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![]() Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 74 wrote:
Area 20-foot-radius spread[/b] Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless)These two lines make no sense, right? Surely they should be Personal and None, like Gozreh's Trident? ![]()
![]() Does anyone have any idea how long it should take to have an NPC organization create mundane (but expensive) bespoke gear? Both the standard and alternate (unchained) crafting rules are designed for PCs to roll to see how much progress they make every week / day of work of work, and then repeat until finished. I'm giving my party priority access to the weapon & armor smiths of Janderhoff as a reward. It's easy to determine how long it'll take to create the magic effects of their desired items (glamered and animated), but short of actually coming up with NPC stats for the best craftsdwarf in Janderhoff and rolling a bunch (maybe a lot) of daily checks, I can't see any way to determine how many days it should take to produce, for example, a mithral kikko. ![]()
![]() If I wanted to add Spell Warrior Skald levels to a Rust Devil https://aonprd.com/MonsterDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Rust%20Devil%20(Ferrugon) how many levels should I add to get it to a CR 15? 3 or 6? And is there a different class / archetype that I should consider to give him some arcane magic (including alter self and/or similar transmutations so he can disguise himself as a human), medium armour and martial weapon proficiencies, and some skill points he can sink into Craft skills? ![]()
![]() I've been making a lot of changes to the first book, inspired by (and heavily stealing from) Inspectre's thread. Since the party are good friends with Ileosa and have been doing favours for her, I've decided to have her be the one to send them to seek out Thousand Bones to ask him to recommend some local Shoanti leaders who would be willing to serve as a new seneschal - giving her a senseschal that she can trust not to favour any particular noble or merchant house while possibly improving relations between the citizens of Korvosa and the Shoanti people. But now I need some interesting ideas for the NPCs that Thousand Bones can suggest, once his immediate problem is dealt with. ![]()
![]() is surprisingly bad at fighting. Surely it's possible to have a 10th level vigilante that can do more than a dozen points of damage on a hit and have an AC that doesn't mean that he'd get mowed down if he actually tried to fight a group of average street criminals or hellknights? In all seriousness, I had him, along with a sidekick character that I added in (5th level snakebite brawler), intervene in Lamm's assault on the Longacre (my campaign is strongly modified based on Inspectre's), and the two of them were barely able to take down four CR 1 opponents in a half dozen rounds, at which point they were both knocked out. Unless I was missing something significant, Blackjack, as written in the book, can't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. Has anyone had a go at respeccing him so that he can reasonably be considered to be a master fencer that could plausibly face down a squad of Hellknights or a small gang of criminals and win? ![]()
![]() Does anyone have a workable map for the Longacre Building? Based on its size on the city map (My guess is 110' x 165' with a 75' x 120' second floor), and the description of it being what amounts to the main courthouse of a major city, there should be tons of offices (both small single offices and big office suites for arbiters and at least one magistrate, multiple courtrooms (at least two minor and one big fancy one), holding cells w/ a small barracks area for the cell guards. One of the things that I'm "borrowing" from Inspectre's game is the confrontation between the party and a bunch of Lamm's goons. But I need a map to lay the scenario out on. ![]()
![]() Does Pestico (of Pestico's Dolls and Figurines) figure into CotCT at any point in later volumes? I've been thinking of having him get involved (to his detriment) with the party's little war with Gaedrun Lamm in my game (Lamm got away and has been Up To No Good ever since), but don't want to accidentally break anything if he's important later. ![]()
![]() Hi all. Does anyone have suggestions on a good class / archetype for to represent Magik during her early Darkchylde days when she's still under Belasco's influence? A bladebound magus or mindblade magus seems like the obvious way, but I'm not sure it's the *best* way, especially for a 1st level NPC. ![]()
![]() I'm working on a new gnome fey trickster mesmerist for our ongoing game after getting my archer warpriest killed last week. I need advice on the best hunter spells for a semi-martial focused mesmerist (relying on Intense Pain, lead blades, and a friendly enlarge person to get a decent damage output) Also want suggestions for spells to select for Fey Spell Versatility - illusion, enchantment, and curse means there's a huge list of possibilities to consider. Right now, I've only selected Lead Blades at first level, and Sense Vitals and Barkskin at second (along with the spells from Fey Spell Lore - which I might drop if I chose some of the same spells at lower levels with Fey Spell Versatility) For FSV, I'm pretty sure I'll take Hideous Laughter at first, but I'm debating between Contagious Zeal, Blindness / Deafness, Heckle, Hold Person, Heroism, Invisibility, Mirror Image, and Blur for second level. Displacement, Bestow Curse, Charm Monster, and Good Hope all seem like great options for third. ![]()
