Augmented Gearsman

Kot the Protector's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. 73 posts. 13 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 35 Organized Play characters.

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Glad to get back to Ravounel!


I was a player in this adventure, and I had a lovely time!

Highlights for me
- I liked getting to try out the Infiltration system (even though this one is simplified).
- Going back to Ravounel is always a treat after my Hell's Rebels campaign!
- The infiltration adventure was very accommodating for me and my allies who were decidedly not stealthy.

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Strong Concept and Strong NPCs


I really enjoyed running this for my group who really enjoyed it by the end!

The concept is real strong and throws the heroes into a truly unique situation. Furthermore, the NPCs have a variety of perspectives that reinforce the tableaux. The captain's situation made my players' eyes go wide. My players had no trouble walking into this adventure and interacting with it.

The combats were pretty quick and my players had little trouble with them. My group is pretty experienced but the creatures introduced were pretty unique and my players and I enjoyed fighting them.

For a low-level adventure the DCs for some skills seemed a bit high, My players managed well, befriending all NPCs and earning all treasure bundles when I thought they might miss a few.

Highly recommended by this GM!

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An Elementary Welcome to a New Season!


I ran this adventure in the high tier first, and we had a memorable session!

There's a huge cast of characters in this adventure, some new and some familiar ones sneaked in for folks who have been paying attention for the last few seasons! The adventure brings us back to the Maze of the Open road and gives us an eventful tour as the elemental planes are shifting and adjusting suddenly.

This an excellent little romp for players who enjoy exploration and making some friends!

We had one player playing up who almost died but the heroes pulled them out before it was too late!

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A Spicy and Fun Adventure!


I was grinning while I read this adventure, and I will remember this one for a while.

I ran this adventure for the high tier and I had so much fun running it! I rarely see an adventure with so much little guy energy and was delighted by my players' reactions.

This adventure works very well if your GM is willing to commit to the bits that the adventure is putting out for you, and is an excellent easy adventure to get newer folks started with some flavor, some excitement, and a little bit of wonder.

Hands down the best giant rat I have ever run in a scenario! Can't wait to see what happens next!

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To Scale the Silver Mount


The greatest mystery of Numeria, and one of Golarion's greatest puzzles, is now laid bare. An adventure of alien societies, killer robots, and divine mysteries, the Silver Mount becomes a grand adventure for the incredible climax of the Iron Gods Adventure Path!

Excellent flavor, challenging fights, and one of the best rewards I've ever seen at the end of a campaign make this a grand ending of the Adventure Path.

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A Wretched Hive of Villany


This adventure was a long time coming for some of my players. Those with grudges against the Technic League will finally get their chance to strike back in the heart of Numeria's corruptions and depredations.

Starfall offers some truly titanic foes to overcome, but you aren't without friends to make!

This is an excellently made adventure for mid level characters, and offers some cathartic moments for enemies of the League or the Black Sovereign.

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They Came for Our Brains!


ALIENS! They came from outer space to harass my PCs, and harass they did! The adventure had some excellent flavor around every corner. They made lasting allies that they carry to this day, and were well and truly bothered by some of the alien activity happening right on the ground with them. If you were hoping for an adventure of the third kind, this is the book for you!

They found some foreshadowing for later adventures, clever toys to play with, and even turned an alien into a fuzzy animal for their fun and friendship.

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Farmers, Wizards, and Robots, Oh My!


A challenging and exciting part of the Iron Gods Adventure Path. You'll meet with technophobes (remember all that tech you've been collecting/not keeping?), fight mutants and creatures of the deep woods, and square off with an insane wizard-ghost in his tower (several times!)!

This was an adventure that challenged my players tactically, and they found some nice stuff and made some interesting friends/enemies. There was nothing I didn't enjoy!

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Flavor and Fun and Chainsaws!


An exceedingly flavorful and deadly adventure in the Iron Gods Adventure Path, this adventure takes you to a seedy junkyard filled with criminals, killers, monsters, and worse. You'll make good friends, learn some things bout Numeria's past, and fight a truly unique foe at the climax!

The adventure can get dangerous at times! One encounter in particular nearly wiped my PCs twice!

This is one of my favorite parts of the adventure path, and I can't wait to run it again!

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Will I Dream, Dave? Yes I Will!


An excellent kick-off to an excellent Adventure Path. This adventure goes from a more orthodox Pathfinder adventure with working with townspeople against a gang of thugs and delving dungeons and fighting cave-dwelling monsters to exploring the fantastical world of technology that only this adventure path could really provide. It's an excellent transition adventure to let players know that we are still in Pathfinder, but we are not completely on Golarion anymore.

Numeria has everything I've wanted in an Adventure Path and this book is an excellent jumping-off point for an adventure unlike any other!

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Good Treasure and Badge of Honor


Not only can I hand these out to my players in my Iron Gods campaign to let them know what exactly they've found, but I can bring them to PFS to show off just what my Numerian character is packing!

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Social Encounters Come Alive!


FINALLY, I've found some way to make social encounters more than just two die rolls!

This deck makes exchanges between characters and NPCs go from one die roll to full-fledged encounters with pitfalls, surprises, and ways for characters to show off! It has every character participate in the encounter, ensuring that no party's step out of the bard's or rogue's way when lips start moving instead of weapons. It focuses on more obvious skills like Diplomacy and Bluff, but also allows more skills like Knowledge, Perform, or even a Combat Maneuver to move the encounter along!

If the DCs seem too low for the characters tackling them, it also includes alternate to rules to bump the DCs, create a timer, or make the encounter better reflect the foes they are conversing with.

All-around fun, this deck will make my social encounters as nail-biting and intense as any tussle in a dungeon!

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Great fun for everyone at the table!


This scenario really exceeded my expectations, but lost me on a few small things.

The variability of the scenario makes running it many times for the same people little challenge, as they could easily have a very different experience every time. Monsters, villains, negotiations, and traps can work a bit differently for each group, making the experience unique for everyone's run of the adventure. This will keep the scenario fresh for a good long while.

The difficulty of the scenario is also quite variable. You can make the adventure easier for newer players or make things more challenging for skilled players. Not only combats, but a social encounter can become more difficult and harrowing if the group looks good for it.

The story is plenty of fun as well. Regardless of the PC's skill level, they will feel like they are doing something important for this adventure. Not to mention they will make some excellent friends along the way, as the NPCs (including Drandle Dreng, naturally) are a blast to roleplay with. They not only are fun and interesting, they also can give newer players some decent advice for adventuring, and make the advice in-universe so it doesn't feel like they had info dumped on them by someone around the table.

A great adventure for beginners and veterans alike!