Blue Dragon

Lanowar's page

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I'm about to start Ruby Phoenix and while I want to play a Summoner I'm still undecided about what type of Eidolon. Keeping with the theme I thought having a something resembling a Kamaitachi might be cool.

For those unaware a Kamaitachi is a Yokai from Japanese mythology that looks like a weasel with sickles for feet and sometimes it has one for a tail. They are associated with wind as well with some even being able to fly.

I did see they showed up in Bestiary 6 in the previous version as a Fey but that version was more cunning and was about using it's abilities to torment characters where I see the Eidolon as more a speedy attacker.

I guess my question is would it be better to pick the Beast Eidolon if I just want to play an attacker or the Fey since it has more varied options but potentially less attack power?

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I've seen a lot of talk about how this AP isn't particularly tailored to one set of alignments so I was wondering for anyone currently playing or running it just how viable are Evil characters?


I'm getting to grips with Roll20 and while I have Macros that help do Skill rolls I was hoping for something to help cast Electric Arc without having to swap back to my sheet every so often.

Macros are not my strong suit however so I was hoping someone already had one they'd be kindly willing to share or perhaps just advice on how to make this work?

Thank you in advance!

So just a quick question, if a Bloodrager had the Superstition rage power would he have to roll a Will save when he begins the rage and starts adding spells?

Also how would this work in conjunction with greater bloodrage

"The bloodrager can apply the effects a bloodrager spell he knows of 2nd level or lower to himself. The spell must have a range of touch or personal. If the spell's duration is greater than 1 round, it instead lasts for the duration of the bloodrage. This use consumes a bloodrager spell slot, as if he had cast the spell"

Does that mean he doesn't actually cast a spell but just gets an effect similar to it so he doesn't need to roll?

Any help in this would be most useful.

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So our group this session was composed off

Indyana- Catfolk Paladin of Shelyn
Doctor Joesph Goode- Half Elf Chelaxian Oracle of Lore
Dinajt- Ifrit Sorcerer

So our group were missing some players for tonight session but I decided to go ahead anyway because they were right at the end of the first part of Empty Graves and we had already missed a week and I didn't want to lose momentum. So I decided a shorter session with them fighting Ajin Ra Baqa was potentially a good way to do this.

When they arrived at the Grand Mausoleum Sebti the Crocodile and Nakht Shepses are in a heated debate about unleashing the Psychopomps onto the town. I had the group hear about this potential plan from Bal Themm who had pleaded with them to help heal the rift between the two of them and to stop the voices of the spires plans from (and in her own words) "Killing hundreds to save thousands". The group confronted Nakht on not having the Voice of the Spire use their military might to help combat the undead in the city and let let Sebti do her job and organise a response however Nakht refused to let anyone delay his plans to save Wati from the undead.

They argued that control of the Psychopomps was difficult at best and by doing so they risked turning the town into a warzone. To prove they could be controlled Nakht ordered a runner to go summon 'him' which terrified the kid and confused the group. “Who could you bring that would win your argument!” one of the party yelled and almost as if I felt he needed to respond a dark and raspy voice cut through their discussions “I will.” at first I described him as a hunched figure in a black cloak and hood covering his face holding a long golden staff. The Voices of the Spire surrounded the open area of the meeting room and starting chanting his name “ Ajin Ra Baqa, Ajin Ra Baqa, Ajin Ra Baqa,”

“It is simple, defeat my champion to prove you are worthy to save Wati.” Nakht said watching on as the cloaked figure stood there waiting to start the combat.

What happened next threw me off balance but in a good way, our Oracle of Lore threw his sword to the ground and went “No, I'm not going to waste time fighting our allies when the real enemy is out there.” I will be honest it took me a moment to figure out what to do next but finally a plan sprang to mind. “If you will not fight me, I will fight you.” Ajin responded as the cloak unfolded into wings and the Vanth stood revealed.

So for a a couple of rounds the Paladin stepped into the frey to stop the Vanth from attacking the Oracle while the Sorcerer tried to help combat the Psychopomp. When it seemed like the Vanth was going to get the upper hand suddenly Bal Themm burst through the ranks to try and talk sense into Nakht “This is madness, how could you do this to to those that come to help!” inspired by her words Qasin the Nosoi (and group favourite) rushed in front of Ajin Ra Baqa first hitting it with sonic damage and then attempting to fascinate him to make him stop attacking. Breaking free of this Ajin Ra Baqa turned on the small bird for interfering, only for the Oracle to jump in the way and grab the bird taking the hit.

The Oracle attempted to leave with Qasin so I had him roll diplomacy checks as he went to simulate his actions trying to prove how futile this fight was. Eventually he got through the priests watching that this was a waste of time and potentially dangerous waste of resources and they started to demand the fight end. Meanwhile Ajin Ra Baqa and the Paladin fought one another exchanging blows while Bal channelled to help keep her in the fight. Eventually Sebti used The Doctor's example to prove to Nakht her point and he finally saw the merit in her words and called off Ajin Ra Baqa much to the rooms relief.

Really I pictured this being a straight up fight, I wasn't expecting the Oracle to take a stand and to play it so well. Having Bal and Qasin jump in was a reaction to this and turned the fight into less of a brawl to more of a epic showdown against a superior opponent. I fudged a lot of the rules to make it work for the players and enjoyed doing so. Ajin Ra Baqa I made into the ultimate logical killing machine, he took offence to a Paladin being here and with every blow reminded her of his displeasure. I enjoyed the encounter very much and even If it didn't go the way I intended it to I enjoyed making it work for the players and turned what could have been a dull one sided fight into a scene from a movie.

I was just wondering if anyone has done any side quests in Mummy's Masks and if so how did they go? I am thinking of putting one in book one just so my players can feel a bit more ready for the third part so any suggestions on what people have done would be most appreciated.

A couple of years ago I made a Kobold Alchemist whose mutagen form became more and more draconic as he levelled up, he gained wings, a breathe weapon and had decent claw attacks as well through savage mutagen (which I took to get Master Chymist I seem to recall) and as a character he was both interesting in a roleplaying and useful for combat and now I have the chance to revisit the character and my mind has gone blank on how I made it work.

So what I am looking for is some advice on how to recreate a decent Kobold Alchemist. It's for Reign of Winter so I'll be making him a white Kobold to help survive the cold and swapping out some skills to give him some survival to boot. So any advice would be gratefully appreciated.