Leozilio's page
Organized Play Member. 22 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
I didnt really get how the pcs get the proficience lvls. Feats? The armor abilities do fighter counts?
D&D 4th... D&D for the mentally challenged.
That said nothing more to add.
yoda8myhead wrote: When I first read the channel energy class feature, this was the first thing I thought of. I love it. In a way, it makes an evil cleric more effective than a good cleric, since a good cleric is only going to be able to hurt undead with their attack. Though I guess they could just channel their positive energy to heal the negative done by the evil cleric. It's still a nasty (but wonderful!) result of the new rule. I like it a lot. actually to counter. for the 1d4pvs commoners wont be really wounded but dead on their tracks...
Im using the feat avery level, and no I dont think it is too much, most of all if u have all that MOL of books to chose from.
Why not as on AD&d, XP penality?

ChaM - Charisma Modifier.
All Auras are spell-like. The PeC is supernatural, and dont cause attk of opt. Any ability dispelled can be reactivated on the same round with 1 PeC or on the next action for free.
skills: Command; Concentration; Diplomacy; Handle Animal; Intimidate; Knowledge (Arch&Eng; Nob&Roy; Relig), Profesion, Ride. 2 (4)+Int
dv d10 saves Fort: good,
Proficiences: Weapons: Simple & Martial. + God weapon.
Armor & Shields: All, except tower.
Positive Energy Channel (PeC): to activate special abilities. Has 3+ChaM uses per day. Spending PeC's count as a Free action, no matter how many.
Lay on hands: 1 PeC to heal 1d6 pvs. touch as as standt action, the paladin must touch or the arget must touch the paladin.
God Chosen Hand: chose between - Left +1 hit, +1 dmg. for 1 attk per round. Can spend 2 PeC to increase both by ChaM for 1 attk. or Right: increase by +1 the AC bonus from armor or shield. 1 PeC to increase the bonus by ChaM till the paladin next action.
Aura of Good: good, strength as lvl. +2 saves vs Evil spells
Divine Senses: detect evil at will (move action to activate, free action to keep on)
1º Bonus Divine Feat (doesnt need to fulfill prerequisites)
Divine Grace
Divine Health
Aura of Courage
Lay on Hands, improved: 2 PeC's to allow a new save vs. Poison/Disease, using the paladin save value, if the target pass, cured.
Divine Senses, improved: also detect chaos (so detect chaos and evil).
2º Bonus Divine Feat
PeC, improved: turn undead (as Clr, lvl-3) or +2 PeC's uses per day
Aura of Law: law, strength lvl-3. +2 saves vs Chaos spells.
Aura of Good, improved: 1 PeC to recive protection from evil, ChaM rounds. Allies on the aura - 30fts - get a +ChaM bonus vs Evil Spells.
Bounded Mount: founded not summon, no pocket mount.
Bounded Weapon: god chosen weapon, sacred. 1 PeC to activate: +1 magic bonus. that bonus increase by +1 per to 2 lvls. For ChaM rounds.
Spells: as usual. Spell ability is Cha. It is spontaneous casting.
Divine Health, improved: immunity vs. curses.
Divine Senses, greater: detecta evil intentions, also.
Aura of Courage, improved: 1 PeC to allow allies on the aura radius to remake saves vs fear or for tests of moral by npcs . 1 PeC to increase the aura radius by 30fts for ChaM rounds.
3º Bonus Divine Feat.
Aura of Law, improved: immunity vs charm, +4 on save for allies, 30fts.
Divine Senses, advanced: detect lawless (if the target has committed any crime in the last 7 days).
Lay on hands, greater: 2 PeCs heal disease, poison or curse.
Aura of Good, greater: as circle of protection vs Evil with 1PeC, Protection from evil always.
Divine Health, greater: can make saves to resist energy drain and abilities dmgs. (monster Cha mod on the DC)
Greater God Chosen Hand: get the next ability.
4º Bonus Divine Feat
Aura of Courage, greater: Good creatures recive the effects of bless and bless weapon on the aura radius. 30 ft radius aura.
PeC, greater: +2 PeC uses per day
Divine senses, supreme: 1 PeC to detect lies, 30 fts radius centered on the paladin. The detect also works on evil magic or magical itens.
Aura of Law, greater: imunity to compulsions, +4 to allies. 1 PeC to protection from chaos, ChaM rounds. Allies on the aura, 30fts, get +ChaM bonus vs Chaos Spells
Aura of Good, supreme: Circle vs. Evil. 1 PeC para counter or dispel Evil Magic.
5º Bonus Divine Feat.
Aura of Courage, supreme: 1 PeC aura of menance (as celestial) on a charge, the effect last for ChaM rounds. Aura Radius increase on 30 fts.
PeC, supreme: +2 PeC uses.
Aura of Law, supreme: protection vs chaos. 1 PeC circle vs Chaos.
6º Bonus Divine Feat
Heavens Warrior: 1 PeC per roud to activate 1 special ability. SR 25 vs Spells from Outsiders and Clr linked to God of Chaos or Evil. Immunity: drain and ability Dmg. Auras radius increase on 30 fts.
Fury of the Celestials: +4 on Str, Con, on to hits/dmg and as Deflection bonus on AC. Spd +30 fts. 3 PeC's activate. 1PeC to keep it on.
Improved Bounded Weapon: makes his god weapon a holy avanger. +5 PeCs on the bound weapon cost.
Paladins have all the restrictions of the players, plus:
magical item limitation (12 itens);
turn and circle vulnerability paladins are affected as Lawfull and Good outsiders for effects of protection magics and channel energy abilities.
can someone make a more clean one. I find the background beautiful, but i dont like my sheet really that way, I can sorry to write it up and dont and ruin it. Can some make one without the backgrounds?
Don DM wrote:
One of the main problems with the system now is that a player whom is about to make an attack or has been dueling with one npc, all of asudden catches another npc doing something that drops his guard, stops fighting him and begins to attack the other player.
Keeping track is simple. Paper and a pencil.
And If the pc is fight 2 npcs he is a treat for both, if not, one of them wouldnt need AC. If u are talking about a duel, 1-1 sort of think, the pc wont attack the other npc mostly cause he wont be anywhere near him.
And in a fight if u sleep u get hit, simple.
lynora wrote:
I see a much bigger problem. Okay, never mind, there's no problem. Let's use that system. I call rogue ;)
Seriously, I think the system works as is.
I agree, lots of tons of rogues... hehehe be afraid to attack a rogue with reach weapon. And i also agree with the other opinion.
I would just put back the "+" part and leave the rest.

