
LagunaWSU2's page

Organized Play Member. 25 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


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You have an enemy spell-caster captured and you left him CONSCIOUS!? Well THERE'S your problem.

Yay for two cents!

I would be on the side of not switching the character. What I would recommend is writing a really good back-story. Think about WHY your character became a really good liar. Who was he lying too? Why was he lying? Things like this not only help a GM in understanding why the character uses bluff but it will also help you to define what lies your character would tell, which I think is mostly the problem here.

I would not lose hope, sir. High level Pathfinder is a harsh forest to navigate...only made more harsh by your characters having anything they want.

Part of the only control you have as GM is player gear...when you throw that out...well...Baby with the bath water and all that.

I know, somewhere out there, is a purely cooking prestige. It was a halfling god thing, but eventually purely through cooking skill you could cast "feast of heroes".

Love the evangelist! Never enough cred for that archetype. Kudos.

I too shall submit soon.

PS: We get 62,000 gold.

I tell you what, even if I was a silly orc, I think if a dude just nuked 30 of my buddies with a snap of his fingers, that's a FAR larger threat than that guy over there in the full plate.

In the book of Five Rings, by a man who's already been mentioned here, he talks about different types of Katana. So I would say if you want your D10 two-hander go for it. It's a bastard sword in game terms. If you want a one handed sword that has 18-20 then go for that too. Why not have different stats and call it the same thing?

As for weapon Finesse, its never come up at my table. My munchkins shun TWF. But if it did, I wouldn't think to question the halfling samurai with weapon finesse. It just makes a good character and a solid fantasy premise. No reason to stop that, its CERTAINLY not OP.

If this was PFS, however, I wouldn't let it fly. Just for sake of continuity and sticking to what rules we have set in books.

I would love to see it changed though. The Katana as stated in the books should be weapon finessable, imho.

It's really tough to be the new guy, and we were all new once.

That said effort needs to be made. Loan the guy books if your comfortable with that. Give him access to your comp for PDF's. I've found that first comes interest, then comes knowledge.

My hats off for even trying a medium sized cavalier in PFS.

That said there is something for fighting with your mount while dismounted. And I'm not exactly sure on the rulings here, but I pass teamwork feats to my mount all the time. It is an ally, after all.

I've never fudged.(HA!)

I *rarely* allow re-rolls.

Really? Swinging a stick does more "damage" to the body than stabbing? Please sir rethink this statement. I swing and hit your arm. Ouch. Maybe you have a broken arm. I stab and hit you in the EYE. Now which did more "damage"?

If this is something someone really wants, I would just make it a new item that costs the same and only has the DR vs bullets...not arrows or daggers or what have you.

Amazing Gnorman's Bullet Proof Vest!

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I dunno how y'all missed these guys, but I see them all the time:

Player: ALRIGHT!!!! Check that feat out! Oh man that's totally broken. (Spends next 30 minutes altering numbers and stats for said feat) Done!

DM: Okay, what is your characters name?

Player: Oh right, I need a name...


Having seen two gunslingers at tables I assure you, at any level below 5, they seem incredibly overpowered damage wise. The ability to crit for x4 combined with only having to hit touch AC's is very powerful.

HOWEVER...I've ALSO yet to see a session where a gun didn't jam at least twice, and one time a guy had three jams in one combat. This negates a lot of damage (as the GS now has to clear the barrel) but it also seems to be one of the few things the GS actually spends grit on. Just things I noticed.

As a side note: I'm not up on the numbers but none of my GS's used Alch rounds. They all went with paper cartridges. Then again they also don't have access to advanced firearms.

I love the fact that you can now make your summon a healer. I play a christian like summoner who has an angel that can duel wield swords and cast a minor heal or two. Is good fun.

I really like the roleplay aspect of summoner, too. Its a very, very powerful social tool to be able to conjure huge powerful beings instantly.

The ability to play sub-optimal builds and be effective is fun and innovative.

Lotsa great advice in here.

Mage armor is awesome. It is not, I feel, for sorcerers. I would buy scrolls from wizards who memorize and cast it all the time.

Monks are a versatile and awesome class that don't need to do a lot of damage to be effective. It's a nice side effect, but it isn't the primary thing to be doing on the battlefield. Tripping, grappling, and flanking are top goals. You'll do damage doing that and have awesome control.

Also, not trying to be a stinky-poo, but I would say doing this is EXACTLY like getting a sword grafted to your hand...except you can't flurry with the sword, making it lame and weak. You'd also have to take a feat as a proficiency.

I do however like the idea of a prestige that MAKES you metal. That I could see working out.

But but I thought I loved the taste of hemlock in the morning?!

Just for my two cents I don't like Sorcerers. I find them limiting and most of the bloodlines have nothing to do with gaining more caster abilities. They get you claws instead. Yay.

Also I would point to the 10 or so archetypes for wizards besides just being specialized. There's a lot of diveresity in there and somethings a sorcerer just won't even come close to (Gun wizard, anyone?)

Oh. Wizards ARE limited daily by the spells they can cast. They ALSO come with scribe scroll for free. Never played a wizard who couldn't cast magic missle all dungeon long.

EDIT: Wizard is also, I think, one of the harder classes to actually manage at a table for the pc. A fighter has to think about his sword(s), a rogue about his lockpicks. The wizard has this silly book he has to haul around and constantly refer to and make notes in. The sorcerer? He just points his finger at things and they go boom.

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Game Mastering is about being creative.

Your #1 goal is to make your player characters happy.

You failed at both these things.

And then God decreed that spontaneous spellcasting was an evil act punishable only by death...and that a pint of human sorcerer blood could be used for any spell component! No one played a sorcerer that day...

Check out Human alternate class bonuses. Then check out the one for Sorcerer.

I urge everyone to look at gnome racial "Pyromaniac" and then look at flame oracle. The combo is quite awesome. I took the "Haunted" curse too, so things around me randomly light on fire. The townsfolk hate me, but the party's pretty cool with it.

Pathfinder = D&D (It's faster to say in texts, usually) 4th edition is fourth edition. Played one game, was not D&D, moved on to pathfinder.