Phoebe Harris 494's page

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Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

This is something I've wanted to see clarified for a while, but I was hoping the wording would be cleared up. My specific example is from Kholo Weapon Familiarity, but I expect this pops up in other places.

When an Ancestry Feat gives you "familiarity" with an uncommon weapon, is it also giving you access?

Kholo Weapon Familiarity, PC 2 pg 18 wrote:

You gain access to all uncommon weapons with the kholo trait. You have familiarity with weapons with the kholo trait plus the flail, khopesh, mambele, and war flail—for the purpose of proficiency, you treat any of these that are martial weapons as simple weapons and any that are advanced weapons as martial weapons.

At 5th level, whenever you get a critical hit with one of these weapons, you get its critical specialization effect.

The Khopesh and Mambele are both uncommon weapons, but neither has the kholo trait. If you take this feat, do you have access to either or both of them?

I think the answer by RAW is no, except that it seems ridiculous that the weapons would be called out without giving access.

In a home game I would give access without question, but play enough PFS that I want to clearly understand RAW.

(A complicating factor for PFS is that PFS will give you access to uncommon options native to your region -- but the khopesh and mambele are considered native to different regions, so I am not sure how you would build a character that could wield both.)

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

OK, just want to make sure I understand how this works. Form Up! says:

Form Up! wrote:
You signal your team to move into position together. Signal all squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; each can immediately Stride as a reaction, though each must end their movement inside your banner’s aura.

So, in order to be affected, your squadmates must start within 30' (or more with other features) of the banner when the command is given, and end within 30' of the banner.

Let's say the banner is on a Mount that gets a reaction. If the Mount moves first (with the banner) that doesn't change who is affected by Form Up!, correct? As long as they were in the aura when the order was given? Just in order to move they need to end up 30' from the banner.

Similarly, if the Mount moves last, such that the Banners aura moves away from squadmates who have used Form Up!, that should be ok. Because the moves were legal when they were made, and the Mount is still in the Banner's aura when it completes movement.

Does that sound right?

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I'll want to see this in play, but my gut feel is that there are going to be some issues around initiative.

On the one hand, using Warfare Lore for initiative should lead to the Commander going near the top of the order. And several of the tactics (Form Up!) seem like they would work best at the beginning of combat before people get locked down.

But on the other hand, your teamates won't have reactions to use until their turn comes up in initiative, so I feel like it will be fairly common for the Commander to win initiative, and then delay until enough allies would have reactions, thus negating one of their advantages. (Less of a problem at higher levels when you can grant multiple reactions.)

So I feel like there should be a tactic to boost your squadmates' initiatives -- but that could easily be too powerful.

Maybe a tactic or lower level feat that gives squadmates reactions on the first turn of combat when the Commander's turn comes up?

Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

After reading through the Tian Xia World Guide, here are a few panel discussions I would love to see.

Topic: When the Love is Over
Participants: Calistria, Lady Nanbyo, Naderi
Moderator: Shelyn (or Pharasma)

Topic: Executing Contracts
Participants: Achaekek, Dammerich, Yaezhing
Moderator: Abadar (or Asmodeus)

Topic: <redacted>
Participants: The Lady of the North Star, Norgorber, Sivanah
Moderator: Zohls

Note: Attendees should expect to be visited by Anaphexia agents in the next week to ensure their satisfaction with the event.

Topic: Self-Actualization
Participants: Aakriti, Phi Deva, Shyka
Moderator: Zon-Kuthon

And then, no panel, I just want to be in the stands once Kurgess, Marishi, and Sun Wukong start trying to one-up each other (with Irori as the judge, of course).

Just getting the campaign set up right now -- soon there will be a thread detailing how we're going to do this. Feel free to post anything you want in this thread -- this is all ooc, and you should feel free to play around with the different formatting options so you can get comfortable with them.

We will start here with the journey back to the Rhythes gate. I'll briefly outline the possible stops, and depending on where people want to stop, we'll start playing those out, otherwise we will fast forward through locations people aren't interested in.

This is the GAMEPLAY section -- after this post, everything in this thread should be In Character. Out of Character stuff should go in the DISCUSSION thread.

