
Knight Protector's page

Organized Play Member. 15 posts (498 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 aliases.

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I'm a Christian. Though I stay away from the loaded term "evangelical," since as a libertarian, I don't fall into that political camp. I do hold to much of the theology.

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As a Christian, I am very sad to see his passing. I found myself surprisingly in agreement with some of his conservative political beliefs, though obviously in great disagreement over his spiritual ones. Cancer is a deadly thing that I wouldn't wish upon anyone. I found him to be a respectful gentleman, especially in his discourse with Doug Wilson in the Collision film which I would recommend to anyone. I'm sure would I have had the pleasure to know him in person I would say the same.

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As a pretty hardcore worldbuilding homebrewer who is nearly obsessive-compulsive in my quest for creativity, (I am even averse to stealing names from other settings) I was wondering what you fellow homebrewers used for your home campaign pantheons. In two of my past campaigns I ran a monotheistic setting. Now I'm crafting another campaign and looking to incorporate deities from an existing setting, mostly to avoid the intense amount of work involved in even fleshing out a single deity.

For you homebrewers out there, do you borrow a pantheon from another setting like Golarion, or do you create your own? I used to exclusively use the Greyhawk deities in my games and I still have a soft spot for them. I think the Pathfinder deities would work, but it just makes me think of Golarion, and like Forgotten Realms, it just reminds me too much of that setting and distracts me from the game.

I don't know, maybe I'm just being too OC about it. In any event, what do you folks use for your home settings? For those who flesh out their own deities, how much work to you put into it?

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Ah yes. In a fairly recent campaign, I played an honorable and chivalrous paladin who was charged with escorting the child prince of the kingdom hundreds of miles away in order to protect him from those who would see him dead. My companion and I successfully escaped the elite King's guard, the Reclaimers, who needed to be kept in the dark regarding the danger the prince faced. We avoided their superb tracking skills, and on the way defeated all sorts of creatures and ventured into the plane of shadow and ran up against various minions of Lamashtu, defeating them all fairly handily.

Then we came upon a carnival being held by a local village. My paladin was taunted by an elderly woman who was operating some sort of spinning wheel which was suppose to test your strength. You'd roll a Strength check and then depending on how high you rolled, she would announce to all those present how strong you were. Some other bloke stepped up and rolled and after his result she stated, "Ahh, you are as strong as two men!" Tristan, being the manly paladin stepped up and grabbed hold of the wheel and spun it. I think I rolled a 1. The woman mockingly announced, "Ahhh, you are almost as strong as a single man!"

Yeah. His paladin ego was pretty much devastated. Poor sap.

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Oh, snap! The siblings snap their heads in whatever direction the daring object of perception-inducing spot-titude is located!