Don DM wrote: Attacks of Opportunity have often been the plague of many of game. What gets them, how many do you get and why? Does it make a heck of a lot of sense for a person who is fighting enemy b to automatically land one amazing hit on enemy a because he went into his pouch,. Mechanically it can bog down the game. Of course I am a fan that the fewer rolls the better. I dont understand why the need of new rules of AoP. They seen really well explained and easy.
What makes then happen?
Anything that makes u drop ur guard down, it cam be a move, a change of tatics, the concentration to use a spells, etc. Just what the DM rules as distracting. Just ask the DM before doing it.
How many??? 1. per. round. More with feats or class features.
well anyone that is treat to the character that decided to forget about the fight.
And a automatic hit dont make sense, but if u are on fight and go for ur pouch and not for a punch, u deserve to be hitted, cause u act stupid.
And reactionary actions are kick when a doctor hits u. Do an attack on someone when u see an opening is very very much deliderate.

Evanta wrote:
Dmg Types:
1. bludgeoning, piercing and slashing
- These only encourge the 'golf-bag of weapons' syndrome, which imo is something I do not like.
2. Anxiomatic / Chaos
- Same as above, little use, unneccessary complication. There is a lot of emphasis on Good/Evil, but so few Chaos/Law that I think they can go without much crying.
3. Sonic
- How does sonic deal dmg? By dealing dmg to eardrums (which should be a DC to avoid deafening effect) and perhaps 'wind' of the sound? (which then can be listed under Physical/Force).
So 6 types of bonuses.
If neccessary, we can split magic into Force and Enchancement: one creates something to help you (Force), one acts on something you already have (Enhancement). I think there isn't anything that can't fall into those 2 categories.
Include cirumstance bonus (DM dictates) and we have a nice 8 total type of bonuses.
Anyway, this is only a rough outlay, I hope sincerely Paizo will consider limiting the number of bonuses. It would help a lot to balance the spells so that they don't endlessly stack.
1- I ready something about a stack profane & sacred bonus. The DM that let it hapen is plain dumb.
2- Tatical gaming and power gaming are not the same thing.
3- I love the physical dmg types, Dnd already simplifies weapons too much. And the rules of cargo are there to put a cap on what u can carry. And I also presents a simple thing that can help with that: COMMON SENSE! No one can carry a bunch of large weapons. Just rule it out, say no to the player or ask him to buy/hire something/someone to carry it.
4- Sonic Dmg? how about read some DC comics. JLA would do nicely?
5- If u remove L&C u have to remove G&E. Logically speaking. Or rule out L&C planes and affiliations.
6- Still i can see the reason of this 8 types thing. But if someone cant use or work if them, well 'house rules'. I really liked more the unnamed of the AD&d, and if the DM didnt like the felling of some stack he just rule it out, that would really be simple and easy.
7- And really this thing sound like something like: "help us escape from ur players!!!" The power combos of a player can be very much used against it, so I dont see the need to 'power-down' the game.
3.5 (and 3.P even more) is simple enough already!
Do not make it worse or even stupid.
I really can imagine what is all that problem. I have even played with a gestalt Astral Deva/Favored Sol, and never had a single problem in keeping track of my bonus abilities.
And, really, if ur players have problems ask in a very polite manner if they have read the rules and their pc. If so and they still cant follow their abilities, simples dont let they play with what they cant and use abilities that they cant understand, make the game simpler is just a f*** overkill!
bah, it was a fluffy anyway, but a nice one.
And really, somethings are beautiful no mater the individuals opinions, classic u may say. Like a celestial is a rhink of beauty, a elf was using that rule. (by the way Im a great fan of the handbook of the elves, most of the fluffy parts, like manifestation or the one the used to explain "why no elves bards?")
But the great problem that I saw with this cut is simple. It is just another step on the way to make the game work even for stupids. I have even to ad that a hole bunch of the simplifications of the 3.P (and the 4th, that and the WoW flavor was what made me puke) are just like "lets make a game for IQ -120", the D&d tree (from the D&D 1, trough AD&D till the D&D 3rd and 3.5) is a very very very simple game, and to simplify it even more it is just stupid (I mention the new Power Attack and Combat Expertize, why???? why?? why in the name of whatsoevergod????? they were so simple and nice. And the rules for grample... dear god...)
z, not t.
but, what really is the matter, first find a good reason to have the dragons helping or even taking order/suggestions of lesser beings (specially the red one for the place that u talk about using).
The lawfull evil troops will be a good e cherry dream, they usually do what their commander do, they are lawfull. The C&E, these one will be the problem. And if among ur pcs tehre is a paladin remember that acting along side evil characters may cause him lose his powers.
probably among the less smart and lawfull surface power groups they will lose a lot of troops doing stupid things and forgetting to follow orders, the true challenge that the pcs will have to overcome is 'how to make these people work together and follow orders???", specially if one of the evil ones should be the best commanders (orcs and goblins are the best troops for underground combat, by the way)

