Kupo The Kobold's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters.


Just played this yesterday. Everything was great until the final event. Environment slowed everything down to a crawl. Soooo many rounds spent just double moving over and over.


Nefreet wrote:

Did the player not slot the Boon at the beginning of the session, or shortly after the briefing?

It was a Dayjob related boon, so he did not mention it until chronicle sheets were being filled out. He thought since it was slotless he did not need to "Slot" the boon when the GM called for it at the beginning of the session.


An issue recently came up where someone wanted to use a slotless boon at the end of a session. Said player was told by the GM that they could not because the player did not "slot" the boon at the start of the session and notify the GM they could not use it, even though it was slotless. I looked at the Society rules and I can see how people could interpret them either way. Have there been any rulings or clarifications on this? I could not find any.


Right now if someone wants to plan a game so that everyone can earn chronicle rewards, they either have to guess and ask around or look up everyone's games played one by one.

I think It would be great if we had a took where a GM can simply put in everyone's PFS numbers and either bring up a chart showing what everyone has played, or a list of adventures no one with those PFS numbers has played.

I have played with a few different groups and planning can be a huge chore. People move away and new people come in. Keeping an updated and shareable record can be a big task.

I remember this spell was a Godsend for my Wizard at lower levels.

Could we get Tall sizes as well. I am 6'5. I would like a shirt that both covers my back/abdomen/plumber butt witout it looking like a circus tent.

Played this as a rogue with someone who had a Multiclass Life Oracle as our healer. Had the GM not rolled low at the end, 3 party members would have died. Adventure assumes presence of full Cleric.


Bartholomäus wrote:

This keeps coming up (including earlier in this thread, more than once).

Nothing about the rules for pricing ammo changed (though including a price breakdown in this clarifications document would be awesome).

Read the new text proposed in the PDF. They Removed the Word "reduced" before "Listed Price". Why would they do that if they were not testing the waters for a price change?

And remember that this ids not yet official. at this point in time it is only a suggestion.


I saw the Proposed Change for Gunsmithing, Removing the word "Reduced" from "Reduced Listed Price". For as long as I have Been in PFS it has been understood (At least in my area) that Gunslingers could buy their Ammo at the same price it would take to craft it.

Under the proposed change it would cost 11-12gp per shot. Extremely expensive, especially for 1st level players. not to mention the Pain and annoyance involved in every gunslinger having to audit their characters. Not to mention the 1 rank in Craft:alchemy everyone has taken.
Please, Keep the Gunslinger Class viable at lower levels.

IMO and that of many others, the listed price for bullets and Black powder is ridiculous anyways. 1gp of a lead ball? How can that price possibly be justified? Making an Arrow takes more time and more costly materials. How about 10 gp for something you can make with a mortar and pestle from some of the most common ingredients in the world, even in medieval times?

Qaianna wrote:

I wouldn't say that 1d8 is half of 1d12, but yeah, I can imagine the damage being lessened for these funky things. I'd always thought the d8 with x4 crit was the musket ball, and the axe or warhammer doing their normal damage (d8 with x3 crit).

I also wonder how the hell you AIM these things. I know the front sight can be called a blade, but..

Opps.. worded it at bit wrong. while 1d12 is 50% more than 1d8, 1d8 is only 33% less than 1d12.

Either way a bit much for most peoples sense of logic, especially with the 10ft reduction in range.

Hoping for an official clarification on this, some people in my area are having doubts about the accuracy/intent of the chart. would like a response I can print out and show to prospective gunslingers. (and I personally need to know as well).

The Text of the items says nothing to suggest decreased performance of the firearm portion, the text mentions only that "It can be used as both a Musket and an Axe/Warhammer". So we have a Classic text Vs. Chart Argument. Text Usually Trumps Tables, but an official statement would help clear things up.

So please everyone, Flag the OP for FAQ!

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Simple question, does the damage on the chart shown the damage for the Axe/warhammer alone, or does the Musket part deal a mere 1d8 damage? It would suck it it did, being a 50% loss in damage potential.

Full Name





Woodland Skirmisher 2








the Swamp God


Common, Draconic, Aquan


Ergalian tribe leader

Strength 12
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 13
Charisma 10

About Ergalian Chief

Lizardmen stats:

+2 Dex +2 Int -2 Str [0 RP] Lizardmen are fast and contemplative, however they usually tend to lack real muscle power

Medium sized creature
Normal Speed: 30 ft
Low-light Vision [1RP]
Keen Scent: +2 bonus to survival checks for tracking [1RP]
Adept Witch-Doctor: +1 to Heal and Survivalist skill checks [2RP]
Natural Swimmer: 30 ft swim speed + 8 Racial bonus on Swim checks[1 RP]
Reptilian Blood: +2 saves against poison [1RP]
Swamp Survivalist: +2 saves against disease, no difficult terrain penalty in swamps, bogs and marshes. [2 RP]
Natural Armour: Lizardmen have a tough scaly hide, that grants them +2 Natural Armour
Weapon Familiarity: Lizardmen are proficient with shortbows (including composite shortbows) and scimitars and treat every weapon with Lizardman in its name as a martial weapon. [1RP]
Languages: Lizardmen can speak and understand Draconic and Common, Lizardmen with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aklo, Aquan, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin and Orc

Lizardmen race background:

These Lizardmen are part of the Ergalian tribe, a group of lizardfolk that have sought seclusion from their more barbaric counterparts. They live in preferably warm swamps, marshes and bogs, places where many other races or tribes would not survive as easily as they can.
Living in this harsh environment has made them well adjusted to it over several generations, not dying as much to the plant poisons and swamp fever as when they came into the lands.

