About Kyson TircQuick Stats:
Init +9; Senses Perception +20 AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +4 shield, +3 Dex) hp 109 Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +17 Spd 30 ft.
Spells & Skills:
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th; concentration +20) . . 10/day—fire bolt (1d6+6 fire), touch of glory (+13) Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 13th; concentration +20) . . 7th—elemental body IV (fire only)[D], heal, summon monster VII . . 6th—fire seeds*[D], heal*, heroes' feast*, find the path* . . 5th—breath of life (2, DC 22), flame strike (DC 22), righteous might[D], wall of stone . . 4th—air walk*, blessing of fervor[APG] (3, DC 21), restoration*, wall of fire[D] . . 3rd—discovery torch[UC], dispel magic, fireball[D] (DC 20), invisibility purge, magic circle against evil*, communal resist energy[UC] (2) . . 2nd—delay poison*, grace[APG], produce flame[D], resist energy, lesser restoration (3) . . 1st—ant haul*[APG] (DC 18), bless, burning hands[D] (DC 18), liberating command[UC], obscuring mist, protection from evil, shield of faith . . 0 (at will)—create water, guidance, light, stabilize . . D Domain spell; Domains Fire, Glory (Heroism subdomain) Magics:
HeroLab Export:
Kyson Tirc
Kyson Tirc Male human (Taldan) cleric of Sarenrae 13 NG Medium humanoid (human) Init +9; Senses Perception +20 Aura aura of heroism -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +4 shield) hp 109 (13d8+41) Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +17 Resist fire 20 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee +1 impervious scimitar +17/+12 (1d6+1/18-20) or . . whip +5/+0 (1d3 nonlethal) Special Attacks channel positive energy 5/day (DC 20, 7d6) Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th; concentration +20) . . 10/day—fire bolt (1d6+6 fire), touch of glory (+13) Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 13th; concentration +20) . . 7th—elemental body IV (fire only)[D], holy word (DC 24), summon monster VII . . 6th—fire seeds[D], heal (2), heroes' feast . . 5th—breath of life (2, DC 22), flame strike (DC 22), righteous might[D], wall of stone . . 4th—air walk, blessing of fervor[APG] (3, DC 21), restoration, wall of fire[D] . . 3rd—discovery torch[UC], dispel magic, fireball[D] (DC 20), invisibility purge, magic circle against evil, communal resist energy[UC] (2) . . 2nd—delay poison, grace[APG], produce flame[D], resist energy, lesser restoration (3) . . 1st—ant haul[APG] (DC 18), bless, burning hands[D] (DC 18), liberating command[UC], obscuring mist, protection from evil, shield of faith . . 0 (at will)—create water, guidance, light, stabilize . . D Domain spell; Domains Fire, Glory (Heroism subdomain) -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 11, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 24, Cha 14 Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 22 Feats Channel Smite, Cypher Magic[ISWG], Guided Hand[UC], Improved Initiative, Quick Channel[UM], Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Selective Channeling Traits reactionary Skills Appraise +7, Craft (calligraphy) +9, Diplomacy +6, Heal +13, Knowledge (arcana) +19, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (planes) +19, Knowledge (religion) +19, Linguistics +7, Perception +20, Profession (scribe) +11, Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +19 Languages Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Elven Combat Gear extend metamagic rod, pearl of power (1st level), pearl of power (2nd level), pearl of power (3rd level), pearl of power (4th level), reach metamagic rod (lesser)[APG], scroll of bless, bless weapon, scroll of bless, protection from evil, protection from evil, scroll of cure light wounds, silence, scroll of ghostbane dirge, resist energy, scroll of lesser restoration, lesser restoration, scroll of magic stone, magic weapon, remove fear, scroll of obscuring mist, obscuring mist, wand of cure moderate wounds, antiplague[APG], antitoxin (2), vermin repellent[UE]; Other Gear mithral shirt, wyrmsbreath (acid), +1 impervious scimitar, whip, 300 in inks for scribing, belt of physical might +2 (Str, Con), boots of readiness, cloak of resistance +2, handy haversack, headband of inspired wisdom +4, bedroll, belt pouch, candle, chalk, ink, inkpen, masterwork artisan's tools, masterwork backpack[APG], paper (4), scroll case, sealing wax, sewing needle, signal whistle, soap, bar, spell component pouch, wooden holy symbol of Sarenrae, 975 gp, 4 sp, 7 cp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Antitoxin Neutralize Poison (M): Add +2 on your caster level check to neutralize poison on a target creature. Antitoxin has no effect when you cast the spell on an object. Aura of Heroism (13 rounds/day) (Su) 30'r aura grants Heroism Channel Smite Channel energy can be delivered through a Smite attack. Cleric Channel Positive Energy 7d6 (5/day, DC 20) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect. Cleric Domain (Fire) Granted Powers: You can call forth fire, command creatures of the inferno, and your flesh does not burn. Cleric Domain (Heroism) Cypher Magic Gain bonuses to caster level when using scrolls Energy Resistance, Fire (20) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks. Extend metamagic rod (3/day) Fire Bolt 1d6+6 fire (10/day) (Sp) As a standard action, ranged touch attack deals fire dam to foe in 30 ft. Guided Hand May use Wisdom modifier for attack rolls with favored weapon Quick Channel Channel energy faster by expending more uses Quicken Spell Cast a spell as a swift action. +4 Levels. Reach metamagic rod (lesser, 3/day) Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy. Touch of Glory +13 (10/day) (Sp) Grant +13 to a CHA-based skill or ability check. -------------------- Treasure and Gold:
