
Kornin Underbough's page

15 posts. Alias of Corerue.


Male Halfling Cavalier 1st Exp = 0

Sadly not =/

Male Halfling Cavalier 1st Exp = 0

Oh so he did lol, thats what I get for not re-reading older posts xD.

Thank you for the best wishes Val i'm definitely nervous and so is my wife but its is going to be a momentous day when April finally gets here! I'm looking forward to it for sure! =)

Male Halfling Cavalier 1st Exp = 0

Hmmm slow week, hopefully Edziza is alright ^^;

Yeah, sounds like some of you guys have it together! I've been working the oil fields for about 5 years and most likely goig for another 10+ lol. If I could work somewhere closer to home for the same money (not likely... D:) I would be there in a heartbeat.

My work rotation is two weeks on days, then nights the next rotation, and I work anywhere from 12-18 hours a day for those two weeks and then I go home for two weeks off a month ^^; Its a nice schedule BUT I spend half a month away from home, which will be lame when my kid is born. =/

Male Halfling Cavalier 1st Exp = 0

Thanks bud =D Its an exciting time and right now i'm looking into going into Process Technology / Instrumentation so I can broaden my horizon. Its dangerous work sometimes in the Oil Field but it pays pretty darn good and the only reason I stay is because of the pay. But once I get my degree in 3-4 years I will be making 3-4times as much as I do now lol.

It has its benefits but i'm hoping to move onto robotics or more mindblowing fields once I get my Associates in Process Tech.

Male Halfling Cavalier 1st Exp = 0

I'm Cori! YAY Me >:D I am up here in the cold north of Alaska, USA. 27 Male, expecting a son in April. I work in the oilfield up here and wield a mighty 12lb sledgehammer for 2weeks of every month and flow oil producing wells. I'm a Well Testing Operator and I am going back to college, 7 years too late i know... where does the time go!

My hobbies include medieval fighting, reenactment fighting, weight lifting and D&D gaming for the last 16 years lol xD.

Coldest weather I have ever worked in was -101 *F with 40-60 mile an hour wind speed in the arctic. Try running a boom truck in that weather! FUN TIMES!

Male Halfling Cavalier 1st Exp = 0

Rhylis definitely type's better then I do! I know some Japanese from all the manga I read and anime I have watched. But speaking it... HAHAHA fat chance! I need to learn some more languages, I know some German and French but my vocabulary with both is horrid. Plus having nobody to converse with just made it that much easier to forget. =/

But that is pretty awesome how you learned Rhylis :)

Male Halfling Cavalier 1st Exp = 0

Thats how i've been doing it in the PBP's i'm in right now but I don't mind changing it up =).

Man its going to be interesting actually playing a small character rather then Dming it... Just me lol I was a DM for way to long and sometimes I feel like I forgot how to be just a player! It'll be interesting to be charging people in dungeon setting's.

Male Halfling Cavalier 1st Exp = 0

I agree with Valaerdrel, But I don't mind doing a straight text style it will be interesting to try something different =)

Male Halfling Cavalier 1st Exp = 0

Well I think for the most part Kornin is complete, let me know what you think when you get the time Edziza~ no rush! I will be lurking nearby~ ;)

Male Halfling Cavalier 1st Exp = 0

Well for me I think it was worth it since it takes me awhile to type up all this text just for a single character, but with Hero lab it took me only 10-15 mins tops and it pumped out a the text with all the [i] and such ready. (Which kills me when I type it up myself! xD)

Also as DM I think it will work out nicely since you can print out in character sheet format I believe, so you can create PC's/NPC's for a campaign with relative ease.

As for user friendly I really think it is, it only took me a few minutes to figure out what to do or how to output a character in text based. The only downside is the fact that you have to click and download each update one at a time, but the downloads are fairly quick with decent internet. Its just repetitive ^^;.

I suggest downloading the free version and look it over, it may lack alot of the normal stuff of a liscensed version but that is how it will look and you can at least get a feel for it. ^^d

hopefully that helped~

[b]Edit: Time Zone -9 GMT, I'm up here in Alaska =D, I can usually post at least 1-5 times a day depending if i'm at work or not (I work a 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, 12+ hours a day, work rotation.)

I would love to visit Europe or somewhere else someday~ Just too broke to do it right now lol.

Male Halfling Cavalier 1st Exp = 0

well thanks to Herolab Kornin is finished =) and looking good! Although his Ac is 1 lower then what I had previously but that was because it wasn't so clear on the Armored Kilt but now its all cleared up and a 20AC is still not bad for first level. Especially with armor I can don as a move action xD. That is awesome!

Male Halfling Cavalier 1st Exp = 0

Lol I just bought hero lab, xD its pretty neat so far but adding a mount is a bit annoying =/ since it demands I give my wolf a character class T.T;

Male Halfling Cavalier 1st Exp = 0

Lol nice i'm the only one with no interesting addition to my character description i'm just a short cavalier ;). I will try and get my character fleshed out soon. I need to get done flying and all these storms and layovers are making it hellish for flying :p

(Rin Lightbringer)

Kornin was a Halfling Outrider NPC of mine that I made for a Red Hand of Doom campaign I dmed. He died in defense of the kingdom sadly when he got bogged down and surrounded by an enemy battalion trying to save the party and fleeing refugees. So I thought I’d resurrect this 3.5 character into pathfinder :D

I will try and turn him into a halfling cavalier that way I will still be able to dungeon delve and such ;) I was only wondering about the extra books due to wanting to try out the Dragonrider or use the Advanced options release of 'The Cavaliers Creed' pdf it is a pretty good book and has some decent builds and feats but as I saw above I will stick to core only and not cause you anymore work then needed ;).