![]() Is there any way to increase the damage to objects struck by the target of Awesome Blow beyond 1d6? I'm playing around with the idea of making a Steel-Breaker/Brother of the Seal (or maybe a Martial Artist/Brother of the Seal if BotS won't properly advance Brawler abilities) and would like to be able to use Awesome Blow to knock enemies *through* doors, not just *into* doors. ![]()
![]() So I'm building a Shikigami Style brawler, and chose Hinyasi to both get the free feat and to eventually be able to match the damage of a sledge with anything I happen to get my hands on. I want to trade off Martial Flexibility, and am torn between Snakebite Striker or Feral Striker. Is one choice vastly better than the other? Is there some other second archetype I should be considering instead? ![]()
![]() So, if I'm a Phantom Blade Spiritualist, and I have my blade harboured, then my unarmed strikes have the enhancement bonus of the blade. Quote: Weapon of the Mind (Ex): The phantom blade can harbour her phantom weapon in her consciousness or manifest it in its ectoplasmic form. The phantom blade can manifest the weapon through a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. Harbouring the phantom weapon requires a full-round action. While the weapon is harboured, the phantom blade gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat and treats her unarmed strike damage as a monk of her level – 2. If the phantom blade already has this feat, she instead gains Weapon Focus (unarmed strike). The phantom blade’s unarmed strikes gain the phantom weapon’s enhancement bonus and other abilities when the weapon is harboured. The phantom weapon also recovers a number of hit points equal to its ego score every hour that it is harboured. If I then get myself an Amulet of Mighty Fists w/ the duelling ability (the old one from the Field Guide), it looks to me like I'll get a luck bonus twice the size of my enhancement bonus to certain manoeuvres. Like Trip Quote: A duelling weapon bears magical enhancements that makes it particularly effective at performing certain combat manoeuvres. When a duelling weapon is used to perform a combat manoeuvre that utilizes the weapon only (see below), it grants a luck bonus equal to twice its enhancement bonus on the CMB check made to carry out the manoeuvre. The duelling weapon also grants this same luck bonus to the wielder’s CMD score against these types of combat manoeuvres. These combat manoeuvres include disarm and trip manoeuvres, but not bull rush, grapple, or overrun manoeuvres. If you’re using the additional combat manoeuvres in the Advanced Player’s Guide, this also includes any dirty trick manoeuvres that utilize the weapon, as well as reposition combat manoeuvres, but not drag or steal combat manoeuvres. Note that this luck bonus stacks with the weapon’s enhancement bonus, which in and of itself adds to CMB checks normally. Unless I'm missing something, this means that at fifth level, I can have a +6 to trip attempts just from this nice little 4K amulet. ![]()
![]() I'm looking at building a Ravener Hunter Inquisitor with the Battle Inquisition who takes the Weapon Mastery revelation right off the hop, so that he can qualify for Erastil's Blessing at level one. This will let me make a relatively Wisdom focused inquisitor, which lends itself to a casting focus. Given that, I'm not sure if I want to make him be a Monster Tactician, a Sanctified Slayer, or neither. Monster Tactician gets all the fun of standard action summoning, and certainly benefits from the Wisdom focus, but I'm not sure it does anything particularly useful for the actual casting. Sanctified Slayer gets studied target, which boosts spell DCs and helps make a casting-focused Inquisitor viable, but an archquisitor is very rarely going to get to actually land those sneak attacks. ![]()
![]() Taking Dragon Disciple levels grants any spontaneous arcane caster a dragon bloodline, including the arcana. The Esoteric dragons from Dragons of Legacy arcana allows you to get a few Psychic spells added to your spells known. Quote: Variant Bloodline Arcana: When selecting spells known, you can choose spells from the psychic class spell list (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 69). The psychic spells you select must normally be unavailable to your class. You can know only a number of psychic spells equal to the highest level spell you can cast from your class spell list, based on your current class level. When you’re casting these spells, they function as psychic magic instead of arcane. You use thought and emotion components (Occult Adventures 144) instead of verbal and somatic components when casting these spells. Any ideas on what handful of psychic spells would be most beneficial to a martial-focused Dervish Dancer bar? ![]()
![]() So with Starfinder's disease track system, does a character who makes the initial save for a disease have to make a second save after the frequency time passes, or did they completely avoid the risks by never progressing beyond "healthy"? Quote:
Is a character who passed the initial save considered "infected" for the Effect line? Does an infected character that dies for non-disease related reasons rise 2d4 hours later, or does that only happen if the disease kills them?![]()
