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![]() Kulthar takes the scarf and passes it under the nose of Blade. He then makes his way around the group, offering it for each companion to smell so that they may pick up the scent of the children. Well, no time like the present. Let's see if this group can pick up that trail. Kulthar mounts Blade and rides over to the place Jacobo pointed out. Let's go Blade, see if you can pick up that scent. I'll look for signs of disturbance. Kulthar dismounts and begins searching for tracks. Both Blade and Kulthar are trying to aid Ian or Uriel in tracking the children. Kulthar doesn't consider himself a great tracker.
![]() Listen, I understand your fear, your unwillingness to trust an outsider. But if we are to help you, and possibly save those children and others, we will need full cooperation from all of you. And the truth. Kulthar pauses for effect. Dam# idiots. So afraid of us, they would let their own people die if it kept us from knowing the full truth. Kulthar continues, If we are to save anyone, including the next person to be taken, we must have the whole truth. Anyone want to share? Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 ![]()
![]() Wait a minute. You just said that the doctor was the last to disappear two days ago, and now we have a young child who just disappeared today? What are we waiting for? We should be hitting that fresh trail right now! Kulthar becomes visibly agitated, grinding his teeth and rubbing his hands. What more can you tell us about the children? Where's their house? We'll need some recently worn clothes, Blade can pick up the trail if he has a scent to go on. ![]()
![]() Just to clarify. No one has gone missing during the middle of the day? And no one has gone missing that can defend themselves? And no one has gone missing as long as they stayed within sight of the village, even if it was at night? Kulthar doesn't wait for a response, his questions being more rhetorical than anything else. Perhaps we could test this. Kulthar rubs his brow for a moment, How do you know when someone has gone missing? Do you hear screaming, or do you not know until they don't show up? There are so many questions. How much are these villagers willing to tell us? ![]()
![]() Is there anything you can tell us about the disappearances? Does it matter where they went outside the village? Or does everyone who leaves the village disappear? Kulthar thinks for a little bit, Which home is the good doctor's? Having some of her items or maybe even a sample of the herbs she was collecting would help us find her. Kulthar turns to the others looking to help, Any of you able to scry? I could if I had a scroll of it. ![]()
![]() A balding dwarf with a flame red beard steps forward. He is unkempt and smells of swine musk, he wears a simple outfit, heavy mountain boots, canvas pants with a leather belt and silver buckle, a loose fitting shirt, an open full length duster and a large brimmed hat. He has two pouches tied to his belt, one on each side, a musket strapped over his shoulder behind him, a long chain with a large heavy ball on the end wrapped around his waist under his duster. He looks well aged and worn from the elements. Perhaps, if you can give us some more information, we may be able to better help you folks. And if you can give us a place to start, we may be able to pick up the trail. Like the home of the most recently disappeared perhaps? |