I Dmed for 11+ years and I know how it is when you start allowing a ton of books into the game, gets WAY complicated way quick if your new at Dming. (I own so many books it would drive you mad!)

Go to Had to borrow this from Paizo~ Heres an idea of a Halfling Cavalier

Halfling Racial Traits w/ Outrider & Underfoot racial trait:

Halfling Racial Traits
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength: Halflings are nimble and strong-willed, but their small stature makes them weaker than other races.
Small: Halflings are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus (CMB) and Combat Maneuver Defense (CMD), and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Slow Speed: Halflings have a base speed of 20 feet.
Fearless: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by halfling luck.
Halfling Luck(Replaced by Underfoot): Halflings receive a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
Underfoot: Half lings must train hard to effectively fight bigger opponents. Half lings with this racial trait gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC against foes larger than themselves and a +1 bonus on Reflex saving throws to avoid trample attacks. This racial trait replaces the half ling luck racial trait.
Keen Senses: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Sure-Footed: (replaced with Outrider~)
Outrider: Some half lings specialize in mounted combat. Half lings with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks. This racial trait replaces the sure-footed racial trait.
Weapon Familiarity: Halflings are proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word “halfling” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Halflings begin play speaking Common and Halfling. Halflings with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Goblin.

Kornin Underbough WIP:

Originally hailing from a nomadic tribe, which was tragically wiped out years ago, their enemy decided to hang him along with the other surviving children. But when his rope snapped they decided to spar his life, he was but a weak child anyway. He survived that fateful day with the help of a young female wolf and he now resides in the city of Olfden. His painful past is easily seen from the ragged scar that cuts down the center of his left eye and another that cuts around his neck. The usually open and friendly disposition that his kind seems born with is a long dead as his kinfolk. Kornin has sworn his life to defending the weak from the depredations of evil; he is a Cavalier in the service of the Order of the Shield.

His armor looks as weathered as his features, his scar’s cause him to look more menacing then friendly and the rather savage looking wolf he rides doesn’t help his appeal to the common folk. He still wears the nomadic kilt of his clan, although he has added metal plate to it for protection when he rides into his enemies. He sports an armored coat and wears a bandana about his head.

Alingnment: Lawful Neutral – He tries to treat other fairly and will never cheat anyone, but if you’re an enemy expect no mercy.

Height: 3’4”
Weight: 38 lbs
Age: 27 years old
Gender: Male
Starting wealth: 175 Gp
Deity: Doesn’t believe in them after what ‘They’ let happen to his kin…

Stats Point Value + Racial Bonus~

Str 14 (5P) -2RB 12 +1
Dex 14 (5P) +2RB 16 +3
Con 13 (3P) -----13 +1
Int 12 (2p) -----12 +1
Wis 12 (2p) -----12 +1
Cha 14 (5p) +2RB 16 +3

AC: 21 = 10 +3 Dex +1 Underfoot +1 Size +4 Armored Coat +1 Armored Kilt +1 Buckler
ACP: -2

Armor Expert: -1 to ACP of armor worn.
Highlander +1 to Stealth checks, +2 in hilly or mountainous areas and Stealth is a class skill.

Mounted Combat

Skills: 4 +1 + 1 (Favored class)
Bluff (Cha)
Climb (Str)
Craft (Int)
Diplomacy (Cha) +1+3+3=+7
Handle Animal (Cha) +1 +3 +3 +2 = +9
Intimidate (Cha) 1 + 3 + 3 = +7
Profession (Wis)
Ride (Dex) +1 +3 +3 +2= +9
Sense Motive (Wis) +1 +3 +1=+5
Stealth (Dex) +1 +3 +3 +1 +4= +12 –2 ACP= +10
Swim (Str)

Common, Halfling, Goblin

Cavalier Abilities
Challenge (Ex): 1/day
1st Mount: Wolf (Cemd Mnetyz – “Last Shadow” in halfling)

Tactician (Ex): 1/day for 3 rounds (Precise Strike: +1d6 to damage when flanking opponents.

Carrying Capacity: Light: 32 or less, Medium: 33-64 Heavy: 65-98 lbs

Gear: 175 –50 –20 –15= 95 –30 = 65 – 47 = 18
Armored Coat –50 gp +4 AC +3 Dex –2 ACP (Only –1 with Armor Expert) 10 lbs
Armored Kilt –20 gp +1 AC +6 –0 ACP 5 lbs
Buckler – 15 gp 3 lbs
Lance –10 gp 5 lbs
Scimitar – 15 2 lbs
Shortbow – 30 Gp 1lb
2x (40) Thistle Arrows (AA) –2 Gp 0.15 lbs

Just as an after thought here~ I am in other PBP's so if there are new players here I will forfeit so that others can get to play =). Just thought I would put that out there.

Even though my ability to post may be difficult i'll still create a character anyway (always nice to have for future use) I was thinking of a 5th lvl halfing rng. I will post stats and such later.

Edit:: Sorry about that this is my halflings name and such, But this is Rin btw lol.