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This is more of a house rule than anything on the books, but what about a subdiety under Abadar's dominion? Like a Saint under the Catholic church (if I have that right?) I would think sub-cults exist for any major deity to address specific ideals.

DeathlessOne wrote:
I'd go with the Brawler and use the Eldritch Heritage line of feats (depending on how high level you intend to take this villian) to get the Orc bloodline (or Abyssal) in order to get the boosts to strength, minus the spellcasting.

I would also suggest The Pit Lord bloodline (from Infernal I believe) for the bonus to Constitution, the idea being that Kingpin is built like a tank and is far more durable than his opponents believe.

A couple of thoughts come to mind. First, the monk portion you might want as an Unchained Monk (higher base attack and HitDice). Also if you are not adverse to archetypes, go with the Scaled Fist for the Monk (using Charisma in place of Wisdom for monk abilities) This will help let your character be a little less MAD.

As for the Ninja side, I would reccomend taking a look at the Classic Ninja and Sap Master Ninja builds here: http://zenithgames.blogspot.com/2013/01/guide-to-builds.html

Just tailor the builds to suit what you have in mind. :) Hope this helps!

Heyas, recently my sorcerer died and because we are so low level, getting her raised just wasn't an option. So in an effort to bring another "caster" into the group I settled on an Unchained Summoner.

The group consists of a Shifter, an Unchained Rogue, a Flying Blade Swashbuckler and an Oracle. My purpose in making my summoner an archer was in part to bring some long range damage to the group.

My summoner is a hobgoblin (campaign reasons) that has taken Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot for feats (we're 3rd level) My eidolon is an Azata subtype Biped that also has the same feats as I have. I see it as a switch hitter, use a strength bow until the enemy gets to melee, then pull out a greatsword to finish them off.

For spells my 1st level spells are Mage Armor, Shield, Lesser rejuvenate Eidolon and Enlarge Person.

Any suggestions on where to go from here? Deadly Aim for the eidolon maybe. I want to take Improved Share Spells (teamwork) just not sure when the feat acquisitions will be in sync so we can both take it at the same time.

I agree with Decimus, it can be hard to see exactly how much of a difference a support character makes but it can be staggering in importance. I am playing a half-orc skald that started out as our party's main tank. At low levels I was up there with anyone in terms of damage. Mid levels started seeing that I wasn't really dealing the damage myself so much as I was enabling our hunter's dinosaur to take centre stage. That was when I transitioned to more of a healer/support role.

When I look at the dinosaur doing massive amounts of damage, I don't just see it as that player's pet doing all that damage. In a way, that lovable beast is MY pet as well and I know that a good portion of it's dps is my dps. I do think that if my character were to leave the party, that group would struggle a whole lot more.

So maybe suggest to your friend that, short of switching to a new character, take a look at how much he does in damage with his buffs. Yes, this is going to involve a lot of math work but when he adds this damage to the damage he does directly, methinks he might be surprised.

ohako, I was merely using the knuckles as an example in order to make the question more clear but I do appreciate the sentiment. :) As for the other suggestions

A) Looks very interesting and probably something I do for a different character, just not the right feel for what I'm going for at the moment.
B)The campaign isn't allowing traits so that's a no go but I think a turtle (+1 Natural AC) is an acceptable substitute.
C) Oooh that's a nice cheap alternative! I was thinking about adding the Brawling enchant to a pair or bracers of armor. The enchantment can only be applied to light armor but what's lighter than a pair of bracers?
D) Another good idea. :) Only downside is you have to choose one maneuver. The weapon enchant would apply to all maneuvers but if I can't use it with the hair oh well.

The build is looking like White Haired Witch 4/ Unchained Monk 2. The witch part for the 10' reach and grapple/trip abilities. The monk for the flurry of blows and base attack, not to mention hit points. I am looking at the wisdom patron though and going more defensive (shield of faith, owl's wisdom.) Thoughts?

Looking at the Brawling Weapon Enchantment (pg 212 Advanced Class Guide) it states "The wielder of this weapon gains an enhancement bonus on combat maneuver checks equal to the enhancement bonus of the weapon."

Now I know this is nitpicking but could a white haired witch pick up a set of brass knuckles +5 and add that bonus to her hair grapples/trips? My thinking is that the description doesn't specifically say that you need to use the weapon to make the attempt.

Me, I generally like to keep things simple so my thought is a straight Brawler with the Shield Champion archetype. Can't really get more shield bash-y than the Captain America type of character :)

Not only do you get to shield bash but to do so with monk unarmed damage (-4 levels) but you can take several things to counter that. Monk's Robe (+5 levels for damage) and add the Bashing quality to your attack shield (do damage as a size larger than you are) :)

Favorite class I've actually played: Shield Champion - Brawler archetype.

Current favorite in theory: Monk/ -Human with Racial Heritage Catfolk. Monk archetypes Master of Many Styles / Nimble Guardian. I love the idea of going beyond merely practicing Tiger Kung-Fu to a Tiger with Kung-Fu! :)

As for a healer combo I've enjoyed: Paladin/Life Oracle. Keeping my party alive while watching my own HP go up and down like a yo-yo was nerve-wracking but a blast! :)

Looking at the rage power entry for the Skald in the Advanced Class Guide it states that the Skald when she starts a raging song can *choose* which rage powers to add (if any). Something to consider for the Superstitious/witch hunter builds, if a team member goes down, you can turn off your song for a round to let spells heal your team. Of course this also puts them in danger too (the loss of Con most notably) and it could be a pain to take time to restart the song.

On the whole I like the Celestial totem line for skalds since I tend not to play in PFS games with my group.

Another option I have been contemplating as a player is to have pre-made cards of stats (with Augment summoning and other buffs) to hand out to other players to help me run the summoned creatures so it doesn't drag down the game when I have multiple summons.

[url=http://www.archivesofnethys.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Hide%20Weapon] Hide Weapon spell would also do what you're intending at least :)

Darkon wrote:

Okay, so related question then, can armor spikes be masterwork weapons? they are a weapon that is a part of a non-weapon. I'm not certain how an unarmed strike meaningfully differs. And if people then consider the issue to be that babies are grown, well so are wyroot and darkwood, yet they can be made into masterwork weapons.

It's not like you have no control over the growth either, medical literature is full of ways to make sure your child is born and stays healthy, while many martial arts have some variation of iron body training which adjusts parts of your body to be harder and better for combat. For example a spearhand strike is generally a fairly useless attack, but someone who has done the iron body training to strengthen their fingers and keep them aligned properly while striking can deliver a meaningful blow with it that is more damaging than a normal punch due to the lower contact area.

Well first of all, armor spikes can be removed by taking off the armor they are attached to or removed manually one by one. Doing that with an unarmed strike is gonna send the individual to the amputee home.

Secondly, training is why monks and brawlers do increased die damage as they go up in levels. A weapon is a constructed thing, material shaped and balanced for optimal effect. They can also be produced in a way that is repeatable. People are a lot more variable. Genetics and heredity are big factors in physical development.