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Your first assignment is to PM me something that one other character knows about you - something from your past, or perhaps a shared experience. This does not need to be tragic or incriminating - but is designed to build the story of this group as you journey towards becoming heroes! You may also suggest who the other person is, but I reserve the right to assign it to someone else in order to cover everyone. Remember that each character should have one rank in a Craft or Profession skill to match your day-to-day work. You have until Friday to get your characters completed! I ask for a common stat block for your characters. Please update and use the following - put it into the Class or Race block on your character's Profile page:
In the game, I often use spoilers to reveal information if you make an appropriate Skill roll. Please only read these if you successfully pass the condition. For example (you don't need to roll your perception to read this example...):
DC11 Perception:
You notice the subtle scent of onions and garlic emanating from the kitchen of the Lady Luck Tavern...dinner should be better than normal tonight! Let's have fun!
“Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” How will greatness find you? You start as a character in the trading city of Daggerford, a medium-sized town in the River Kingdoms. By agreement with the duke, the town maintains its own militia, trained by Duke Pwyll’s soldiers. By the law of Daggerford, every healthy resident of age is required to serve as a member of the militia. The territory around Daggerford is occasionally besieged by evil invaders, and everyone must be ready to defend their homes and lives. Even transients of the right age find themselves either training with the militia or asked to leave the town. If a person stays longer than two weeks, a militia soldier shows up at his residence to induct him… Militia troops must stand guard three days out of the month, acting as both a street patrol and wall guard. Militiamen who participate in combat or other hazardous missions are entitled to split any loot they legally obtain among them. The town is entitled to buy any magical items deemed necessary for the well-being of the town. Character Creation:
Stats: All the PC's start as 1st-level residents in the town of Daggerford. Character creation will involve a 20 point ability buy. Maximum HP at level one, you may choose to either roll or use 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter. Races: Humans are the most numerous race in the game, but Daggerford is a fairly self-sufficient town with visitors from other regions. Half-elfs, dwarves, halflings, and other core races are allowed so long as you have an interesting back story. As for other races (Featured or Uncommon races from Advanced Race Guide[/]), you will have to provide a [i]really fantastic justification why something this "odd" is in a generally human town. Classes: Any but Cavalier, Gunslinger, Inquisitor, Ninja, Samurai, or Swashbuckler. No Unchained rules as I am not at all familiar with that =( The twist is that you must fit your class to a role in the community. Some examples of this might be the tavern minstrel who studied as a Bard, a fighter who is an officer in the local militia, the local herbalist at the edge of town having Alchemist training. As such, each character gains 1 free rank in a single Craft or Profession Skill and +1 bonus to any 2 skills (including the Craft or Profession skill) relating to their profession. Alignment: Your characters can be any Neutral or Good alignment. No evil characters allowed. Traits: 2 traits of your choice. These should relate to your background and/or profession. Starting Equipment: Average gold for your class. As the players are residents of Daggerford, you also start with 2 sets of clothing, 3 days of rations, a room or place to live, and common crafting/professional tools (as agreed upon by the GM). Background: Please provide a paragraph or two with your background story. Have you always lived in Daggerford, or are you a recent immigrant? Do you live in the main town, or in one of the outlying farming communities? What is your current profession – feel free to tie in to one of the well-known businesses or guilds, or create your own. What are your dreams and aspirations? Finally, what is one thing you are known for in town – be it a well-known ‘secret’ or a common rumor. About Me:
I’m a veteran gamer. I prefer a good story to mechanics. I have come to absolutely trust in the awesome power of randomness. I run PG-13 games. (Sometimes they can be dark, usually they are humorous, but I try to make them safe for the younger gamers…) I post once a day – usually. I rely solely on the online Pathfinder Reference Document for rules. If it’s not here, I won’t accept it. (In other words – no 3rd party content.) I expect players to let us know if you are going to be out of pocket for more than a day - I want everyone be involved but will move the story on without you if you disappear. I intend to open this recruitment thread for one week. I will select a party on the evening of Tuesday, 2 August. I look forward to meeting your characters – good luck!
I've found there are a few rare and magical places that will relax you, rejuvenate you, and let you talk about anything. The dinner table. A campfire. The Happy Cow Tavern. Welcome to the tavern! This is the place to interact with the rest of the townsfolk when you're not at home or working. So come on in, pull up a stool or join the bench, order a nice, cold adult beverage and maybe partake of the venison stew or spicy fish chowdah. Abigail over there will take your order in a moment. Enjoy!
