered the tunnel that leads to my fort and we can use it to attack the hobgoblins from below.

"My Stewart tells me you are adventurers who may be able to help with my little problem. How wonderful! It has been far too long since I have entertained such visitors, I do love a good adventuring story."