Viaren the Apothecary

Lea, The Useless Rogue's page

71 posts. Alias of Moorluck.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sebastian wrote:
The Grandfather wrote:
Why that suddenly triggers Sebastian's insulting behaviour I do not understand and since I don't visit this part of the board regularly I do not get the reference if there is any.
I like to think of it as painful honesty, and it's free with every purchase.

Yeah about that, I received an order from and my painful honesty was missing from the box, who do I contact about that?

'Cause when I ask for Customer Service all I get is "Neigh."

Gary Teter wrote:
Oh I *click*ed already. Several times today. But I think this most recent one is a keeper.

I normally wait until I get home to "click" myself, but I'm sure the bathrooms at Paizo have locks....

Rogue Rogue Derpy Der wrote:
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote:
Puffy the Ninja Pie wrote:
Sneaks into the thread, slices a pie into 8 slices, then sneaks out of thread, making a successful Stealth Skill check.
~Sneaks out of same window taking all of the pie with her.~
<Wonders what she's eating since all the pie is gone>

~Begins eating RRDD's..... pie.~

Puffy the Ninja Pie wrote:
Sneaks into the thread, slices a pie into 8 slices, then sneaks out of thread, making a successful Stealth Skill check.

~Sneaks out of same window taking all of the pie with her.~

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote:
~Slips in through an open window and swipes all the drinkware.~

Hey, someone stole all the William Shatner commemorative steins! Curse you, Not Me!

{sits down dizzily} Whew! I think the windmills are regrouping. I need a nap. And a bottle of warm sake and a large NY pizza.

~Slips in and replaces pizza with chicken bog, cornbread and a jug of sweet tea.~

taig wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Wheeeeee! Windmills!
Wheeeeee! Balloons!

Sorry, pretty pictures are too distracting, bookmark for later. Ah, I see you there windmill -- CHARGE!

Oops, almost hit Callous Jack. Sorry! He really needs something tougher than a glass jar to protect his brain.

<Casts glassteel>

~Slips in through an open window and swipes all the drinkware.~

You don't know jack.

The Mailperson wrote:
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote:
El-Lina Solareil wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:

Scrip #2 - cute nurse, for when the wife goes to work

Now you guys are all gonna play sick ;P

2 cute nurses, candy strippers! :P
Hi, my name's Candi.
Well I taste like candy. At least that's what your mom said.
And I heard that your dad likes back door deliveries.

I wouldn't know, I was raised in an orphanage run by hot lesbian nuns.

El-Lina Solareil wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:

Scrip #2 - cute nurse, for when the wife goes to work

Now you guys are all gonna play sick ;P

2 cute nurses, candy strippers! :P
Hi, my name's Candi.

Well I taste like candy. At least that's what your mom said.

Moorluck wrote:
Is anyone else actually reading this mess?


You know guys, I'm sure glad Mistah Badgah's confetti gun didn't go off when it was in there :/

Rogue Rogue Derpy Der wrote:
Hey, you got the "extra large". I like!

Well I know how much my sweetie likes to make me squirm.

~Bats eyelashes and swoons.~

taig wrote:


<Retrieves confetti gun from Lea's, uh, hiding place>


OOOOOH! Mister Badgah!


Derpy-Baby we're here! Now hurry up and put that thing on, I'm feeling empty inside!

taig wrote:
Where's the confetti gun?

~Shifts in her seat.~

I don't know where Derpy-Baby put it, nosir I do not.

Moorluck wrote:
Are we there yet?

I hope so, I bought something for Derpy to put in me to celebrate when we get there.... I got it from Solnes so I know it's good!

Rogue Rogue Derpy Der wrote:
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote:
taig wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:,000...
How do you think I feel? I've missed evryone so far. :/

We can't have that, now can we?

This will be your first, then.

Be gentle, it's my first time.

That's not I heard. I've got +15 on my Listen checks.

What we do doesn't count, besides, I'm still pure in the front sweetheart. ;)

taig wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:,000...
How do you think I feel? I've missed evryone so far. :/

We can't have that, now can we?

This will be your first, then.

Be gentle, it's my first time.

