
Kite Windsocks's page

34 posts. Alias of Ghuldrun.


Im lovin it just ordered my copy, Im going to use distant worlds to place this one in the pathfinder realm.

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I love the mystery race it looks like the mantis trikeen like D&D. I hope its a playable race. The art looks more like a umber hulk and less like a tyranid. As for the comments about not liking it because it's a less human race who cares there are many places in the Pathfinder RPGS setting and Ebberron. A good GM can adapt it to any game. Fantasy isnt always Dwarf, human, elf, gnome, how boring that would be. Fantasy has to evolve to keep your players interested..

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Ok I believe that WOTC where going for "The One to Rule Them All" with 4th edition and failed. They haven’t printed any consistent RPG material in a good 6 months and won’t release their numbers to compete with Pathfinder (lol). If you like 4th then play it, myself I’m sticking with Pathfinder! But I do believe that WOTC was trying to capture WOW (classes) and magic players (the power cards) with all the similarities. As for asking for the input from players, Hasbro (yes them, there in charge have the first & last say) has seen the success of Pathfinders playtest and wants the same. They could make or break themselves with this method; they are going to have to listen to fans. The one thing I think everyone has forgotten is WOTC tried to go completely digital with a membership fee, (complete BS just my opinion. WOW! WOW!) This is not what D&D fans wanted as shown in there 4th E sales (books still sitting on selves in many store in my area).

Tag your it!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont follow directions well. LOl

Im 38, and getting my son ready to play D&D, Ive been plaing since I was about 6 with my older brother. My best friend is also my age and his son is 15 and his classmates join in on Friday night D&D games every week so he is preparing the new generation of course with Pathfinder not 4th edition crap.

I have recently just finished my Broodmaster. He is a halfing with @ small furry Eidolons, similiar to mogwas from gremlins. My charcters cover is a circus performer who travels and also works with the Pathfinder society. I based his pets sort of on the comic book character izzs from the max. We have only played 2 games with no combat yet.

Actually I disagree I love to paint miniatures, I paint all my own characters. I would like painted mobs, thugs, monsters, that hepls with gaming. I do agree the random box sets is really horrible & costly thats why I buy the them seperate on EBAY. I wish Paizo would stop making minis of there characters and more general class figures, ex: ranger, urban ranger, cavalier, cavalier with warhound, paladin male, or female

northbrb wrote:

I had an idea of a character that had a prosthetic hand, basically mechanically it would be as if the character were wearing a gauntlet that couldn't be removed.

weather it is magical or uses fantasy style mechanics using pulleys and gears, the core idea is it is a prosthetic hand.

would any of you see a reason not to allow this or cost a bunch of GP or would you allow it because it is a cool RP concept with little cost.

I really dont see any issue with this just maybe work out the cost with your GM. He/She may even allow this to be used as a hidden weapon, or a hidden storage compartment.

Im lovin it! It looks like good quality, I hope goblins are player characters. In Eberron I used to play a Goblin urban ranger with a crocodile as companion in the sewers I really hope I can convert him to a Golarian city. Maybe have other sub species of goblin. I'd buy it!!!!

I love it, I usually play rangers, but this really makes me want to play a cavalier. The use of hounds is balanced and clever. I do also believe that trip, and a few other abilities would help. I have no problem with the first hound being equal to druid companion, and later second hound adding penalty. The kill command needs revising. Great job! love to see this in print, I WOULD PLAY IT!

Gjorbjond wrote:

My summoner made a pact with an inhabitant of the Dimension of Dreams. It guards him while he's awake and gets to experience things in the waking world. When he's asleep, he has to help it with tasks it needs to do in the dream realm.

Due to the nature of the pact, the eidolon has to stay with the summoner's mind, which is why it always disappears when the summoner is unconscious. They're both in dreamland.

Very nicely done I like the concept, something a DM can build on

Bilbo Bang-Bang wrote:
I haven't has any response to my emails either. Maybe he is on vacation.

Yeah thats possible, after all life can get in the way at times lol! Well I have enjoyed creating this character looking foward to playing. I made a bald w/one braid half-elf mystic monk(summoner), who summons a monkish Satyr from the Feywild(Eidolin), very Final Fantasy. I really like using Hero Lab just has a few glitches with creating Eidolon, Damage reduction can be choosen from 1st lvl & later 5 lvls after, but they dont have it equiped that way.

Ok completed summoner sent email to Quantum to notify, used Hero Lab justy want to know what type of format to send, also sent previous email havent heard back. Let me know about format & when you would like to start game.

As mentioned earlier youll get some good information on the gatekeepers & orcs from the Dragon Below series, As for books, I agree with everyone else, Player,Races, and faith books all have info but very little. I recommend maybe adding some of your own homebrew. Personally I love the Hobgoblins in Eberron,after reading the Dragon Below & the Legacy of Dhakaan i just added the details from the books into my campaign.