![]() I've started playing a new game as a serial killer vigilante, focusing heavily on face skills in general, and intimidating in particular, to take advantage of Twisting Fear and Shatter Defenses. While my guy is known to certain people in his home city, I don't really see his social identity as ever becoming "famous", so the renown talent doesn't really make any sense for him, except for the bonus to intimidate in his vigilante identity. So the Obscurity talent seems like it ought to be perfect for him, but reading it leaves me with a couple of questions - Does Obscurity provide the same Intimidate bonus as Renown? and How does Obscurity interact with the Serial Killer's Calling Card ability? Renown (Ex): The vigilante becomes known for deeds and abilities regardless of his current identity. This renown grants him favorable treatment in civilized company and lends him an air of menace while facing down his enemies. While he is in his social identity, a vigilante can spend 1 week gaining renown among the locals of any community of no more than about 200 individuals (a village, if using settlement population ranges on page 203 of the Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide). This could be the entire community or a smaller neighborhood in a larger settlement. He must spend at least 4 hours each day socializing and making contacts. After spending 1 week doing this, whenever he is in his social identity, all NPCs in the community have a starting attitude toward him that is one category better, as long as each person’s initial attitude would have at least been indifferent (see the Diplomacy skill description on pages 93– 94 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook for more information). While he gains renown in an area using his social identity, he also spreads rumors and tales about his vigilante identity. Once he has gained renown in a community, he gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks whenever he is in his vigilante identity. This bonus applies only while he is near the community in which he has gained renown; he must be within a number of miles equal to his vigilante level. A vigilante can hold renown in a limited number of communities (normally one, with other social talents allowing two). If he gains renown in a new community, he must decide which one of his previous communities to lose. These effects are subject to GM approval. For example, the GM might rule that an NPC or monster has not heard any tales about the vigilante. Or, a foe may have a starting attitude toward him that’s one category worse, rather than one category better. Obscurity (Ex): The vigilante is relatively unknown socially. In fact, he makes a point of keeping the life of his social identity as ordinary as possible. This social talent functions exactly as the renown social talent, but instead of improving the starting attitude of all NPCs within the community, it empowers the vigilante so that he no longer needs to succeed at Disguise checks to appear as his social identity while assuming that identity within his area of obscurity. He still has to attempt Disguise checks when NPCs within this settlement are confronted with indisputable proof that the vigilante could be more than he appears to be, such as when he uses a vigilante talent while in his social identity. This social talent counts as renown for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of social talents that list renown as a prerequisite and can be improved by such talents. A vigilante with this talent cannot select renown, nor can he select any social talent that requires him to be famous (such as celebrity discount or celebrity perks). Calling Card (Ex): At 7th level, when a serial killer slays a humanoid with a coup de grace or death attack, she can leave a telltale token or clue behind identifying this death as her work. The serial killer chooses her calling card when she gains this ability, and the first time she uses it in an area where she has renown (as per the renown social talent), it becomes associated with her killings. After that, once citizens of a new settlement find this calling card, the serial killer immediately establishes the settlement as an area of renown for her vigilante identity without spending additional time to spread tales, and the Intimidate bonus from renown increases by 2. She still must spend time to establish her social identity’s renown. ![]()
![]() The last couple of years have a bunch of feat options with the "counts as X Feat for prerequisite purposes" language, which has wonderfully opened up options for getting into feat chains with boring and/or weak prerequisites, or just for getting into them without having to make a character extra MAD just for a single prerequisite feat that won't even get used. That said, is anyone aware of anything that counts as weapon focus and/or dazzling display (besides nightmare weaver, which is even harder and more feat intensive)? I'm working on a Serial Killer Vigilante, who I want to have Shatter Defenses for obvious reasons, but I don't expect to ever use Dazzling Display, and I know that we'll likely be having entire levels of play without access to our standard gear, so Weapon Focus is likely to be a dead feat half the time for me as well. And I'd love to do something more interesting with my mid-level feats than just build toward level 9ish when I'll finally become interesting to play. ![]()