Secretlyreplacedwith wrote:
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
KaeYotik wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
David Fryer wrote:

Found this on a friend's facebook, thought it fit:

"Observe which side resorts to the most vociferous name-calling and you are likely to have identified the side with the weaker argument and they know it." - Charles R. Anderson

Screw you you jerk!! :P
Yeah, what a scab eater.
I flag yur post, a'cause it make me feel bad fer eatin mah scabs!!!!
Oh yeah!! Well, you play ball like a girl!
Hey! Watch it you undead dork! No girl throws that badly.
You're a girl?


~Lifts skirt.~

You're a dude?

Aberzombie wrote:
KaeYotik wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
David Fryer wrote:

Found this on a friend's facebook, thought it fit:

"Observe which side resorts to the most vociferous name-calling and you are likely to have identified the side with the weaker argument and they know it." - Charles R. Anderson

Screw you you jerk!! :P
Yeah, what a scab eater.
I flag yur post, a'cause it make me feel bad fer eatin mah scabs!!!!
Oh yeah!! Well, you play ball like a girl!

Hey! Watch it you undead dork! No girl throws that badly.

taig wrote:

I'm going to bed. Good night everyone.

Good night Mr Badgah sir.

I have a photographic memory.... but it's out of film. :/

Sharoth wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

On call starting from 6:00 pm friday night until 6:00am monday morning.

Youngest one's fever started......5:00pm friday night.
That is ever the timing of it.
It'll be allright, just a real pain in the arse.
I hope that you are only as busy this weekend as you want to be. Also, I hope that the Youngest one gets better soon. Good luck this weekend, Heathy.

~Sneaks past Dragon towards the hoard~

OUCH!! Sonova$%^$@*&!^$#(&^#$@!! Why did you put a poison dart trap on the front friggin door, you paranoid freah!

~Runs back to her lair to nurse her wound.~


Heathansson wrote:


~Slinks by and steals whatever it is.~

taig wrote:


In case it hasn't been said yet, happy Australia day, Flash!!!


<A lingering odor of deodorant over wet badger fur and brimstone persists>

~Watches the badger appear, and then vanish.~

Well at least he bathed for us.

Woodraven wrote:
night all, and somebody please tell me Why the rum's gone?

Shhwhy are yoush ashkin' me? Ahsh did'n toush your rum, what di' sumbudy shay otherwishe?

~Passes out spread eagle on the floor clutching a bottle of rum.~

~Begins running around the empty chamber practicing her nude gymnastics.~

taig wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
You crossed me outside the sanctity of the thread? Taig...

I'm feeling some leafy wrath coming on.

To be fair, I did pick a thread that was losing its seriousity.

It's ok Badgah sir! I got ya' back.

~Fires up +5 Weedwhacker of Speed.~

The Master wrote:
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote:
The Master wrote:
The Sith don't compare to the power of the Time Lords. I will go back and wipe you all from the face of the Galaxy. Bow before me.
You might want to go back and use some wrinkle cream... damn dude, your face is messed up!
......your face is messed up....stoopid girl...

Yeah... and you can back and think of something better to say while you're at it. So did you used blow your nose with a Brill-O pad when you were a kid? That would explain your face.

The Master wrote:
The Sith don't compare to the power of the Time Lords. I will go back and wipe you all from the face of the Galaxy. Bow before me.

You might want to go back and use some wrinkle cream... damn dude, your face is messed up!

Sharoth wrote:
Remember! Plunder first, then pillage! ~grins and heads back to work~

Yes sir! But when are we supposed to defile their women while they watch in anguish over the screams of ecstasy and moans of pleasure the likes they have never heard from their wives before?

David Fryer wrote:
Morning all, what did I miss?

You don't really want to know Fryer, trust me on that. ;)

Dr. Doom, MD. wrote:
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote:
Dr. Doom, MD. wrote:
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote:

~Seeing that hope lies ahead Lea picks up speed despite the burning in her legs and lungs.~

Doom you monster, you'll never get these back!

~As a bolt of energy passes just inches from her face she dives into a free clinic, the one place no self respecting doctor would ever go.~

Huh? What? What kind of monster do you think I am!? I just want the remaining $386.73 you owe me.
Oh. Is that all? Well hell, do you take Visa?


~Takes card and runs it through the armors built in card scanner.~

There we go, thank you for choosing to do bussiness with DoomMed{tm}.

Ok then.. say... that armor is kinda sexy, are you free tonight?

