Count Strahd Von Zarvoich

Klendarin's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


Scarab Sages

Deanoth wrote:
Paizo Con :).

I just saw that they have a booth next week at BookExpo America in NYC. I wonder what kind of neat things they'll have to show.

Scarab Sages

Zynete wrote:
However Dracula 3000 was especially scary for me since I wasn't sure it was ever going to end (if that counts).

I love cheesy vampire movies, but that was seriously one of the worst films I've ever seen. I actually fell asleep part way through and woke up to the relief that it was ending.

Scarab Sages

I've got a couple level 50 heroes and villains on Virtue, with a dozen different characters at various points below 50. I have a handful of lowbies on Triumph and Freedom that don't get much attention, as well.

Scarab Sages

Heh, DF beat me to editing the URL.

Scarab Sages

I bet it has something to do with Obama riding that unicorn in the new jibjab campaign video. :P


Scarab Sages

Anybody been over to They have an interesting write-up as to why they won't be going 4E anytime soon.

Scarab Sages

Tabard of the Favored Champion

This item appears to be a well-crafted garment of the type often worn by a knight or court herald. It is emblazoned with a coat of arms that likely signifies a noble house or martial order.

Although commonly worn over armor or clothing, the tabard functions as if it were a magical vestment.

The tabard provides its owner with a +4 moral bonus to Intimidate checks as long as it is worn in a manner clearly visible to the target.

Once per encounter the wearer may use a standard action to challenge an opponent with an Intelligence score of 5 or greater to single combat. If the target fails a Will save (DC 12 + the wearer’s Cha modifier) it attempts to attack the wearer for a number of rounds equal to that by which it failed the save. Any hostile action by a third party, however, allows the target to break free of this effect.

Once per day, if the wearer is reduced to -1 to -9 hit points, the tabard automatically casts Cure Moderate Wounds.

Faint enchantment and conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Command, Cure Moderate Wounds; Price 12,000 gp; weight 1 lb.

Scarab Sages

Mark Brehob wrote:

As someone who hit 200 words exactly, I would ask that you keep in mind that different software may do word counts slightly differently. I didn't (and don't) yet have word installed on my new home PC, so I used a java program. It seemed to count in a reasonable way.

(humm... wc -w is a good idea, I *do* have cygwin...)

Sadly I don't have an exact copy of my submission (made a few last minute edits).

Ah well...


According to MS Word I'm also right at 200, so another week of suspense for me.