Kirth Gersen wrote: I'd give the fighter Perception as a class skill (and maybe 4 skill points/level), but not the paladin. Paladins spend all their time thinking about how right they always are. Paying too much attention to anything outside of their narrow world-view -- except to covert it or kill it -- is an impediment to their divine mission. I'm not being down on paladins; they're one of my favorite classes. But really, that's how I see it.
Fighters, barbarians, rangers, rogues, and monks should get Perception as a class skill. Wizards, paladins, clerics, et al. should not. Of course, in the Pathfinder 2.0 system, "cross-class" just means you don't get an automatic +3 bump, so it's less critical an issue now than it used to be.
I cant agree with that view about the paladins(most cause if that is so why in the hell the detect evil???), looks to close with the lawfull & stupid confusion.
I give every class +2 skills points (or choices in the 3.P). Usually works. I dont give the perception to fighters and paladins couse i really think that that would be a special tranning, but I would think okay to let they trade that skills for another.

well first the surface guys will need to prevent more raids, or safety zones.
That zones will be enlarged. only after that, and some sound supply lines they can think about attacking underground. (of course that means that there is a smart planner with power to force his ideas over these group, probably using the dragons to defender key places, above ground)
Well if I were the underground gang first thing would be make the surface pricks walk as long way as possible to get to me. And reshape the tunnels so I could ambush them and have were to retreat. The surface if had enough magic to spare should make their own way underground, you could make the pcs go on a quest to get that artifact (a diamond I guess) that move s much rock/earth as u wish. That would be the best idea.
Of course sound dmg is forbidden (dmg to the caves, sonic overcomes hardness and is full dmg on structures) unless the users wanna a cave in. Area spells will be a hard case, for the will be shaped by the area (given a good time to prepare the under people could leave area traps, very nasty ones.
But the under guys style must be a defensive one. Make the surface armies come to a bad place, leave them there and raid the supply lines, let them rot some time, them in a prepared place meet them (of couse the lights should go off first).
My proverbial 2 cents.
well, first I already have my house rules for the paladin.
1- smites, 1 on 1º, 2 on 6º, 3 12º, 4 18º. But as used per encounter, not day.
2- divine aura. I add a extra +1 per 5 lvls. (actually I add a +1 to AC that also increase on the same 5.
3- the smite also affect chaotic creatures. And the dmg use of the lay on hands can be used with any weapon.
4- weapon focus (and if necessary proficiency)with god's weapon.
5- I liked the bonded weapon, but I will let the pc split the duration, and if the weapon is the chosen of he's deity the duration would be in hours not minutes (or give one extra special habitability). Usable Cha mod times per days.
6- Let the pc choose between remove disease or break enchantiment.
7- Any power based on Cha has a minimum of 1.
8- Will give the aura powers at 2 less lvls.
9- give at least 1 bonus feat like combat style for the paladin that choose the mount bond.
just for the sake of of it, not only the paladins are still under powered but, they have d8??? I had thought to give them the great d12 but a d8???? than that is just mean...
I think that the Conan d20 has a better simple/martial/exotic status than the standart Dnd. Even on dmg. But I really think that crossbows should not be simple (at least to respan) but that short bow (or hunting bow) should.
(Im also putting str bonus on crossbows - min 14)
I really dont see the role "let me play a drow" as a smart or even good thing.
Drows are a lot of fun, as the uber-evil, demon allied, mysterious and uber-equipped villans.
A bunch of sissy C&G drows rangers are just toooooooo lame. And they very much limit any group (no elves or dwarves on the group. no adventuring on their land also, or on any civilized land that has heard about the drow. - "what? that psico, slaver, demon-lover elf wanna in on the city? right, feet first and on pieces..."). I even think that the role-playing problems are usually enough to remove the EL.
So, please leave the drow to the MM!