Currently reading Chosen of Nendawen Series (D&D novel) Forgotten Realms setting. Im on book #2. Great series, the best out of the new D&D novels in my opinion, many have been very bogged down with promoting the current 4th edition races & magic powers almost seemed forced. This novel flows well, is desciptive has an excellent chase story & suspense. The first novel The Fall of Highwatch sets it all up nicely. Our hero Hweilan a female half elf starts out like 0 level but by next novel shes really a deadly character. Check it out I really recommend.

(Oh and if you disagree with my prevoius statement on the newer novels seeming like the 4th edition is forced. I apologize just an opinion, please do not comment wasnt to be harmful)

I would definetly like to see Asian Monsters like Kappa, or animal type character classes(hybrid). I would love to see Scorpion Men one of my favorite or something like Tri Keen(insect men. I would like to see some new original terrors & animals from Science fiction maybe.

Quantum wrote:
Bilbo Bang-Bang wrote:
When I download D20Pro do I need core of full version? I see that the full has campaign data, is this required for us?
I would say just download whatever they offer its doesn't cost anything and has all of the DM tools etc if you decide to purchase the license, The trial itself is for DM content while the players option is $10 and allows for you to play in my game without taking up a players slot on my computer - which is limited to two - and all that is taken care of via a link on the d20 pro launch screen.

OK 7pm eastern sounds good, I sent email reguarding details of the downloads I will be performing. looking to get character ironed out this weekend.

Quantum wrote:

Well lets see, if we were to start 3PM my time(GMT), and your in the UK then it would easily be about 10PM your time =\ and considering I have one player -Blilbo- Who lives in Okinawa that would put almost 12 hours between you two... I could start earlier which would be no problem on this end, but I can almost promise you it might get late on your end, so if you have no problem with that then we as a group can determine what the best time would be to start for all of us =]

I'm planning to do this about Once a week on the designated days, don't worry if you cant make it for one I understand life happens, I myself have commitments that are both unforeseen and unavoidable but if something does pop up a little heads up would be nice so we can postpone or reschedule =]

As for days, it looks right now to be Fridays or Saturdays.

As for content, so long as its Golarion I can take it hands down, one player was contemplating a fan created class and I'm going to allow it if he is still interested in playing. I'm very liberal as a GM, so long as you have sufficient story to make it work and keep me, yourself, and the other players interested then I won't get in the way of that, just run it by me first if you think it might be unbalancing or something really out of place -like mecha xD-

For starters, all players will be 4th level so use the appropriate wealth table in the main rules for hero's, I don't restrict what you can purchase so long as you make some reference to it in your background and obviously don't go over the GP limit =]

As for adventure hooks, you won't have any relation to the original characters, but if you wan't to work with the other players and whatnot feel free I'm working on a brief into quest to get you all acquainted and whatnot, so other than that just explain why your characters would be traveling in those regions etc... and I'll do the rest ;)

For Bilbo's question I would say for a small mount you have very few options, but perhaps a wolf might be interesting... but they do...

Ok its the anime asian summoner, cool started working on it today downloaded the APG character sheet from Paizo site and the sheet extensions. As for the time I think GMT is what 5 1/2 hours ahead of East Coast US Im not toatlly sure but Friday, Sat. or Sun. nights work for me. Let me know what you decide. Im going to down load VTT tonight. As for the character I can send him via email(I provided above) please email me with your email so I may get the character to you when Im done. Background is a half elf mystic who's clan had been communicating with creratures from other planes, when there city was attacked and loosing the battle badly, there mystics summoned the Eidolons to help them defend there city. It turns out that one of there own betrayed them & left after they overturned the battle. let me know if it sounds cool. I think its broad enough to fit into Golarian & gives you a future NPC as well.

Dwarven Insight wrote:
Ok normally i have my party have a witness to roll their stats. It dosent have to be me and it keeps them honest. well one of my players lives two hours away so i let him roll them up alone and he showed up with an 18 17 17 16 18 16. I have seen people roll these stats before but this particular person rolls crappy pretty much all the time. I'm almost certain he cheated but i dont know weather to confront him or not. i like having him in the group and dont want to piss him off. What should I do?

This is why I do think using a point buy system is better, you get what you want to spend in the areas that count for your character & it cuts down on cheating. No doubt he cheated he just kept rolling till he got what he wanted, his stats are not fair to the party, have him reroll or use point buy for the party, the later will be easier than saying he cheated. I been gaming D&D for about 28 years I never started with such good stats.

Quantum wrote:

Yes of course I would be interested in both of your playing, I can use all of the players I can get my hands on xD if the two previous posters find they don't have the time after all then you will be absolutely necessary xD but either way I have room for you both as I have only the 3 characters I previously mentioned and one is an NPC -my character that was apart of our old group that dissolved >.<-, a fourth player I was counting on seems to have changed his mind xD apparently WoW is taking up all of his time, haha.