![]() HHH wrote: Patron Spells: At 1st level, a pact wizard must select a patron. This functions like the witch class ability of the same name, except the pact wizard automatically adds his patron’s spells to his spellbook instead of to his familiar. In addition, the pact wizard can expend any prepared spell that isn’t a spell prepared using the additional spell slot the wizard receives from his arcane school in order to spontaneously cast one of his patron’s spells of the same level or lower. So if I multiclass a Pact Wizard, I'll only get the patrol spells of the my actual wizard level, because the Witch rules on Patron Spells specifically says that you only get the new spells known at the listed Witch level. Fair enough. My question though, is does he get the spontaneous casting for the entire patron spell list, assuming he learns it normally? ![]()
![]() Our groups's been playing a goblins side game on and off for the last year and a half or so. We started off with the We Be Goblins series and have progressed through a bunch of other stuff. These days we're running around in Slumbering Tsar. Between goblins being goblins and the insane lethality of the Frog God material, we've been burning through goblins at an increasing rate, and I'm the worst of the lot. For the last couple levels, several of my goblins have died in their first session. At least one has died in the first encounter. So I've decided to create a graveyard thread of the my gobs just to keep track of the ones that I've already tried. ![]()
![]() So, the updated RMA makes a single level dip into a way to get dual wielding dex to damage without the annoying attack penalty (and heavy feat expense) of two weapon grace. Given the way they've phrased the RMA's revised sabre fighting, by taking it before gaining unchained rogue level 3, the sawtooth sabres become a valid choice for the Rogue's finesse training (and piranha strike). I've used this to give a buddy a viable red mantis worshipping goblin character for our backup game. Slayer (Deliverer) 6 / Unchained Rogue 3 / RMA 1 / Sentinel 10 Slayer 1 (EWP, WF)
At level 9, where we're playing, his BAB is only 7, but he's running a full 5d6 sneak attack with pretty solid damage even when he isn't flanking. ![]()
![]() Trying to buy the guide. Website's not completing the order, just spinning and doing nothing every time I enter the security number on my card. So I can't buy the pdf, but it certainly seems I can pay for it, as I've had three withdrawals against my account despite never having the transaction complete on the webstore. edit: Customer service determined that the transaction was being "declined" because of small mismatch in my billing address. Still not happy about the store page just staying on the the "Before placing your order please enter the card verification number for Visa Visa **** ****" page without ever saying that there was a problem with the transaction. It did the same thing after I re-entered my entire payment and address info and the transaction completed. Just sits on the screen with the box for me to confirm my security code rather than proceeding to the "sale complete" (or whatever screen is supposed to come next). ![]()
![]() The inquisitor has the same sort of restriction against casting spells of alignments that are in opposition to themselves or their deity. (see: "Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells" at the end of the class description). Should this apply to SLAs as well? Specifically, to the monster tactician's summon monster SLA? ![]()
![]() I'm thinking of creating a half-elven mindblade who will heavily focus on Int over any physical stats, making use of elven battle style to maintain damage potential despite a mediocre strength stat. I'm not sure what psychic spells to pick up, and can't decide if I want to spend the feats to get heavy armour or a two level dip into student of war to replace my dex mod with my int mod for my AC. I'm also not sure if I should even bother trying to two weapon fight with longswords or rapiers, or just switch between a single longsword and an elven curve blade (or branched spear) depending on if I need to use spell combat in a given round while waiting for level 13. Is there anything more reliable than spamming blade tutor's spirit to make dual-wielding longswords remotely viable? ![]()
![]() I've been thinking about various class options for making a martial character around the polymorph line of spells (Alter Self initially, leading into the Monstrous Physique spells). I hadn't found an option that really appealed to me, but I was looking at Eldritch Scoundrel earlier and I'm thinking that it might be a decent option, assuming that I can choose claws as my finesse weapon of choice. Am I missing any better ways to create a character who's shtick is turning himself into a monster and beating people over the head with his claws? Magus has the spells, but also has a lot of mechanics that aren't relevant to what I'm looking for. Any opinions of the value of going into Arcane Trickster at 5th? Or perhaps there's an evangelist option with boons that would be particularly suitable? ![]()
![]() After getting my Relic Hunter killed last night, I decided to try messing around with the bit of the Armour Master's Handbook that first caught my attention - Shield Brace - to make a spear & shield fighter. This is what I've got in mind: Guy
