KroyTheGM's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


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Mwangi Jungle Hex Map

Or webp version share_link

Unikatze wrote:
KroyTheGM wrote:

Book1 Map2 - Citadel Altaerein

Here is the map + tokens I made for Citadel Altaerein in Dungeondraft using FA and TC assets +custom ones. The google drive zip has a Foundry VTT export .json which includes walls and windows + Multilevel token drawings, for the upper area.
Zip: sharing

This is one of the best looking ones I've seen so far.

The Multi level token is a great touch.
Did you by chance do the Vault and Alseta's Ring as well?

What about a repaired version?

Haven't done the vault area yet, but here is a cleaned up version of the castle.

Book1 Map2 - Citadel Altaerein
Here is the map + tokens I made for Citadel Altaerein in Dungeondraft using FA and TC assets +custom ones. The google drive zip has a Foundry VTT export .json which includes walls and windows + Multilevel token drawings, for the upper area.
Zip: sharing

Fixed Graveshell's arms into more claw like

Photochopped a Graveshell token by turtle and barbed devil mashup. Assets taken from FA, and TC

Slapped together a Grauladon token (croc and dragon)

Here is my jump into map making
Town Hall, done in Dungeondraft and FA pack
I made the main entrance in the North to correspond to the town map with the water source North of the town hall.

FLite wrote:
There is nothing in the rules that indicate weapon size increases increase die size.

On the Fighter Class there is this clause.

When an effect calls on you to increase
your weapon damage dice, instead of
using its normal weapon damage dice,
you use the next larger die (so if you were
using a d4, you’d use a d6, and so on). If
you are already using a d12, you continue
to use a d12 and gain a +2 circumstance
bonus to damage rolls instead. You can
never increase your weapon damage
dice more than once. The following is
the progression for increasing weapon
damage di

So what does screening do if the person inbetween is your size?