The "World of Peace" - The Malicious Misfits (Inactive)

Game Master Shizzle69

The most Evil beings from across the Multiverse are Reincarnated into new bodies in this "World of Peace" with one goal and one goal alone; To bring EVIL back!!!

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Sorry GM but also Dude, have a look at my PC sheet, this is MOST defiantly a GM that likes to say yes.

Alright, guys I have groups picked. I really wanted everyone to play and All of your characters gave me good inspiration. One group fits quite nicely in some bodies that were just lying around. They will have a unique social advantage/stigma because of them. If you are not part of this group do not think you are second string. You are all important for fixing this world. Hopefully the parties will be versatile as well I tried to mix it up. Without further explanation here they are Alphabetically. Please Click your group name to go to the gameplay thread and check it out.

The Holy Vessels

BoJengo - Half-elf AKA Dardlara Zordlon Antipaladin/Vitalist
Cuan - Tengu AKA Akiz Mairan Alchemist/Cavalier
Jman72 - Half-Dragon AKA:Nicolae Vintila Antipaladin/Bard
TCG - Tiefling AKA Gideon Samus Shaw Staff Magus/Monk
WolfMan1911 - Vanara AKA Enisald the Butcher Druid/Monk

The Malicious Misfits

Jelani - Catfolk AKA:Merran Spy/Sorcerer
Joriandrake - Human AKA Laanrah Mighty/Adept Godling
pavaan - Half-Elf AKA:Tronath Colastar Alchemist/Barbarian
Spugly Fuglet - Elf AKA:"Them" Psion/Bard
Stiehl9s - Half-Orc AKA Sicsivicus Unbreakable Fighter/Oracle of Bones

I have a birthday party to attend so I will not be able to respond to posts in the game thread until late tonight. However I will be checking in all day tomorrow to answer questions your characters may have as well as RP whatever situations arise.

for some reason, despite being in the "malicious misfits" group I like it better than to be in the "holy vessels" one, despite Laanrah being a godling an all, sounds more villain-y XD

have fun at the party :)

Yeah, shouldn't we be the Unholy Vessels?

By the way, thanks Stiehl9s, for finding me an avatar that looks both simian and villanous!

youre quite welcome Enisald!

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