Several of the choices for Guy were made around the idea that we're likely to continue facing giants with reach and crazy high CMB and bonuses to hit (grenzeldeck basically couldn't miss us) so I wanted to be able to survive well when fighting from 10' away. Spring Attack is there more for the ability to move through a single enemy's threatened area safely than for any other reason, and Just out of Reach should hopefully give me a high enough AC against giants that they might actually miss on occasion. Shielded Stand is less about recovering from being tripped and more about letting myself or teammates who get knocked into the negatives get up off the ground after being healed. Going forward, I expect to grab Combat Reflexes, and then probably a bunch of teamwork feats to use with Fighter's Tactics. (Plus Cut from the Air / Smash from the Air to deal with tossed boulders.) Anyone have thoughts / ideas / suggestions on what I should consider changing or adding? ![]()
![]() Now that I've had a chance to read shield brace, I've decided that my next character will be a polearm & shield fighter. But it's not particularly clear how exactly shield brace works. Armour Masters' Handbook wrote:
So, does the spear remain two-handed, or do I weild it one-handed like a phalanx fighter? If it remains two-handed, can I take two-weapon fighting and progress down the shield bashing feat chain toward shield master, or is this like the greatsword & shield spikes idea where two-weapon fighting is impossible even if the rules seem to imply otherwise? ![]()
![]() So, let's say I'm a Hurler Barbarian (+10 increment) throwing a deer knife (20' increment) using Startoss Shower. I've got the Strong Arm, Supple Wrist trait (+10' on the first attack of the round, and only if I can move before throwing). Pretty straightforward so far. 40' increment on the initial throw, 30' on the bounces. But eventually, I manage to get Weapon Style Mastery and Unfolding Wind Strike, doubling my increment while in my styles. Does the doubling apply before or after the addition? And a couple levels later, I get Raging Hurler, which also doubles my increment, but only when raging. So what's the range increment of my knife at this point? ![]()
![]() The first one's probably easy - how does Defensive Weapon Training work for a fighter with two weapons? Does he only count the highest enhancement bonus? The second is about the Special section of the Advanced Weapon Training feat. If I'm reading it correctly, a weapon master fighter can take AWT as many times as he wants, rather than just once per five levels? ![]()
![]() Getting an ability that's essentially an Inquisitor's Solo Tactics as early as 5th level opens up some very interesting possibilities. Right now I'm considering re-visiting my Underfoot Adept / Lore Warden trip-focused character with an eye to abusing teamwork feats. Tandem Trip would allow her to roll twice on most trip attempts, and Swarm Strike would make the standard Vicious Stomp / Greater Trip combo much more likely to land. Anyone have any other teamwork feats that look a lot more attractive for a Fighter w/ Fighter's Tactics than they might otherwise? ![]()
![]() Do water elementals create vortexes or transform into vortexes? Water Elemental wrote: Vortex (Su) A water elemental can create a whirlpool as a standard action, at will. This ability functions identically to the whirlwind special attack, but can only form underwater and cannot leave the water. Whirlwind wrote: Whirlwind (Su) Some creatures can transform themselves into whirlwinds and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD they have. And if they're creating a vortex that exists separately from themselves, does it move? How fast? In either case, how big is the vortex? ![]()
![]() Are the celestial and fiendish creatures' smites meant to be single target or not? The Paladin's smite explicitly requires a specific target to be chosen, but the creature template version doesn't, and it switches from plural "foes" to a singular "target" within the single sentence. Quote: The creature may smite evil 1/day as a swift action (it adds its Cha bonus to attack rolls, and a damage bonus equal to its HD against evil foes; smite persists until the target is dead or the celestial creature rests).
![]() [url]http://www.archivesofnethys.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Share%20Spells[/url] This feat (and to a lesser extent some of the others in the book with the same prerequisite) seem like they're potentially very strong for any inquisitor who's willing to dip a single level into nearly any pet class in order to qualify for them. Inquisitor's don't have the same selection of personal range spells that a wizard, or even a cleric do, but there's still plenty of spells that a less combat-focused inquisitor might really enjoy casting on the party beatstick. (Alternately, this feat gives any full caster with a pet that's willing to take a three level dip into Inquisitor the main part of what makes a brown fur arcanist an incredibly strong buffer.) ![]()
![]() The errata fixed the shield champion not being able to actually use a shield, but it's unclear if they're proficient with throwing shields. Since throwing shields are explicitly listed as exotic weapons, it seems like it would be specifically listed in their weapon proficiency text if they start out knowing his to use them. On the other hand, throwing shields around is pretty much their entire schtick, so it would make sense if the "all shields as weapons" is meant to include throwing shields.