
Laanrah's page

34 posts. Alias of joriandrake.


Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

Sorry on my own situation, seems like I am still ill while I thought I am already fine

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

Sorry about delay, had a mild food poisoning

I hope I didn't miss anything, and sorry if the group is in any way hindered by my recent lack of activity

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 (auto-dice seems to hate me)

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

::red? fox then::

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

we r evil = it dies, I dun care anymore :3 No use for a disloyal animal servant who doesn't want to live. ^-^

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

Not sure I understand this clearly due to language barrier, does it mean the animal wants to die?

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

I consider that comment directed at me GM.

Laanrah steps to the cat and touches the body, contacting the spirit before it would leave the world of the living. "If you swear your utmost loyalty to me then you can live. Do you want to?"

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

Next time Laanrah acts (You still retain control over her, not enough time to do all items, only when i am back home)

Laarah uses this chance to draw upon the forces of nature around her. Leafs begin to swirl around her, earth and dust raise above the ground levitating, then water is coming up from the ground. Quickly the natural elements begin to take form, water takes a red color, stone and earth turn white as it forms bones, and from the inside out a creature is created. Blood veins, a heart, ribs, muscles, skin take form and soon a white tiger stands by the side of Laanrah.

The tiger growls up the tree to the cat, ready to go after it if his master so demands it.

Just created my animal companion in a flavorful way to have it in addition for battle.

Laanrah turns towards the wolf and also gives out a beastly growl at it, her eyes for a moment take that of typically feline shape.

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

It was in the discussion thread, didn't post here because I looked for an answer there and never got it, never mind then, nothing was really special,
just act my char as NPC for this encounter, having a +1 full plate armor and sword/shield as a melee fighter, I will finalize the items and the next time it all will be done, I consider all gear accepted then

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

So.. any word on the items finally? Still waiting for the answer o.O

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

GM, are the two magical items fine? Other than those I will stack up on potions and whatnot that already exist written.

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

erm, would love it if we could avoid GM PM-channels and have proper open info for everyone, for me it was not the first awkward moment to read about mention of England in this game

I don't like the idea of Earth being the game world to be honest (not for this concept/setting), and if it is I would rather have it play out in ancient times, similar to Earth Dawn method instead of in the future.

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

Earth got mentioned earlier, and now England, this isn't Earth however based on the info about it, so what is this all about?

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

I am in CET (Central European Timezone, GMT+1), the "3B-s zone" (Brussels, Berlin, Budapest), but I often post very late and sometimes fly with a plane and thus cross timezones anyway. This results in chaotic intervals of sleep and posting. ^_^

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

I will get my companion in a way fitting for a "godling", it will be for flavor mostly and to make my method different from the typical one.

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

She looks at it. "I find it somewhat strange to hear you say "good" in any part of a sentence to be honest. Even stranger than that there is no organized leadership in the world. I find it hard to believe such a world would not slip into Chaos on its own what would lead inevitably to Evil deeds. So, is the whole damned world under the rule of these priestesses, is there no two nations on it atleast? All is in a global unity?"

Laanrah keeps the entity in the belief she was staying quiet due to not being used to her form. This idea itself meant that it had no idea how she once looked like, and that she looks exactly as before. A new information which proves this entity isn't omnipotent and the knowledge may come useful in the future.

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

"A republic? I knew of a few merchant cities, unsure on how those work, but the plan still could succeed. I would rather prefer a proper aristocracy though, easier to bewitch, easier to manipulate, and easier to get quick results." She ponders. "Still, I would prefer a long walk in the forest first, to clear out my head and get a servant first."

She doesn't stop to argue with the Harlequin about how a form of government can't be good or evil, and that there always have to be at least powerful and powerless, rich and poor people. She may even be in the wrong as far she knows. This is an alien world and none of her knowledge may be of use here.

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

Finally got to finalize my equipment list, these are the only items that should required an OK on them:

+1 Glamered Comfort Full Plate 3350g
+1 Longsword of Bane (Outsider[Good]) 4000g

The Harlequin wrote:

Yep time to jump in and tell us what your evil plan is, please say death ray, I feel we are a bunch of James Bond Villains some times.

Evil plan Maker Here

if you mean my plans in ooc, I would say take over some lands and titles by not-so-clean methods but following the law, and gather allies and followers. I do like the lycanthrope issue, it fits well with Laanrah's shapechanger part so I hope there may be some weretigers

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

Laanrah still can't swallow all the events and that she got transported here. She is especially cautious because of the witch, but plays along and follows the others. She has yet to make up her plan, but a nice walk in a forest would be helpful to clear her mind.

"Yes, forest, a nice walk there should help. Also, are there lawful methods to take over lands or gain quickly titles? Like an arena fight or tournament with knights and archers?" Gaining prestige and wealth among the locals in an acceptable way would be an important step to gain power and influence.

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

problem fixed, will soon be able to post again

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

i missed some drama? o.O

I had electricity problems for a day, will be able to post today/tomorrow

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt
Sicsivicus wrote:
Check DM Irie's post about 3.6 hours ago from this one. "As she says this the bonds all release. If you get up you notice a dagger hidden beneath your legs. It seems completely mundane. She waits for just a moment before speaking again."

oookay, my bad, forget it then, sorry, didn't recall the part of bonds being released

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt
DM Irie wrote:
You were all released, sorry if I didn't make that clear

Erm nope, no mention of being released at all, that is why I pulled off this little show XD Maybe you mistook us for the other group?

