Braddikar Faje

Krky77's page

Organized Play Member. 79 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

Silver Crusade

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Thank you so much!
You've answered everything!
I think I'm all covered now! :)

Silver Crusade

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Jason Nelson wrote:

Alas, no, nothing outside of actual Paizo publications is PFS-legal (and not even all Paizo stuff). It's a terrific class, but if you are PFS-only then you are stuck waiting for whenever the Golem gets around to it, and on that I have no insider information to offer.

Thank you so much for the reply!

Yeah, I play PFS exclusively, so that's too bad, though I still might buy the book, just as a source of elemental inspiration if nothing else. Thanks again for bringing it to my attention!
And Gaulin, thanks for the suggestion! Everybody pretty much nudged me in the Earth Sorcerer direction, but I think Druid will do the job just as well (having access to the same Primal pool) and flavor-wise it's a bit closer to what I had in mind for my character.

Silver Crusade

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Jason Nelson wrote:

As a matter of fact, you can get Legendary Kineticists: Second Edition right now, by the marvelous Vanessa Hoskins, author of many official Pathfinder 2E products for Paizo themselves!

You'll find a full 20-level base class but also over 100 class feats for kineticists across 7 elemental specializations, each with their own unique powers and abilities. Create a stalwart geokineticist with unmatched defensive prowess, blast your enemies to ash as a pyrokineticist, streak across the battlefield around as a bolt of living lightning as an electrokineticist, and so much more, including multiclassing options, magic items, and a sample iconic kineticist to show off what this system can do!

You can pick it up at the Legendary Games webstore, DrivethruRPG, and even right here at Paizo!

Thank you so much, I had no idea about this!

This looks awesome! If Legendary Kineticists: Second Edition is indeed Pathfinder Society legal, I'll definitely buy it!

Silver Crusade

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Ravingdork wrote:
Would be a hell of an introduction if a fungus leshy casually pulled his cap off and bowed in greeting, revealing a slimy, wrinkly underlayer somewhat reminiscent of a brain.

God DAYUM!! :)

Don't give me any more ideas. :D :D
I'll be banned from Society events if this continues. :)

Silver Crusade

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David knott 242 wrote:

PF1 had Ghorans as a size Medium plant race, but unless Paizo massively changes their lore, they will almost certainly be a rare race whenever they get added to PF2.

Ghorans do look cool, but I'm some five sessions away from a leshy ancestry. :) Plus, leshies are even more out there and more nature-based then their M-sized plant-like brethren, and that makes them even more interesting in my book. Ghorans are usually portrayed as wood-masked / wood-faced green elves or humans, but leshies truly have their physical freak on. :)

Set and Mrspaghetti, thanks for the suggestions! :) Stilts actually sound dangerously close to almost eschewing the size rule, but I'd be lying if I said that I don't love the idea. :)

As far as the illusion of being taller is concerned, fungus leshies do usually have caps, as mushrooms normally do, so I could probably get away with a lot if I go for a large cap on its head. Sort of like a gnome with a humonguos top hat. :) Only inverted. :)

I'll play around with your ideas a bit. I'll definitely have that S in the character sheet, but what will actually walk the streets and go on adventures might end up being a bit... over the top in some ways. :)

S in the sheet, M in the street, one might almost say. :D

Silver Crusade

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Rysky wrote:
That's an exception, not the standard.

I'm totally fine with my character being an exception as well, in the vein of what @Ravingdork was talking about. If that's possible and allowable.

Perhaps he's not the first vessel for that particular nature spirit that's "building" this new body for it to inhabit. Perhaps the spirit's experiences and memories and knowledge are becoming almost too much and too powerful to put into a smaller frame. Or some of the past experiences the spirit went through actually pushed it into experimenting with a bit larger vessel. Or it tapped into one of those myconid mega-organisms, a single fungal colony that's several miles across, and what came out from the process was tad larger than usual.

It can be a combination of factors, like in the goblin example. The character can certainly be somewhat of an aberration even among its own kind. After all, there are freakishly large humans as well.

Silver Crusade

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Ravingdork wrote:

Here's a high level earth sorcerer I made.

At first I thought there wouldn't be enough each themed spells, but as I made the character, I quickly realized that there were too many to choose.

Perhaps it will help inform you on some of your own decisions?

Amazing stuff!

And wonderfully laid out!
Thanks a million, this is definitely a fountain of inspiration!

Silver Crusade

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Is there a thread like this for Pathfinder 1 PBP sessions as well?
Thanks in advance!

Silver Crusade

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You guys are off the chain!
I'm going to need at least 48 hours to work through all these numbers and combinations! :)

Manbearscientist, this comparative evaluation and examination belongs in a compendium somewhere! Aspiring archers everywhere can consider themselves outright blessed by this community's thoroughness and willingness to help! I don't know what to say. I never expected this level of expertise. This is absolutely precious!

Silver Crusade

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Greetings all!
In Pathfinder 2.0 I'd like to try something that I never got the chance to do in Pathfinder 1.0. I'd like to build a sort of medieval Hawkeye or Green Arrow, the best and most efficient non-magical, strictly skill-based archer / ranged fighter that the new game rules can produce. What would you guys suggest? The Fighter route? The Ranger route? Or a multiclass combination? Would multiclassing considerably slow my progress in any way?
Thanks in advance!

Silver Crusade

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numbat1 wrote:

Are you aware of Hero Lab Classic and Hero Lab Online? Both are by Lone Wolf Development. I believe they are officially approved by Paizo and LWD currently provides the Character Creation Station for PaizoCon and GenCon for Paizo.

HLC supports PF1, HLO supports Starfinder and Playtest/PF2E.

Classic has the GM tools that allow them to have a copy of the players' characters to include in the encounter builder with the opponents/monsters when running an encounter.

HLO has the GM tools under construction with an announcement expected at PaizoCon and hopefully a release by GenCon. They also plan to some form of real-time sharing between characters if desired.

While not everything you are looking for is currently supported, much of it is. I enjoy using these tools and the ease of real-time adjustments during the game.

Thanks for the info!

I've heard about it, but kind of suppressed that information, because I was told that it was quite expensive. :) Now I've tried the free demo, and yeah, it looks much too close to what I had in mind for my idea to ever see the light of day, I'm afraid. Or rather, I think that Pathfinder would have to be considerably more popular than it already is for something as ambitious as my suggestion to actually get off the ground.

Ah well. One can dream! Perhaps one day the circumstances will allow for something akin to the "Pathfinder Keep" to exist. In the meantime, I think I'll create my Playtest character via Hero Lab Online. :)