Blue Dragon

Lanowar's page

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Honestly I'll be happy for anything on the Imperial Dragon style Kobolds

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I just noticed the Kobold on the cover is that an Imperial Dragon Kobold?

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I've seen a lot of talk about how this AP isn't particularly tailored to one set of alignments so I was wondering for anyone currently playing or running it just how viable are Evil characters?

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107. Treating the game as something you try and 'win'

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My players survived (Mostly)

As a GM some of my personal highlights were...

Haqim a rather eccentric merchant who was the owner of 'Haqim's all in one wonder emporium and fishmongers' famous for his motto. "I'll give you a good deal but try to cheat me and I'll gut you like a fish."

Qabar- A catfolk merchant, who may or may not be a crimeboss and his character arc of being a fallen Paladin of Shellyn trying to protect his aasimar adopted daughter by any means nessecary and getting one last shot of redemption to help resurrect the party Paladin. Including a fight with a Chellixan inquisitor tasked with finding her (who I made sound like Alan Rickman)

The Puzzleblade- An item found at the auction that was a wooden scimitar that every morning falls apart and has to be reassembled. If the roll is high enough the blade becomes flaming.

Old Eye-Taker” Sotenre- I ran this encounter as completely roleplaying based with the group having to defend their actions in the previous adventure from Faragi an undead Prosecutor who was quite racist and misogynistic among other things. I brought back undead versions of characters they had killed previously to provide testimonies.

Ajin Ra Baqa- This fight was very intense, I've spoken about it before but basically they choose to walk away and he attacked them and led to a very role-play based encounter.

The Darkfolk- I added Mournful Song a dark dancer desperately trying to find the Dark Folk looking in the necropolis. Mostly played for comedic effect the Dark Folk's attempts at surface talk was trying to find out why they called them 'Birds' and offering them half a dead rat as food.

I had a role-play challenge involving an Androsphinx trying to see if they were worthy. They had to take a god, a weapon, an animal and an element and craft a story. The winner got an extra trait (This trait the Wizard who sun about a sad Ibis elevated by Shelyn)

Shardizard who ended up taking an interest in the Oracle and has tasked him with slaying her brother who she knows is looking for her. I gave her a human form that was a young African woman but half her body is crystalline scales as she still hasn't gotten the hang of other forms.

A mad priest they found killing another group of Adventurers having lost his sanity during the Undead uprising. Turning into a giant werewolf (bonus points if anyone can guess the reference) he prove a challenge but Fireballs often win.

Most of the last section was a blast, the Cult's ambush was an intense fight for survival, the fight against the Head in the cage was hilarious but also horrific at the same time and the final floor was just basically a series of "oh s&%*" encounters. Though they survived eventually! They summoned a Vanth (Who I had as simply being Ajin Ra Baqa) to help kill Nebta-Khufre.

All in all I really enjoyed this book, I'm looking forward to seeing how they react to the social challenges of the next book though!

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For those who missed out on Paizocon can you give us a possible run-down of the rather excellent sounding Goblins and Dinosaurs adventure? The idea of Goblins shooting lasers on the back of Dinosaurs is too intriguing not to enquire about!

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Crystal Frasier wrote:
Lanowar wrote:

Shardizhad is the best name/pun for a Dragon ever!

Oh wait is this meant to be question, let me try again.

Is Shardizhad the best name/pun for a Dragon ever?

Shardizhad is my very first character insert ever. She was my character in our old college Council of Worms game.

So to answer your question: Yes, Shardizhad is absolutely the best dragon name ever.

I just had to google what that is (To my shame I know) and that sounds most excellent. Well I hope I did her justice then! The group I run with really have taken to her, though they're not used to talking to Dragons so that might be why!

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Shardizhad is the best name/pun for a Dragon ever!

Oh wait is this meant to be question, let me try again.

Is Shardizhad the best name/pun for a Dragon ever?

