
Larry, tentacle-thing.'s page

19 posts. Alias of icehawk333.


Larry deosnt really hesitate on this one, prattling something off from memory. most oozes are incapable of higher thought, if thought at all. Even the most intelligent of oozes seem to act almost purely on instinct and don't comprehend human language on any level, nor do they seem to see humans as anything more then another form of food.

it's possible for a protean to use a sword, but they usually don't. A sword represents a degree of effort and training. A foucs beyond the whims a protean usually has. As for the mutated corpses, that seems like it was subjected to protean magic, yes. Af for the bones being clean... perhaps you're right. Perhaps they've been here longer then was assumed.

Jo'Vassa wrote:
"so no harm done, yes?"

i wouldn't exactly say that.

well, sorta. It's far from too late to back out, actuslly. They have zero evidence of who did what. ... That, and if those were voidworms like I think they were, most proteans don't even consider them aware.

well. That happened. Shall we continue?

Jo'Vassa wrote:
"Couldn't you cast it on you and then listen and translate for La'Vassa?"

not sure if it would work by proxy like that. And it's a moot point, because I haven't found it.

Jo'Vassa wrote:
La'Vassa asks the rock "have you found the talking spell?"-

no, and if I had, I can't exactly cast it on you from here.

larry is rather quiet.

Larry somehow manages to be audibly stunned silent over the link.

your creature seems to have seen something. It's holding rather still.

as far as I know, this isn't a diplomacy mission. It's a threat assement, with possible elimination. If the creatures are willing to attack just because they don't share a language with you, then the answer seems clear to me.

Jo'Vassa wrote:
"Do you have such a spell?"

my library is vast. Given enough time, I could possibly find it.

Jo'Vassa wrote:

[dice=knowledge the plains to know that prothian is a weird language] 1d20+8

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you would need to know a spell like tounges. Without it, the proteans can be rather... Hard to speak to. I don't dare approach their minds.

does anyone need any advice before you delve in?

now would be the time to prepare, and plan. What do you intend to do?

Larry nods, and walks back to the library.

Larry shrugs noncomittally.

Larry offers one to each person present in turn. these will all help me communicate with you from a distance, so I don't actually have to go in with you.

Larry follows soon after, carrying a handful of shiny blue crystals.