MythicFox |
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I've got a theory...
(Sorry, I always think of that song when I hear/read/think the phrase 'got a theory.')
Ahem. Anyhow, my spider* senses are telling me that the poisoning and the theft of the book are unrelated. Although I'll have to go over the story thus far again to concoct a more detailed theory.
*-- Purity of spider content not guaranteed.

Itchy |

Entertaining thus far. I suspect the elf. [Gimli]Never trust an elf![/Gmili] He's too obsequious, too willing to help. I think he wants to help in order to misdirect Jeggare.
Either that, or he's the thief, but not the murderer. He took the Lacuna Codex to help with his entry into the Society. He could be the murderer as well, using the murders to distract Jeggare from looking for the book.
Or it could be someone else. I consider everyone a suspect.

MythicFox |

GeraintElberion wrote:I still think it's the captain.It can't be The Captain. They were drinking brandy, not spiced rum. Also it was obviously poison on the rim of the drinking vessel, not in the brandy itself. ;)
In all seriousness, my theory is that the poisoner is...
Also, I think the captain suspects as such as well, seeing as how eager he is to make sure she's locked up and guarded somewhere alone for the moment.

Kevin Andrew Murphy Contributor |

I'll bet on a pair of murderers, with the noblewoman murdering Pekko but the dwarf's brother murdering the merchant. If they both take out the one they don't have the motive to kill, they can get away with it, each inheriting the other's wealth.
The codex? Stolen by the dead merchant and now in the possession of the wife, probably hidden underneath her yappy dogs.
The elven fanboy and the Qadiran rogue are both red herrings. Ditto the captain.
At least those are my guesses. I look forward to the conclusion Wednesday and seeing what the actual tale is.