Lord Banshee's page

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darth_borehd wrote:

Please post your thoughts on this scenario:

If this is a real situation then just quit, save yourself the stress.

However, if you enjoy the vindictive pleasure of getting one over on a fool, here is a bloodless option.

So a New players start with 50gc?
1. New Player 1's Character (A) gives all his money to New Player 2's Character (B).
2. New Player 1's Character walks into the sea never to be seen again. His new Character (C) joins the party.
3. New Player 1's Character (C) gives all his money to New Player 2's Character (B).
4. New Player 1's Character walks into the sea never to be seen again. His new Character (D) joins the party.

Rinse, repeat. At some point New Player 2 is going to have a fabulously wealthy Character. Just make sure he splits it :-)