Dr. Doom, MD. wrote:
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote:

~Seeing that hope lies ahead Lea picks up speed despite the burning in her legs and lungs.~

Doom you monster, you'll never get these back!

~As a bolt of energy passes just inches from her face she dives into a free clinic, the one place no self respecting doctor would ever go.~

Huh? What? What kind of monster do you think I am!? I just want the remaining $386.73 you owe me.

Oh. Is that all? Well hell, do you take Visa?

~Seeing that hope lies ahead Lea picks up speed despite the burning in her legs and lungs.~

Doom you monster, you'll never get these back!

~As a bolt of energy passes just inches from her face she dives into a free clinic, the one place no self respecting doctor would ever go.~

Dr. Doom, MD. wrote:
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote:
Must.. get away... from... evil doctor!
Run if you must Lea. But you even your lithe, supple, athletic... body.... uhm... is it getting hot in here....uhm.... I mean... er... I'll get you my pretty!!

Dude! Get a grip you tin plated freak!

~Ducks under a low hanging beam.~

Must.. get away... from... evil doctor!

Dr. Doom, MD. wrote:
Soon my dear, soon.

Dr.Doom, MD!!! How did you find me? I thought I had escaped your nefarious clutches after I didn't pay for my new boobs!

~Runs from the battle armor clad doctor.~

So when will the new page get here?

flash_cxxi wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Sanctuary is starting to suck....<sigh>
Is that a movie?
TV show on SyFy
That explains it.
I honestly want to give Caprica a chance even though I really don't care for Battlestar Galactica. SyFy started a downward spiral staring with Season 5 of Sliders. :[
I liked the Pilot of Caprica. But then again I loved the Battlestar Galactica reboot as well...

You just liked al the girls in BSG, you pervert! me.

~Slips off with the gold while everyone was distracted by NTI.~

She's worth every coin I payed for her.

flash_cxxi wrote:

Back... Doctor prescribed me 3 different Painkillers. :/

I think I prefer Dr. Doom's prescription better (and truth be told I could do with some of those anytime soon... while 3 and ahalf weeks isn't the longest I've gone without it certainly doesn't help. :( ).

Wow..... I can't go 3 and a half hours. You must have nerves of steel.

David Fryer wrote:
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Wow, six hidden posts...

Off to bond with my teen daughter. Wish me luck chums!

Good luck. Teenagers are the worst. I know, I used to teach them.
I used to date them. ;P
I used to be one... but then I grew up...sorta.
Don't you have a cathouse to hang out in or something?

Yeah keep talking Fry boy, the Guild of Hot Chesty Rogue Chicks looks after its own.


So does the League of Super Stealthy Kill You Before You Know It Assassins.

Yes, but they're afraid of The Brotherhood of Too Friggin Tough to Stop Them From Killing You.... and we got to be real good friends with them at our last mixer. :P

David Fryer wrote:
Lea, The Useless Rogue wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Wow, six hidden posts...

Off to bond with my teen daughter. Wish me luck chums!

Good luck. Teenagers are the worst. I know, I used to teach them.
I used to date them. ;P
I used to be one... but then I grew up...sorta.
Don't you have a cathouse to hang out in or something?

Yeah keep talking Fry boy, the Guild of Hot Chesty Rogue Chicks looks after its own.


Moorluck wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Wow, six hidden posts...

Off to bond with my teen daughter. Wish me luck chums!

Good luck. Teenagers are the worst. I know, I used to teach them.
I used to date them. ;P

I used to be one... but then I grew up...sorta.

Spam wrote:
Nothing to see.

Yay!! I made my stealth check then! :D

~Passes through thread, before vanishing through a back door.~

David Fryer wrote:
My dinner is done, so I will see you later.

Not if I make my Stealth check....

Hey guys! Look!
~Lifts shirt.~


I spent my guild fees on these puppies, pretty nice huh? ;)

Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
~~~~~~Tidal Waves~~~~~~ ;)


*runs for cover*

Quick, hide in here!

~Gestures to hidden entrance to hideout, riddled with murder holes.~

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Maybe we need to make a thread "Seriously, new people, we welcome you. You just have to get used to us."

Thats's a great idea! And then me and Derpy could pilfer their pockets while they listen to the orientation speech! :)

Taig the wife sayeth she senteth forth an E-mail...eth.