I'll do a more formal post here shortly, but I wanted to go ahead and get the campaign set up, so that I could start getting the characters in here.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

For my Cleric of Suyuddha, The Warrior Queen

Anathema: let your emotions dictate your tactics, hunt felines for sport, permit others of your rank or lower to calculate tactics on your behalf

At the beginning of every session, announce, "Hey, please don't make tactical suggestions to me. If you do, I'll be forbidden from performing it, and have to do something else. Ask, don't tell. Except for the party leader, of course."

Any other fun ones out there?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

So I just hit 5th level with my Sylph Monk/Bullet Dancer, which was when a lot of things were supposed to come together.

Everything on the combat side is fine(-ish). But I've been building up to a sneaky, concealment build that I have run into problems with.

My Ancestry Feats are Smokesoul and Cloud Gazer. I have Trick Magic Item from my Background, and Assurance on Nature so that I can activate Primal scrolls and wands of the appropriate level.

The plan was to invest in an Obscuring Mist wand/scrolls so that I could easily shoot from concealment. But I just realized that Obscuring Mist is a 3-action spell (side question: why?) so since Trick Magic Item requires an action of its own, that combo won't work. So is there another one that will?

I see ways to use consumables to make smoke (which I can hide in, but can't see through) but are there ones to make Mist? Or specialty magic items I should be trying to get?

Or is there an Arcane or Divine spell that would work? It's not too late to change Assurance to Arcane or Religion. (Though since I have Natural Medicine, Nature would be preferrable.)

Or...going in a completely different direction...I could take Skillful Tail instead of Cloud Gazer. Could that be used as a free hand for reloading my pistols? That would fix a completely different problem. The Feat description is rather vague, but reloading *is* a manipulation that doesn't require a skill check. I'd rather make Cloud Gazer work, but if that is a dead loss I could try this out.

I'm open to other suggestions...level 5 has yet to be locked in and I am open to light retraining.

This is a PFS character, so I am most definitely limited to RAW.

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I'm considering buying some of the boxes of spell cards, but thinking about how I would use them, the most useful case seems to be traveling to cons, where I could only bring the cards I need rather than the entire book.

But looking at the Guide, it mentions needing to have the rulebook at the table, but doesn't mention spell cards, which presumably contain all the rule elements needed for the spells. Am I missing a reference somewhere that addresses this? Is this an oversight? Or is it intended that I should need to bring both.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber


Could y'all please suspend all of my subscriptions?

I will reinstate once the union is recognized.


Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber


I just noticed that as a Paizo Advantage (Tier 2) subscriber that I was entitled to a free SFS subscription (I already had a PFS subscription). So I just added that, but it looks like I got charged for the scenarios. (Which, to be fair -- it totally told me it was going to do.)

Could you please make sure that it's set so I don't get charged for the scenarios in the future? Thanks much!

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber


Sometime before May shipments, I'd like to cancel my RPG line subscription, but continue all my others.

Thanks for your help!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber


I'm afraid I need to cancel some subscriptions. I understand if it's too late to cancel the things going out on the September shipment

Please cancel the following subscriptions immediately:
Pathfinder Maps
Pathfinder Modules
Pathfinder Pawns
Pathfinder Player Companions

Please cancel the following subscription after Inner Sea Races:
Pathfinder Campaign Setting

Please cancel the following subscription after Deck 6 of Wrath of the Righteous:
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

Thank you so much for your help.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber


Order 3646253 was split into two boxes -- one with the Monster Codex pawn set and one with everything else. I received the box with the pawns last Wednesday or Thursday, but have not yet received the other box.

When I look into tracking it, it says that it was "transferred to the Dest MI facility" on August 20, with no activity since then.

I haven't had a package take this long to arrive before -- could you take a look and see what might be going on with it?

Thanks for your help!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I've been particularly enjoying the art this time around. The ones that popped out at me were the Silver Baladeer on page 115 and (I think) the Mindblade on page 120. Especially nice to see the female Dwarf. (There are never enough.)

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I almost hate to mention this, but I was looking at the prices for AP Volumes #95 & #96 on my order that just spawned, and they look too low.

Regular Price is $22.99
With the Pathfinder Advantage 15% discount that should be $19.54.
What I was actually charged was $15.99.

I'm picking my subscription up at GenCon. Now, it occurs to me that what y'all may have done is charged me the PDF price ($15.99) to enable the download, with the intention of charging the difference at pickup, but I don't think that's what's going on since you didn't mention you were going to do that.