Anyways Im sure you will find most of the rules already in the post, so feel free to Post concepts, or let me know what your email is and I will send you just a quick little letter so you have access to my email, and the address of the site were using for the game.

Please note that ventrillo will be a requirement for this group as it will be on a VTT d20 pro so having a mic will help if you don't mind talking to other players but not necessary its just so I am better able to DM, and also note that I have only two players licenses which are already taken up so you will have to run a trial for 30 days which is absolutely free, I plan to purchase a few more after the holidays so that should be more than enough time and give me some incentive to justify the $10 a slot xD again this is a Virtual Table Top so its more traditional in that sense.

I am OK with Friday, let me know what time, I live on East coast of US. I like the Golarian setting its like Forgotten Realms meets Eberron. could you post a link to VTT D20 site, I never done it but would like to start since I DM as well. I have a camera & mic combo for Skype is this simlair. [My email is] As you know my 1st concept is a Summoner, looks sort of like Raiden from Mortal Kombat, straw hat,sashes, wears a chest plate,toe boots,hes is a half elf.( Ive seen pics of Asian armor in PFRPG so let know where it fits) For the Eidolan hes kind of like Goro hes got 4 arms and one eye and is suited in samurai armor. My 2nd concept is a urban ranger/smuggler(just occupation) who is a courier(smuggler) whos a red headed halfing whos companion is a flying mount. This is the character I am posting under Kite Windsocks, a very flambount character who doesnt see self a thief or smuggler its just a fun job. So let me know what ya think. thanks

LostSoul wrote:
May be a bit please feel free to grab someone else. If you still need me I will post something in the next 3 or 4 days. Finals are killing me.

I can totally relate just finished finals Sat. Thats why I had left my last group, but they went on to $th & I wasnt interested in it.

Quantum wrote:

Hey there, as the post implies I need a few more people to get my game up and running, I already have two staunch players I can count on showing up, so do not post here if your planning ditching the group after a few sessions. I highly encourage only those interested in RP to apply as that will be the primary focus of this campaign and I have a website dedicated to this group specifically for that purpose. I need 2-3 more depending on weather or not a third player counts on showing up. So far the party composition looks like this


So its a heavily damage oriented group, and it would be preferable if we had some more diversity to add in the mix. Post if your interested and I'll e-mail you some rules on the character creation and all that fun stuff, but just to cover some basics the group will be going to at least 18 level is set in Golarion and has some very classic dungeon crawl goodies in store. I'll cover the logistics of the game as I said after I get some interest here on the boards =]

Im would be interested in playin, Im new to the play to post thing, I have played D&D for a long time. I would like to play maybe a summoner, let me know, I thinking of a asian style, with like a samurai monster eidolon? interested?

0gre wrote:
Kite Windsocks wrote:
0gre wrote:
Scipion del Ferro wrote:
Warhammer models are always nice for getting extra bits on the sprue. I love Warmachine casts but sometimes I miss the fiddly bits.
Yeah warhammer does tend to give you the bells and whistles (and extra arms legs, drums, swords...)
You'll laugh, but I sometimes buy minis just to make them into bits for future minis I'll paint. I do like buying sprues of arms, legs ,heads,& horns from GW. I also buy bits from Priv Press but there online catalog hasnt been updated in a long,long time

I don't deliberately do this but I have bought mini kits and split them.

Privateer press stuff is a bit pricey to be buying extra to part out. Though I do have some unpainted... hmm.

Yeah! Privateer Press is way over priced, but I use ebay & remain patient while looking for deals. I find people dumping there armies or figs they dont use,I bought Mulg for 39.95 hes a 60.00 mini,great deal just got to keep looking. And yes I have split & hacked many of my unused guys. Oh I did find a cool avatar bird monster, The nazgul king on the fellbeast I just have to green stuff horns on head & add smaller rear wings, but I havent found anyone selling him

MY gaming group has divided and parted ways. Some went to 4TH I want to stick to 3.5 & pathfinder, ebberron. I would like to know if theres any groups in my area. I GM eberron,and home brew D&D games. I live near Mooresville. I could run a game opposite of your game. please contact me with any info

Male Halfling Summoner/Rogue
Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Kite Windsocks wrote:
Hi Aubrey, Im sorry to interupt but I wanted to be added to your list of people for your next eberron game. I made a post on the play by post titled Calling Aubrey the Malformed 4 Spot On Next Eberron Campaign to give some info,Sorry Im new to the play by post. Let me know if you would like some info on character concept & if possible when convient for you let me know how to play?
Hi. I'm afraid this game is pretty much full up and until my PF games finish (in maybe five years time or so) I won't be starting up any new PF games, Eberron or otherwise, due to the work load involved (I prefer to DM 4e so I can have a life as well, but my online guys are tragic grognards). If a vacancy comes up I'll post it up, but you may be better to scan the Gamer Connection section of the board and look for a game to come up there (which happens frequently) though you may need to create a new character.