The Daggermark recruiting station is open! Step up and make your mark... Character Creation Players will create a character using the NPC creation rules found at his link. Races: Humans are the most numerous race in the game, but Daggermark is a fairly self-sufficient town with visitors from other regions. Half-elves, dwarves, halflings and other core races are allowed so long as you have an interesting back story. You may use the alternate racial traits from the Advanced Race Guide if desired. Featured and Uncommon races are not allowed. Classes: All characters start as adepts or commoners. Adepts may only use the spells listed for this class, although they may attempt to learn any spells found in scrolls or spellbooks. All characters are considered proficient with a short spear, one additional simple weapon, and light armor (but not shields). This is mainly due to your militia training. Ability Scores: All players will use Heroic NPC ability scores (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8) plus appropriate racial ability adjustments. You may choose the distribution of scores. Alignment: Your characters can be any Neutral or Good alignment. No evil characters allowed. Skills: As your characters have spent their lives working toward certain trades, they get one free rank in a profession or craft skill of your choice, and it will always be a class skill. Characters also get a +2 trait bonus to two additional skills relating to their profession/craft. These choices must be an integral part of your story. Feats: Your character may have all racial abilities and one feat. Remember, humans receive an additional feat at 1st level. Traits: Characters get two traits of your choice. They should relate to your background. Starting Equipment: As the players are "Ordinary People" their starting gear will be scarce. Players start with 2 sets of clothing, a sack or old backpack, 3 days of rations, a place of residence with some furniture and supplies, and common artisan tools or general professional items (as agreed upon by the GM). Additionally, characters may have up to 25gp (roll 2d12+1) representing their life savings. Recruitment for this homebrew adaptation of an old Forgotten Realms adventure series will close in one week!
The Heroes of the Daggermark need a Healer! I am looking for a new townsperson to step up and help the group of young friends, since their alchemist and cleric had to withdraw, stay home and take care of their families... ====================================================================
You may start at 2nd level and use a 12 point ability buy (vice 10). You are limited to basic equipment you would have in an ordinary hovel and your profession. (GM reserves right to approve/disapprove gear.) For recruitment purposes, I am most interested in reading a backstory, including your job/ profession to this point and any links to the current (or previous) characters. I would like to see your ability scores, traits, and feats. Full crunch not required until I select you. This is a short-turn recruitment - I would like to make a selection by Monday, 21 October. You will be inserted into an existing adventure =) Who will answer the call?
I've found there are a few rare and magical places that will relax you, rejuvenate you, and let you talk about anything. The dinner table. A campfire. The Happy Cow Tavern in Daggermark. Welcome to the tavern! This is the place to interact with the rest of the townsfolk when you're not at home or working. So come on in, pull up a stool or join the bench, order a nice, cold adult beverage and maybe partake of the venison stew or spicy fish chowdah. Abigail over there will take your order in a moment. Enjoy!
“Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”
The player characters in this campaign are Non-Heroes who will become heroes out of necessity. Will these Ordinary People step up and become the heroes of destiny or will they be slaughtered brutally by forces of evil? It is up to you (and fate) to decide. This game encourages more social interaction over direct combat, talking your way out of a fight, using stealth, or using intelligent strategy is preferred to front line confrontation as your characters are at a disadvantage compared to more competent heroes. And most of all have fun and interject humor when it is due, this should be an entertaining game. Character Creation
Stats: The game will be Low Fantasy; the characters are not born and bred to be heroes, they're just ordinary people who by circumstance are thrust into adventuring. Character creation will involve a 10 point buy mechanic. However as the characters will be at a high disadvantage, they will get maximum hit points each level and a +10 to their death threshold. Player characters will start at level 1. Races: Humans are the most numerous race in the game, but Daggermark is a fairly self-sufficient town with visitors from other regions. Half-elfs, dwarves, halflings, and other core races are allowed so long as you have an interesting back story. As for other races, you will have to really justify why something this "Odd" is in a generally human town. Classes: Core classes will be allowed so long as they can be justified as a “Common Folk” profession. No Knightly Paladins or Noble Knights need apply. The twist is that you must fit your class to a role in the community. Some examples of this might be the local Bard minstrel, a fighter who is a part of the local militia, an eccentric wizard at the edge of town or an alchemist being the local herbalist. This gives a Profession Suite for your character. Alignment: Your characters can be any Neutral or Good alignment. No evil characters allowed. Professions: As your characters have been spending their lives working toward certain trades, players get 1 free rank in a profession skill of their choice (must be an integral part of your story.) They also get +2 inherent to any 2 skills of their choice relating to the profession. Traits: You get 1 trait of your choice. It should relate to your background. Starting Equipment: As the players are "Ordinary People" their starting gear will be scarce. Players start with 2 sets of clothing, a sack or old backpack, 3 days of rations, a place of residence with some furniture and supplies, general profession items (as agreed upon by the GM) and 25 Gold Pieces (representing their life savings). |