Also, Hell Unleashed, which has a regular price of $22.99 and a PDF price of $15.99 did charge correctly at $19.54.

So y'all might want to take a look at the AP prices -- I'd hate to think you had a systematic undercharge on all of them.

Liberty's Edge

By day, Laura B Glitteraxe is a low-level accountant at the Lumber Consortium.
By night she becomes the eco-terrorist known as...the Lorax!

Comments welcome - my intention is to use this as a PFS character through the playest period.

Weapon of choice will be Battleaxe, additional spells will focus on mobility, attack/damage, and critter summoning.

Build plan through Lvl 10:

Laura B Glitteraxe aka The Lorax
Gnome Vigilante (Zealot)
TN (Social)/CG (Vigilante)
Divine Power: Fey
Deity: Count Ranalc

Str 12 Dex 12 Con 15 Int 13 Wis 10 Cha 17

Shaper of Reality (Cast Conjuration or Transmutation spell at +1 CL 1/day)
Lunar Birth (+1 on Saving throws vs Spells or SLA cast by Humans)

Gnome Abilites
Low Light Vision
Gnome Magic: +1 DC illusions, dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, speak w/animals all 1/day
Illusion Resistance: +2 saves vs Illusions
Bond to the Land: +2 Dodge Bonus to AC in Forest
Fey Magic: Create Water, Detect Poison, Spark, Nature's Path all 1/day in Forest

Spells Known:
Level 0: Detect Magic, Enhanced Diplomacy, Mending, Stabilize
Level 1: Cheetah Sprint, Feather Step, Summon Nature's Ally I

1) Blind Fight
3) Combat Expertise
5) Moonlight Stalker
7) Step Up
9) Summon Plant Ally

Vigilante Talents
1) Social Grace (Bluff)
2) Life Bond
3) Reknown
4) Zealot Smite
5) Many Guises
6) Divine Power II
7) Quick Change
8) Fey Touch
9) Subjective Truth
10) Divine Power III

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I didn't see a thread yet for things that clearly just need rewording, so I figured I'd start one.

Here's the first one I saw:

Caster's Defense p10 wrote:
When he successfully casts defensively, he gains DR/magic equal to 1/2 his vigilante level for 1 round. He gains this benefit only if he is threatened by a creature that could have made an attack of opportunity against him had he failed the check.

Failing the check to cast defensively doesn't provoke an Attack of Opportunity, it should probably read something like:

"He gains this benefit only if he is threatened by a creature that could have made an attack of opportunity against him had he not attempted the check."

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Got mine in the mail yesterday, and this book is *awesome*. The Elemental Ally Druid is my favorite, too.

And a *huge* thank you for keeping the Unchained Summoner in mind with all the Summoner options.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber


Just want to check that my preorders of the Iconic Heroes (#1 - #3) are propagating properly into orders. At the moment it doesn't look like any of them are preparing to ship with my April subscriptions.

Order numbers are 3327035 and 3340818.

Thanks much!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber


Just got my shipping email, which was when I noticed that the Strategy Guide was not in my order. (Probably should have noticed that during my authorization email, but I didn't.)

Any chance I'll be able to get the Strargey Guide this month? I understand if it isn't possible due to the order already being finalized.

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

So I'm just getting my first character (Magus/Monk) up to Level 7. The first Bonus Feat that she took was Deflect Arrows...and she's never used it. In fact, I can only think of one scenario where our party has been attacked by weapons at range.

So I've been thinking of retraining out of this, but if I'm going to do that, it will have to be this level. But what I don't know is if enemies with ranged attacks just aren't a thing in PFS, or if they're something that only starts showing up at higher levels. (In every home game I've ever played, enemy archers have been rampant.) I know I'll feel especially stupid if I train out of this, and then start running into ranged enemies. What's been your experience with higher level play?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I'm looking at making an Oracle of the Moon with the Wrecker Curse (equipment held gains the broken condition) and trying to figure out the best way to handle combat at low levels, when I can't just use natural attacks most of the time. I'm currently debating between taking IUS and Catch Off Guard.

Given that a lot of the time an improvised weapon is something that is already broken (say a table leg) is the broken condition even meaningful for an improvised weapon? Is the penalty for wielding a broken weapon something that would only kick in if I had proficiency in Improvised Weapons, or would it be there all the time, or would it never apply? I searched around to see if this had been addressed before, but couldn't find anything.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Could you please restart my Maps subscription and cancel my Pawns subscription.


Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

This doesn't look like it is causing any problems, but I wanted to bring it up so that y'all could fix it in case it caused problems in the future.

When I look at My Subscriptions page, it still shows that my October Subscription (which I have received) is 'Currently Pending'. Then when I look at my Order History, it shows this as Order 2816658 which has an actual shipping date of October 31, 2013 for everything except the line for 'Paizo Product Catalog' which still shows as Pending.

Like I said, there's no urgency to fix this, I just figure there's at least a possibility this could cause future errors.

Happy Holidays, y'all, and thanks for all that you do!

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

One of the other threads made me realize that at the beginning of every game, each of my characters has a spiel that they give, and I thought it might be interesting to hear what other people say.

Zerazinn, my Staff Magus/Monk (Silver Crusade) asks if anyone in the party objects to Infernal Healing. (And after seeing blank faces, takes a few minutes to explain why they might object to such a thing.) Then she asks the squishiest looking person if they would like a bodyguard.

Sarkaira the Golden, my Aasimar Celestial Sorcerer (Osirian) says, "I have at my command bolts of heavenly fire. They burn the wicked and heal the righteous. Who amongst you is righteous enough to be healed?"

My Half-Orc Cleric of Naderi (Taldor) says, "My name is Lazha Heartspray, and I am an end of life counselor. Are there any circumstances under which you don't wish to be resuscitated?" After everyone says no, she adds, "In my case, if I should drown, please leave me dead. Drowning is the holiest of all deaths." To date, drowning has not been a danger.

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I have a whole bunch of Quarterstaff-related questions, for a character who is a multi-classed Staff Magus/Monk.

1) A Quarterstaff is a double weapon, and each side of the weapon must be enchanted separately. In PFS can I choose to pay for enchantments exclusively on one side of the weapon, or do I have to maintain some sort of parity between the two?

2) While wielding a Quarterstaff one-handed (per Quarterstaff Mastery) and using Flurry of Blows, I can choose to make all my strikes with the one side of the Quarterstaff I designated as wielded at the beginning of the round, all strikes with my empty hand, or any combination of those, correct?

3) If I put weapon blanche on one side of a Quarterstaff, but never actually strike with that side during the scenario, does it carry over to the next scenario?

4) Staff Magi eventually get an ability where they can use Staves as enchanted Quarterstaffs with the bonus based on the Caster Level of the Staff. In PFS, is it possible to buy a Staff with a higher caster level than what is listed in the entry in Ultimate Equipment, and if so how much does that cost?

5) I'm unfamiliar with the rewards in Chronicle sheets above the first several subtiers. Is it feasible to try and save up 81k gold for a really nice staff? Or would that really take something like 20 scenarios without spending anything?

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

What do I have to do to make sure Pathfinder Goblins #1 is listed as an Additional Resource? Because I would *totally* buy 5 pairs of Decorum Bands to hand out to party members at the beginning of every mission. it would be the best 5k gold I've ever spent!

Decorum Band:
This slim black leather bracer fits easily on the wrist, growing tight against the skin within moments of putting it on. The wearer of a decorum band is aware of any action that could cause a creature's attitude toward the wearer to shift negatively. He acquires this information prior to performing such an action.

Our GM's Journal is here. This is my in-character journal of the same game.


The following journal is bound in peach-colored leather. Scratched into the front are the initials ‘V + A’ with a big heart surrounding them.

On the page inside the front cover are several dozen hearts in different colored ink, the word ‘Ameiko’ written seven times in precise, flowing handwriting, and parallel to the spine the equation ‘Viri + Ami = [heart] 4evAr!!!!! !!!! !!!’

The first eight to ten pages have been ripped out of the journal, their ragged edges remaining.

TOP SECRET plan to make the Perfect One fall in LOVE with ME

Secret! DO NOT READ!! There are Explosive Runes – You will DIE!! Really!

I finally figured out how to get A to notice me. This will work waaay better than flashing jewelry I’ve made or doing my sexy scarf dance while she plays her samisen. There were these posters in the RD that said some Goblins had Fireworks and were attacking all the Caravans. I asked A about it and she was all – This is terrible, but there’s nothing I can do, I just run this bar now, I hope some hero can come along and stop them. So I’m thinking like, that gives me a great idea.