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

She continues to walk around, checking out the kitten boy and the orcish boy with a smile on her lips. "Shouldn't you release them? Doesn't seem they can do it on their own ... or mayhaps they prefer this position."

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt


BGM - The Huntress

As Laanrah notices that she is free to use her most basic abilities and powers she transforms into a white tiger as her most comfortable form seems still to be available, and uses the transformation process to free herself as the earlier restrains don't fit anymore.

She then changes back to her human self just a meter before the shackles on the wall. Still naked and beautiful, but more confident, she smiles back at the creature. "Well then, indeed, we will need some equipment, unless you plan to have us leave like this. Not that I would mind, it may actually be quite entertaining, it was a while since I tore out a throat myself." She stretches a bit and makes a sound as if it were a soft purring.

Taking a better look at the room she walks a bit around, and notices a mirror on the wall. She looks into it and smiles, she looks exactly as before, even if hers just as the other the bodies was meddled with there is no evidence of it. Maybe her form just regenerated itself, that would also be a possibility.

She turns at the others still shackled, then looks back at the creature again from toe to head. "You know, I wouldn't mind seeing you naked either."

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

"There is no world without Evil, that simply can't be, it would destroy itself, itself and Nature. Even all the good people argue about what religion is the "truer" one, what laws are "just" or "tyrannical", and Chaos and Order poison the minds of all those who call themselves Good or Evil."

She tries to get free and check if magic works, meanwhile continues to talk to distract the entity. "A world may find a false balance if it becomes "Good", but in truth if could only decay, it would be as standing in the eye of a storm, a calm lie. Such a lie is easy to be turned around, to make it an advantage."

Are there anti-magic/psionic defenses, or are we able to use abilities and spells?

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

Just as awaited, the name didn't sound true, "The Witch" felt more true. Laanrah didn't know about his world, nor did she care about it, but it was an opportunity to be free again, and everything else can come after that.

She looked at the thing, for some reason it reminded Laanrah of herself. That was a bad thing, she was in the clutches of a predator, an entity used to being dominant, with a calculating mindset and an unknown true agenda. Something lesser entities tend to worship, crown their ruler, or declare a saint or demon.

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

"Your Name." Laanrah spoke the first time. With a strong, feminine voice. Not too demanding, just to the point and factual.

If this entity was able to take her here, then it must already know their own names including hers, this puts Laanrah at a disadvantage.

"True name." Not that the emphasis will be of any use, the entity can lie if it wants anyway.

Laanrah took a good look at the thing, it looked living, breathing, somehow mortal, but also with a divine spark that granted it a beauty similar to that of Laanrah's, unlike her the thing may be truly divine, or a child of two immortals even if not a god. The first thing Laanrah compared it to was a succubus, even though that shouldn't be it.

She continued to look at the entity, watching its every move just as a trapped tiger would look at its captor, looking for the best moment to get free or retaliate, or both. Laanrah didn't care that she was naked, her beauty was just another tool for her to be used, feeling shame or other nonsense was far from her.

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

It may be time to point out that I am not English, I don't recognize a great majority of famous poems, and most likely there will be cases I don't understand what the meaning of them are to begin with.
All I can say is that the Harlequin reminds me of a char from Kuroshitsuji

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

Well yes, sorry, your comments are the hardest to read and didn't notice it the first time. You did indeed use psionics for that, if magic works at all for us right now that is. I knew I am the last one to wake up, this is why I postponed the equipment list.
As for clothing, GM mentioned we start out with no items, clothes are items. Ingame intro comment didn't say otherwise either.

Laanrah acts as if she didn't hear anything and would still be unconscious. However, the jailor is sure to look at what is going on due to the talking.

If you want you can roll whatever is needed to know what I am other than a human, but as Godling is a class and not visible this would be hard to do in mundane ways. Same as it is hard to guess what any naked character is be it Fighter, Wizard, or Cleric.
If you want to poke my mind with psionics then tell me a DC to roll against. :)

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

Laanrah opens her eyes, the last thing she remembers is that battle in the jungle against the enemy tribal confederation. She was winning, her followers have driven off the enemy and the counter-offensive started against their capital where their flying snake-god hid, then suddenly darkness, a feel of moving, transportation, most likely magical, or otherworldly.

She tries to move the least possible as she looks around quietly. She is a prisoner, her body aches in all places. Ah yes, and she is naked, naked just like all the other prisoners restrained around her. She feels that she is weaker than before, for some reason her body feels as if it was twisted, or broken up and puzzled together again. Laanrah notices that her instincts activated her soul cloak (Unaligned ability) long ago, possibly at the time of transportation.

She watches the ...thing before her. It looks like an angel, smells like a demon, reeks of divine power, and has an aura of ...something. Laanrah remains quiet, and consider the chances to transform and fly away, or to defeat the entity bare handed. Her chances weren't good, especially once Laanrah noticed she is unable to turn into a dragon or a bird.

Quote - "Starting gold is normal for 5th, so 10,500g. You will technically start with no items, however your patron will have two crafters and is a crafter as well. Therefore all Wondrous, Weapon, Armor, and Potion items will be half price. Go ahead and buy your items, but know you will start with nothing until you have time to sit and work with these NPCs."

Still working on what to buy, but actual char sheet and stats, and Alias page with details on advancement are finished. I hope you can easily read it as it is now.

for some reason, despite being in the "malicious misfits" group I like it better than to be in the "holy vessels" one, despite Laanrah being a godling an all, sounds more villain-y XD

have fun at the party :)

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

Still working on char sheet, having few moments of free time today but we discussed it all in PM I think