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So our group this session was composed off

Indyana- Catfolk Paladin of Shelyn
Doctor Joesph Goode- Half Elf Chelaxian Oracle of Lore
Dinajt- Ifrit Sorcerer

So our group were missing some players for tonight session but I decided to go ahead anyway because they were right at the end of the first part of Empty Graves and we had already missed a week and I didn't want to lose momentum. So I decided a shorter session with them fighting Ajin Ra Baqa was potentially a good way to do this.

When they arrived at the Grand Mausoleum Sebti the Crocodile and Nakht Shepses are in a heated debate about unleashing the Psychopomps onto the town. I had the group hear about this potential plan from Bal Themm who had pleaded with them to help heal the rift between the two of them and to stop the voices of the spires plans from (and in her own words) "Killing hundreds to save thousands". The group confronted Nakht on not having the Voice of the Spire use their military might to help combat the undead in the city and let let Sebti do her job and organise a response however Nakht refused to let anyone delay his plans to save Wati from the undead.

They argued that control of the Psychopomps was difficult at best and by doing so they risked turning the town into a warzone. To prove they could be controlled Nakht ordered a runner to go summon 'him' which terrified the kid and confused the group. “Who could you bring that would win your argument!” one of the party yelled and almost as if I felt he needed to respond a dark and raspy voice cut through their discussions “I will.” at first I described him as a hunched figure in a black cloak and hood covering his face holding a long golden staff. The Voices of the Spire surrounded the open area of the meeting room and starting chanting his name “ Ajin Ra Baqa, Ajin Ra Baqa, Ajin Ra Baqa,”

“It is simple, defeat my champion to prove you are worthy to save Wati.” Nakht said watching on as the cloaked figure stood there waiting to start the combat.

What happened next threw me off balance but in a good way, our Oracle of Lore threw his sword to the ground and went “No, I'm not going to waste time fighting our allies when the real enemy is out there.” I will be honest it took me a moment to figure out what to do next but finally a plan sprang to mind. “If you will not fight me, I will fight you.” Ajin responded as the cloak unfolded into wings and the Vanth stood revealed.

So for a a couple of rounds the Paladin stepped into the frey to stop the Vanth from attacking the Oracle while the Sorcerer tried to help combat the Psychopomp. When it seemed like the Vanth was going to get the upper hand suddenly Bal Themm burst through the ranks to try and talk sense into Nakht “This is madness, how could you do this to to those that come to help!” inspired by her words Qasin the Nosoi (and group favourite) rushed in front of Ajin Ra Baqa first hitting it with sonic damage and then attempting to fascinate him to make him stop attacking. Breaking free of this Ajin Ra Baqa turned on the small bird for interfering, only for the Oracle to jump in the way and grab the bird taking the hit.

The Oracle attempted to leave with Qasin so I had him roll diplomacy checks as he went to simulate his actions trying to prove how futile this fight was. Eventually he got through the priests watching that this was a waste of time and potentially dangerous waste of resources and they started to demand the fight end. Meanwhile Ajin Ra Baqa and the Paladin fought one another exchanging blows while Bal channelled to help keep her in the fight. Eventually Sebti used The Doctor's example to prove to Nakht her point and he finally saw the merit in her words and called off Ajin Ra Baqa much to the rooms relief.

Really I pictured this being a straight up fight, I wasn't expecting the Oracle to take a stand and to play it so well. Having Bal and Qasin jump in was a reaction to this and turned the fight into less of a brawl to more of a epic showdown against a superior opponent. I fudged a lot of the rules to make it work for the players and enjoyed doing so. Ajin Ra Baqa I made into the ultimate logical killing machine, he took offence to a Paladin being here and with every blow reminded her of his displeasure. I enjoyed the encounter very much and even If it didn't go the way I intended it to I enjoyed making it work for the players and turned what could have been a dull one sided fight into a scene from a movie.

