Varisian Barbarian

Kogam Spiritflame's page

9 posts. Alias of Alex Mack.


male Human (Shoanti) Bloodrager 1

We must look out for whatever ate those animals... Kogam remarks. Does anyone have a torch?

male Human (Shoanti) Bloodrager 1

Kogam is strong. Strong men are good at climbing down holes with or without rope

Take 10 on climb check. Didn't buy rope I think

male Human (Shoanti) Bloodrager 1

Kogam turns to Rameth a curious look on his face.

What is this Pathfinder you speak of?

male Human (Shoanti) Bloodrager 1

Kogam joins his new found companions seeing that all who live in this town are cowards unwilling to adventure. As they depart from town Kogam begins to spark up some conversation.

Kogam is Shoanti warrior from the proud Qua of the Eagles out to regain his honor. What is your tale?

male Human (Shoanti) Bloodrager 1

I overheard a conversation at the Inn some people telling how the stars dissapeared. We should find them. Speak to them!

male Human (Shoanti) Bloodrager 1

Kogam had come along with the rag tag group. Fighting elves and making money sounded like fun. He'd never liked elves and had always wanted to kill one irregardless of white or dark...

Yes we will kill these dark Elves for you and bring your Mithral!

The Shoanti Warrior concludes.

male Human (Shoanti) Bloodrager 1

Whatever works for you really. I sit at a computer for around 14 hours a day most weekdays so that should be plenty. Also I like fast moving games so if needed please NPC me if I'm away

Kogam moves to the man's side. Yes you made it. This sounds truly frightening. A killing force of blackend night and disapearing stars... ill omen's indeed.

Pretty sure my dude would know squat about Drow also INT 7 so go figure...

male Human (Shoanti) Bloodrager 1

I live in central Europe and definitely won't be able to keep up with the posting rate you guys put up (27 posts over night?) so maybe you should look to replace me Dajelly as I'd likely only be holding up the game.

Kogam is a bit slower on his heals but heads out to search the neighborhood with the little man.

Survival1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

male Human (Shoanti) Bloodrager 1

Kogam now has a nice profile. Now can make many strong babies with strong warrior chicks!