There are other dangers however, as alligators and Giant Frogs prey on the unwary Lizardmen, also the occasional Wyvern/Drake that flies over sends most of them into hiding. Their own food consists of small amphibians, birds, berries and plant roots.

Small wooden cottages and makeshift wooden dens make up the village, protected by a series of stakes with wire between them with bones that rattle to alert the evening guards. Most of the villagers and warriors are knowledgable of the land, being able to treat small wounds and mild sickness with extracts and salves from the surrounding swamp.

They are not a warlike people, happy to stay in the swamps for now. Being hunter-gatherers, their weaponry consists of spears, bows and clubs, sometimes tipped with poison. Armour is usually created from the hides of Giant Frogs or alligators that they went after with a hunting party, tough or subtle leather decorated with small bones and feathers for their best warriors.
In terms of magic, they are shamanistic, having strange and elaborate rituals and a group of elders and wise men that dispense knowledge, mainly oracles and druids.

Civilization wise they will stick to their shamanistic ways for a while, eventually learning to shape the swamps around them, drying them up, to build stone structures and temples upon this sturdier land. Valueing wisdom of the land and knowledge, they will likely be a civilization that builds great libraries eventually.

Leaders in the Ergalian Tribe are chosen by their skills in the hunt, Every year, unless in special circumstances, the hunter with the most impressive skill wins the right and duty to act as leader. Nystan himself has been leader for the past 8 years, a feat never before seen.
The eldest members make this decision, but often there is a clear winner. He is counciled by a younger blind-born female Oracle named Saliss, together they oversee the needs of the few hundred tribesfolk living in the village.

Before every hunt, the shamans and druids perform a ritual in which they ask the god of the swamp for a good and safe hunt, enacting all the animals they wish to catch and all the animals they wish to avoid.
In their eyes, the Swamp God takes on different forms, sometimes he is a Colossal snake coiling around the world and laying hidden under the swamp, other times he manifests itself as a huge lizard, patrolling the woods and swamps.
Saliss is claimed to have seen the Swamp God before she was born, and even now sees it in her dreams and visions.

The dead are often offered to the Swamp God to appease him and return the dead to where they came from. Often this means laying their dead to rest in one of the many pools outside the village. Some of the more memorable Lizardmen are burned and honoured in the Szartha Loguss; The Ancestors' Lodge.

Nystan, current Leader:

Nystan, age: 36 years old
Male Lizardman Ranger Woodland Skirmisher 2
TN Medium Humanoid (Lizardfolk, Reptilian)
Init +4; Senses Perception +6, Low-Light Vision (+2 Perception vs animals or in swamps)


AC 19, T 14, FF 15 (+4 Dex, +3 Armor, +2 Natural)
HP 19 (10+1d10+2+2)
Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +1 (+2 vs Poison and Disease)

Speed 30 ft. (Light Armor) , Swim 30 feet
Stone Heavy Mace: +3 (1d8+1/x2)
Shortbow: +6 (1d6/x3) 60 ft
+2 att & dam vs animals

Str 12(14-2), Dex 18(16+2), Con 12, Int 12(10+2), Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 17
Traits: Sprint, Deft Dodger
Feats: Rapid Shot (Combat Style Feat), Point-Blank Shot
Skills(7/lvl): Perception 2 ranks (+6), Survival 2 ranks (+7), Stealth 2 ranks (+9), Knowledge (Nature) 2 ranks (+6), Heal 1 ranks (+6), Climb 1 rank (+5), Handle Animal 2 ranks (+5), Knowledge (Geography) 2 ranks (+6). +1 Perception and Survival in Forest terrain
Languages: Common, Draconic
Combat Gear: Studded leather armor (made from frog skin studded with crocodile scales), Shortbow with 40 arrows, Stone Heavy Mace
Other Gear:


Focused Enemy (Animal): At 1st level, a woodland skirmisher selects one favored enemy (usually “humanoid [human]”). He does not gain additional favored enemies at higher levels. He does get to increase his favored enemy bonus by +2 at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level.
This otherwise acts as and replaces the standard favored enemy ability.
+2 Bluff, Perception, Knowledge, Sense Motive, Survival and +2 attack and damage.
Focused Terrain (Swamp): At 3rd level, a woodland skirmisher selects one favored terrain (usually “forest”). He does not gain additional favored terrains at higher levels. He does get to increase his favored terrain bonus by +2 at 8th, 13th, and 18th level.
+2 Init, Knowledge (Geography), Perception, Stealth amd Survival
This otherwise acts as and replaces the standard favored terrain ability.
Forest Ghost: At 1st level, a woodland skirmisher adds a bonus equal to 1/2 his level on all Perception and Survival skill checks he makes while located in forest terrain.
This ability replaces wild empathy.
Combat Style (Archery): Rapid Shot (2nd)
Track: +1 Survival when Tracking
Keen Scent: +2 to Track
Adept Witch Doctor +1 Heal and Survival
Natural Swimmer, 30 ft Swim Speed, +8 Racial bonus on swimming
Swamp Survivalist +2 saves vs Disease, no terrain penalty in swamps, bogs and marshes
Reptilian Blood: +2 saves vs Poison

Favored Class: Ranger (+2 HP)

Technological Advancements:

Technological advancements
Besides the basics of Pottery, Fire, Simple clothing, Simple Weapons, Spoken Language
they would probably have basic fletching (able to create at least shortbows and arrows), herbalism (as a prelude to alchemy) and runic scripture.

Future development would include real alchemy and poison making from plants, writing, bookbinding, advanced fletching (making of longbows and composite bows), leatherworking and tar/oil delving from the swamps.