End of Character Creation leftover gold: 45 gp -25 gp (Scribe Scroll #1, IC post #2) +100 gp Lavinia's reward -50 gp (Scribe Scroll #2, IC post #398) -50 gp (Scribe Scroll #3, IC post #780) +250 gp End of Parrot Island (IC post #782) -125 gp Share of Wand CLW -------- 145 gp on hand when walking in the taxidermist's door +1615.1 gp End of Dragon's Lair (OOC post #196, which is already less new wand of CLW)
+25 gp sell scale armor
New total: 327.6 gp
Kyson's shopping list: 3823.6 starting cash
Diary of Stuff Kyson Has *Done*:
1. Dragged a drunk dwarf out of the sun 2. Inspired others to clean (the ship) 3. Talked to (and survived and encounter with) a real life former prisoner/felon/smuggler/drug user. 4. Learned about zombies. 5. Survived Parrot Island. 6. 'Killed' a 'dragon'. "Look, I have the scales to prove it!" 7. Found the Vanderboren family jewels. 8. Didn't die in a fight against a Cthlulusaurus. 9. Picked up a lady's discarded scarf. It smelt of lovely perfume. 10. Rescued a damsel who turned out to be a jerk. 11. Taught a mean pirate about the goodness of Sarenrae. :) 12. Didn't vomit when treating a man turning into an acidic monster. 13. Avoided combat with an angry, drunk gnome. 14. Saved a damsel sorceress. 15. Saved Lavinia from frogpeople. 16. Almost drowned by a mephit. 17. Cut out an egg from a Priest. It was pretty gross. 18. Killed stone lizard...risked a stoning. 19. Survived a night of combat versus evil plant creatures. 19. Weird stuff:
Kyson Tirc's Taldon features are hard to miss...the dark hair, beady brown eyes, and mucky complection hint to the strength of his lineage. Sadly, Kyson's skin tone and lack of muscle tone gives even stronger hints that he has spent too much time inside and not enough time exploring the world or doing much of anything besides his calligraphy and scroll work. While he stands close to 6' tall, he cannot be considered imposing or forceful by appearance. The scale armor he wears with the heavy wooden shield is necessitated more by his need to hide and protect himself than it is about martial prowess. In the monastery, Kyson would happily be wearing his clerical vestments if he owned them. As it stands now, Kyson's holy symbol hangs prominently around his neck is the biggest sign of Kyson's connection to Sarenrae. Kyson has three weapons of note (a rusty scimitar, an unused whip, and a cutting knife), but none of them show any sign of heavy use, sharpening or care save for the cutting knife. Kyson will tell others that he's been trained to fight with the scimitar, but those lessons have long been forgotten. Kyson's hands are frequently (at least when he's in the monastery) stained by the inks of his trade.
Kyson's last argument with his superior didn't go over very well....*at all*. As it turned out, his superior *did* have the authority to *make* him do stuff. The point was made especially well when his superior had him scribe his Vow of Obedience 100 times until he really understood his obligations to the Church of Sarenrae. Kyson didn't mind the scribing. He *loved* scribing and calligraphy, but was much less excited about the results of the reminder: he had to leave his quiet and peaceful monastery and go *do* something. Kyson didn't mind doing lotsa stuff. He liked scribing, and copying, and calligraphy, and reading, and not leaving the monastery. In fact, one of Kyson's favorite things was not leaving the monastery. That all changed after the argument with the supervisor who felt that Kyson was wasting his life doing what he enjoyed in service of the goddess he loved. Sadly, this priest seemed to want more from Kyson. "AND DO *NOT* COME BACK UNTIL YOU'VE DONE SOMETHING!" Were the exact words given by his superior as they booted him right out the front door. For his part in the debacle, Kyson regrets all the crying and wailing he did at the front door, begging to be let back in. They didn't let him back in and despite his promises to do something next week, Kyson found himself leaving anyway after a few days of sleeping out in front of the monastery. At least he was given a place to start: the names of some friends of the Sarenraen Order to seek out: Verik and Larissa Vanderboren. * * * * Carrying all his possessions that he has the in world, Kyson's first big trip alone into the city had gone pretty well. To date, he had not been mugged, nor torn apart by demons, nor eaten by kobolds. He did find himself running away from a particularly evil looking black cat (It had yellow eyes!), but otherwise his journey had been quite peaceful. In fact, most people seemed to greet him nicely and treat him well. It might have been the prominent holy symbol on his upper chest or the fact that he didn't look rather threatening. He never mentioned that he scimitar at his waist was mostly for show (it had never been swung in anger) or that his armor had never been tested. Of course upon reaching town, Kyson's plans had gone drastically awry with the untimely deaths of Verik and Larissa Vanderboren. He had no idea what to do next. Kyson searched his copy of Sarenrae's The Birth of Light and Truth to see if there were any good answers of what to do next. Sadly, reading the text just made him sad as he remembered how much he loved to make calligraphied copies of book back in "the good ol' days". Without any good answers, Kyson slowly walks into the Standing Stone Park in the city’s Sunrise District to pay his respects to the two nobles he never met nor received help from. He is attending the funeral because the lacks any other options. He needs to *do* something. |