I can be that heroine! I can kill a goblin – how hard can that be? Then A will be all – Viri, you’re so amazing, and I can’t believe I never noticed how CUTE you are – and I’ll be all – Ami you’re the cute one, what with that sweet white streak in your hair, and especially when you wear your dark red armor! I’ve looked all over for some but my leather armor is all boring and brown.

But it sounds like there are lots of goblins so I’d better find some people to go with me. Even in Sand Point there might be some interesting people who can help.


I found some friends who will come with me!!! Thakk was all over it – he’s that big tough half-orc Koya’s raised – it’s so sad about her mother dying. I know he’s not that smart, but he’s trustworthy, and he has a big axe. And he wants to go kill goblins. This will be GREAT!

He was sitting with another friend of Koya’s who was in town for the funeral. He’s like a local hunter who needed money so he could get a new bow – it must be totally hard to hunt when you don’t have a bow. But he looked like he could handle himself in a fight even without a bow. I think his name was Asueppe, but I’m not sure — I should ask him how to spell it.

Anyway, then there was ANOTHER hunter at the bar – what were the odds?— and this one was an elf with a really cute name – Daedra. She can twirl arrows with her fingers – both hands at the same time, so she must be REALLY good with a bow. With TWO hunters in my group we should have plenty of food, and they should be able to track down the goblins easy.

Daedra pointed out a gnome I hadn’t seen, sitting right at the bar. He used to be a guard on Sandru’s caravan (SSSSSSS!!!!) so he must be pretty tough. It was kind of weird that he doesn’t wear any armor or carry many weapons, but maybe he’s one of those monks or something. His name was Borom and he has this freaky purple gnome hair. But freaky in a good way. I think.

That might have been enough helpers, but Borom had heard about another of Sandru’s friends (SSSSSSS!!!!) who was in the area, and I think it’s always better to be safe than sorry. He was sleeping down on the beach where mother lived after Madame Kaye kicked her out of the Pixie. So I did wonder a bit about him, because I don’t think my group really needs a hobo, but once I met him, I changed my mind. He’s named Stormcrow (Awesome!) and he wears this weird wooden armor, and he was all – I club loggers with this big stick – so he’s really like this Super Forest Hobo. And my group DEFINITELY needs a Super Forest Hobo.

So we decided to get together first thing in the morning and take the Lost Coast Road down to where the goblins were and go kill them.

Now I just have to think of a good name for my group. Maybe Viriel’s Vagabonds? Naa, not hero-ey enough.


I could barely sleep last night, I was so excited! I got all my traveling stuff together, and it’s so cool that I finally get to wear that sweet leather armor I bought last month – even if it is boring and brown. I don’t even care that it doesn’t match the bladed scarf I’m using – I decided to bring my blue one, along with my peach rope-scarf. I’m totally an adventurer now.

We spent most of the day walking back and forth on the road through the mountains. It was SO BORING. And tiring. Why couldn’t the goblins live closer to Sand Point? But in the afternoon we were able to leave the road and cut through the swamp. The SFH took point, since he’s so good at noticing things. He’ll find the goblins for us right away.

We found a grody dead goblin on a bridge. He’d been dead too long for us to get a bounty on his ears, but it did mean we were getting close. Then when we started to cross the bridge, two GIANT SNAKES popped up out of the water and ATTACKED us!

Thakk, Stormcrow, and Asueppe all rushed the snakes. Thakk is really good with that axe of his, and Asueppe fights with two weapons! He has skills. Borom didn’t even use a weapon – he has some sort of strange gnome magic. Anyway, I killed the first snake myself – I really hope the blood doesn’t stain my best scarf – and I think Asueppe killed the other one, but everyone got their licks in.

Unfortunately, Thakk and Stormcrow both got bitten! And the snakes had Poison! Oh Noes!! Fortunately, Daedra is a real good healer, but even so, Thakk swallowed his tongue and we were afraid he might Die! Which would be terrible – my first failure as leader! But Stormcrow has this awesome Super Forest Hobo Healing Magic, and that fixed him right up. I wish I had Super Forest Hobo Healing Magic!

The sun was going down so we decided to camp for the night. Which is good, because I’m tired. Being a hero is HARD!

Maybe Viriel’s Vanquishers? We did vanquish those snakes…and we’ll totally vanquish those goblins!