Kristin Bollerman's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 9 posts (11 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 15 Organized Play characters.


About the un-tagged map; I too had some concerns. But, when I uploaded it into Roll20, dropped it on the VTT, and stretched it out, things lined up pretty well.
[spoiler] Set your map size to 37W x 50H and you will have 1 row of border all around the map to play with the stretching. {/spoiler]

I did appreciate that the maps are at the end, instead of being a page inserted into a break in the box text. HINT ;-)

I have a question for the skill checks listed in the middle of P14, the first in the list. One of them is a skill check for an activity that does not belong with that skill. Which need to be corrected, the skill used or the activity performed?

And I'd say that if a price is lower on the Chronicle sheet than in the CRB, then it's a discounted item.


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Is it likely that the digital versions will be both pdf and jpeg?

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Woran said wrote:
Somehow that entry got deleted. I intended it to be Survival, but I do not know why it is missing. I am assuming a developer intended to change it, but I do not know what they intended to change it to.

Any word on what it turned out to be? When we ran it, we used Fort Save, it seemed to make sense and is something every character should be at least trained in. When we run it again, we'll use Survival.

Oh, let's see if this works. I found this also,

DU0 16A should be 02A

Um, has anyone noticed one tiny little missing detail in the PDF? I'm never good at hiding spoilers, so here's as non-spoiler I can get:

Page 17, Item 4, line 2. There's a DC listed but no indication what stat is to be rolled against it. If this was posted somewhere else, please forgive, and link.

Thank you.

3/5 ***

Folks, I am trying to do something nice for my husband. He is GMing all weekend except for the specials because he was planning on playing in them. There was some confusion with his badge and it did not get resolved till after the specials were sold out. If anyone has an extra ticket for Thursday and/or Friday special please let me know. I would be happy to pay for the ticket but I would love to suprise him. I know this is last minute but I didn't find out till yesterday that there was a problem. Please help me if you are able. If not enjoy the specials!

3/5 ***

My husband may be willing to play. I don't know how to PM you (new to forums). He has a gnome alchemist. He does have healing as well as bombs.

3/5 ***

My husband would really like to to play. He would be playing Shaboom a gnome alchemist with a penchant for blowing things up. He is definately a pyromaniac and always makes life interesting. My husband didn't get his GM badge till after the specials were sold out.