Gadka Burtannon

Kubla Kraus's page

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I posted this over on MinisGallery but figured I'd share it here as well...

With the entire setlist revealed I think it would be cool if Paizo did one big preview of all the remaining figures, instead of spacing it out over the next two or three weeks. What's the harm at this point? I know Mark Moreland likes to include a little story for each mini (which is great and all, don't get me wrong) but at this stage of the game I think a picture along with the name, size, and rarity of the miniature would be more than enough for us. Just a thought.

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Marco Massoudi wrote:

Have you seen the three Graveyard sets from Reaper Bones kickstarter III?

It includes a "Crypt" building with a 5x3 floor (3 high), 4 removable walls and a removable roof.
There are open and closed door possibilities.
Also the fence set is great too.

Here is the link:

There are better pictures on the Kickstarter page.

I wish for a tower set from Paizo similar to this set.

And for what it's worth you get a LOT of bang for your buck with that Kickstarter, particularly the Graveyard Expansion you mentioned. For practically the same amount is charging for the Rusty Dragon Inn Bar ($49.99), Reaper is offering the Crypt, fences, columns, gates, sarcophagi, tombstones, and a bunch of other miniatures along with it, not to mention free worldwide shipping. Sure, it's unpainted but that's part of the fun! Most of those terrain items I mentioned are a breeze to paint, even for a novice -- apply a basecoat, perhaps drybrush some ridges, finish with a wash and voila, you're done!

While we're on the topic of Kickstarter, is there any reason why Paizo doesn't offer their own? I want to say I've read an explanation before in past forums but I can't seem to locate such information at the moment. It just seems that with all the requests from us Pathfinder Battles consumers for a stand-alone dungeon dressing line (ala something similar to the Iconic Heroes boxed sets) why not offer a Kickstarter of that very sort and let people put their money where their mouths are? A crowdfunding platform would allow customers to vote with their hard-earned dollars and help finance the project for you without the financial risk of having the product sell unfavorably at market (ala We Be Goblins or Undead Horde builder sets). I'm sure it's more complicated than that (aren't things always?) and I get the distinct sense I'm not the first one to ask this question, but if someone [like Vic Wertz perhaps] could shed some light on this query I sure would appreciate it, thanks :)

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Vic Wertz wrote:
Zexsudel wrote:

Still no magnus? Looks like will have to wait to 2016 for class that has been out for years before Advance class.

Oh well. :(
While an Iconic Heroes version of Seltyiel will be coming, there was a version of him in the Skull & Shackles set.

Very true! But if that doesn't tickle your fancy (and you'd rather not wait until 2016 as you say) then check out of the Reaper Bones version licensed by Paizo. Granted it doesn't come pre-painted but it's a fantastic sculpt, it's cheap, and it's available now.

As a matter of fact, for those unaware, there are several Pathfinder iconics which many fans have been clamoring for in future box sets that are/have been available in Bones format for some time now. If you've never tried your hand at painting before then the Bones material is a great place to start! Trust me, you might surprise yourself at how well the results turn out :)