
Liquidator Queeg's page

12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


thatboomerkid wrote:

I promise you, on the soul of Christmas, that if you give me one of your three left-over votes, I will not disappoint you in Round 4.


OK. You got my vote, Clinton. I may regret this. :D

However, I decided to use all four votes. So it goes:

Onuyaka by Rob
Haunter of the Hills by James
Abzirael by Clinton
Hetty Miller by Neil

As with the last round, only one vote from me: Onuyaka. Great work, Rob!

Spoken by BBEG cleric: "Well, let's have a little immorality then!"

And my favourite, said by a player (not a villain): "Dude, do you smell sulphur?"

jocundthejolly wrote:
Queeg, you haven't answered why you dislike psionics. The fact that some people you've encountered who play psionicists are losers doesn't mean that psi itself is bad, just like the fact that some people who play wizards are jerks doesn't mean that magic stinks.

I don't use psionics primarily because I've never felt comfortable or satisfied with the rules for them in 1e and 2e. I did use psions in those editions, but they were simply wizards with the word "wizard" scratched out and "psion" written in. It was an easy fix for me that way. ;-)

To be honest, I haven't used the 3e psionics rules because none of my players have ever wanted to be a psi, and I haven't ran any campaigns where psi powers are present in the PC races of game world. So, in all seriousness -- and my post above was meant more as jest than anything else -- I can't fairly comment on whether the rules have gotten better or not.

As far as "campaign feel" goes, I generally don't like mental powers mixing with magic powers. It's just a personal preference, really. Not so much that psionics are really sucky in and of themselves. Call it a case of I don't like peanut butter mixed with my chocolate. :-)

I was extremely disappointed with the villain write ups in general. Too many "show off" templated up-the-wazoo monsters and NPCs, not enough villains. And I mean grab you by the bits villains. Villains that make you go "Yes!" It's all in the writing style and hooks. It may sound daft, but I know after reading the description once if it's a villain I will use -- I could not care less about the stats. Perhaps that's unfair judging on my part, but so be it.

Why the psionics hate? Simple answer.

Psionics suck. ;-)

I won't use them in my own games *ever* and I've never played in psionics-friendly games where the powers didn't get madly out of hand, resulting in the psions becoming the most munchkined campaign-killing douchebag characters.

All my own opinion, of course. If people love the psi stuff that's cool and dandy!

This one gets my vote for the round! As others have said, the all-seeing bit is common enough in fantasy games, but I really dig manipulator villains. And this is a great one, IMHO.

I've gone through about 75% of the entries and this is my favourite so far. The name needs some improvement. Great stuff!

Reading each of Mr. Boomer's entries is like watching an impending train wreck.

Or perhaps rather like watching an army of Great Old Ones hover down to earth on impossibly-angled barbwired half-pipes doing 720s while riding skateboards made of infant body parts ...

... I'm horrified by the results but I can't look away! :D

As I wrote in the "Your Five" thread (I think that's it), I only cast one vote. Stained Peaks hands down. The original premise of the contest was just one vote, so I'm sticking with that for each of the rounds.

I chose one country, the only one that rocked my D&D socks.

Zavaten Gura: Land of the Stained Peaks by James MacKenzie. Hands down the best country, IMO. I am using this in my next campaign. Damn, I want to roll up a dwarf PC and play right now!

I'm not looking for any specifics with any of the countries and I won't judge very closely by grammar or format or originality in any particular order. However, I am sure that after reading 32 entries I'll be able to say "Yep, that's the one for me!"