Kubla Kraus |
Hi folks, long time reader, first time writer. Before doing so, I searched the messageboards extensively and contacted Wizkids directly - both to no avail. So I figured I'd turn my query to the community: Would anyone happen to know where Pathfinder Battles miniatures are painted? I'm fairly certain the manufacturing of the sculpts, bases, etc. is done in China but are the actual paintjobs done there as well? Wizkids is a New Jersey-based company and as a resident of the state I'm curious to know if perhaps the painting is done in-house. The reason I ask is because I have friends (also NJ natives) that are miniature-painting enthusiasts and are toying with the idea of turning their hobby into a profession. Being local to one of the biggest publishers of pre-painted plastic miniatures could be the opportunity they're looking for. Unfortunately, the Wizkids website is sorely lacking in any such contact info so I'm hoping someone here can shed some light on an answer. Much appreciated, thank you.