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In our Mummy's Mask game I decided to introduce a shop owner, at first his name was simply Haqim and he sold items and was quite passionate about this. As a joke the group was warned he did not react well to trickery. His catchphrase is "I'll give you a good deal but if you cheat me I'll gut you like a fish." which lead to a joke that his shop is actually called "Haqim's all in one wonderporium...
...and fishmongers."

One of the group wanted to sell attack dogs to another adventuring party but was told he didn't sell them. Expecting that to be the end of it he rolled diplomacy to find a place so thinking on my feet I came up with Qabar an old Catfolk merchant who sold dogs because "I'm a cat, and I hate them." he had a half elf assistant who shines like fire. Assuming they would just buy the stuff and head on they insisted on returning to Qabar multiple times and so his backstory was born. An ex-paladin who fled his homeland to protect an Assamair half elf child he found in the arms of a dead angel from the forces of Chelliax he fell from grace, sacrificing his religion by doing whatever it takes to protect her. In the game we're playing at the moment I've just finished a sidestory in which a group of Cheliax inquisitors led by someone who acts and sounds remarkably like hans gruber came for him. I don't think the group expected an NPC I made just as a one note joke to actually have a backstory so complex and deep.

Still if the PC's are willing to invest into the story, it should be rewarded as such.

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I am Groot?

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Name: Anubarak
Race: Human
Class: Warpriest of Pharasama
Adventure: Half Dead City
Location: Temple of Nethys
Catalyst: Getting his head blown off by Velriana Hypaxes's Scorching Ray


Name: Indyana (I know)
Race: Catfolk
Class: Investigator
Adventure: Empty Graves
Location: The Canny Jackal
Catalyst: A mummy charged her and even though she crawled away the Mummy Rot devastated her Con thus turning her to dust.

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What sort of fun stuff do Goblins and Kobolds get to play with?

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It should be noted the first Hero has already been revealed in the back of Issue 2. She is called Falita Ahman and is a Chaotic Good, Female human bard (dervish dancer) 5.

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GM says: This adventure will have a mystery to it that I know you will enjoy.

GM Means: I have this amazing story I want you to follow and never deviate from.

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Name: The King's Footsteps

Theme: Kaiju/Monster Slaying/Resource building

Location: Varisia

Book 1: The King's Footsteps

When King Mogaru a fearsome Kaiju passes through Magnimar, it leaves destruction and death in it's wake. A group of Adventurers personally affected by the tragedy band together to slay the beast but first they must rebuild the city and then help protect it from the horrors that have escaped from underneath the city.

Book 2: The Reflective horror

Tracking Mogaru across Varisia the group discover the beast has suddenly changed direction and is heading towards the small town of Sandpoint. Overtaking the monster the group has to help the town ready it's defences but not before discovering that perhaps there is something even more dangerous than Mogaru just off the coast, a new kaiju born as a result of the glass works...

Book 3: A storm of scales

Mogaru has crossed the ocean and is heading to the Devil's Punchbowl an island home to a family of ancient dragons. What business does the King of the Kaiju have there and can the PC's potentially get the ancient Dragons to side with them on their quest to kill the king of all monsters?

Book 4: Of Kaiju and Men

With Mogaru returning to the coast the PC's are contacted by the Pathfinder Society who have been following their quest. They claim the monster is being used by some outside force that is making it attacking both enemies and other Kaiju. to understand more the society take the PC's to a temple of an ancient civilisation that worshipped them, there the group will discover the history of Mogaru and the identity of the group controlling him.

Book 5: Mogaru vs the World

Why has Gozreh the god of nature seized control of Mogaru and sent him on a mission of destruction against the cities of man? The quest takes a turn as nations must form alliances and an army must gather to destroy the King of Monsters and you'd be surprised who offers to stand with the PC's from Gods to Devils how the army is build affects the fate of the world.

Book 6: Mogaru Unbound

Free from Gozreh's control the King of the Kaiju is free to bring forth his vengeance. The PC's are now stuck in the situation where they can either ally with the mighty beast to fight a god or take on the mighty beast in one final showdown. Either way with Mogaru unbound Golarion will never be the same again...