Thanks for the speedy response. I'll try and connect with a group, and I'll also try the gamer connection. Take care

0gre wrote:
Scipion del Ferro wrote:
Warhammer models are always nice for getting extra bits on the sprue. I love Warmachine casts but sometimes I miss the fiddly bits.
Yeah warhammer does tend to give you the bells and whistles (and extra arms legs, drums, swords...)

You'll laugh, but I sometimes buy minis just to make them into bits for future minis I'll paint. I do like buying sprues of arms, legs ,heads,& horns from GW. I also buy bits from Priv Press but there online catalog hasnt been updated in a long,long time

Male Halfling Summoner/Rogue

I am looking to join a party for pbp Eberron, I am new to pbp and may need some guidance. I do know Ebberron setting very well and have run many campaigns. I am interested in either playing a ranger/rogue or a summoner. Im very familiar with the ranger, new to summoner. Anyone interseted let me know, oh and what is the best way to contact each other, Im not really sure how I will be notified if you may be interested since this is not email. I will check post Monday am.

Scipion del Ferro wrote:
Kite Windsocks wrote:
0gre wrote:

Maybe the biggest reason I love the summoner class, I get to mix painting minis with a bit of role playing. My latest Eidolon painted with three sizes and 2 poses :D

Summoner Minis

I love those Hordes minis for eidolons.

Funny I to enjoy using the Hordes Everblight guys, I used the Teraph & then evo to Carnivean to Scythean with my Half elf, with my dwarf I used a pyre troll then evo to Mulg and painted him like volcano. I like your work. Hey do you have any ideas for a flying eidolon like the orange terrasaur from avatar.
There is an everblight serpent with 4 wings that would probably work for you. Wouldn't be hard to add some legs to it. It's one of my favorite models. I think it's called a Seraphym or something like that.

Thats a really great idea, I took a look at it it would work, now I just have to find a head that would fit, Thanks

0gre wrote:

Maybe the biggest reason I love the summoner class, I get to mix painting minis with a bit of role playing. My latest Eidolon painted with three sizes and 2 poses :D

Summoner Minis

I love those Hordes minis for eidolons.

Funny I to enjoy using the Hordes Everblight guys, I used the Teraph & then evo to Carnivean to Scythean with my Half elf, with my dwarf I used a pyre troll then evo to Mulg and painted him like volcano. I like your work. Hey do you have any ideas for a flying eidolon like the orange terrasaur from avatar.

Liz Courts wrote:
Moved thread. :)

My apologies, how do I move it & should I move it to gamer connection, many thanks

Male Halfling Summoner/Rogue
Heathansson wrote:
My son was kinda small; still is; he's shortest in his class his maternal grandfather was kinda short...I think he was Welsh. Then my daughters are kinda bigger. I'm all Germanned and Scandanavianned Denmarked up. My grandfather and all his brothers had these big meaty hands they could strangle a wild boar with.

Hi Aubrey, Im sorry to interupt but I wanted to be added to your list of people for your next eberron game. I made a post on the play by post titled Calling Aubrey the Malformed 4 Spot On Next Eberron Campaign to give some info,Sorry Im new to the play by post. Let me know if you would like some info on character concept & if possible when convient for you let me know how to play?

Phazzle wrote:

Been reading lots of threads of things players do to make you crazy. Thought I would add one of my own just to vent a bit. Please comment and add your own.

I absolutely hate it when players argue the laws of physics with me. Not rules-lawyering, which I can at least respect but it sends me into a murderous rage when I get into an argument with a player who is clearly trying to go outside of the rules to gain an advantage.

For instance...called shots (even though they do not exist in pathfinder). We have all had that player who says "I take steady aim and shoot him in the eye," and argues with you when you don't award him a critical for telling you where he aims. And does not understand that the rules compensate for called-shots by assuming that you are always aiming for the area that is most vulnerable.

Player: "But what about snipers in Iraq? They shoot people in the head all the time."

DM: "Apart from the fact that they are using high powered sniper rifles, the average level one warrior has about 10 hit points so, logically speaking they would usually die in the first hit."

Player: "But what about a dragon. It's so big. It's eye is like huge. You should be able to just shoot it's eye, the rules suck."

DM: "Well, by that rationale then the dragon could just land on you since it is faster than you and it is too big for you to run out from under it."

Player: "I could shoot it in the eye as it's coming down."

DM: "Ok here is a perfect example. See this golf ball? I am aiming at your head (throws) but I don't always hit it since you are shielding your face with your arms and moving your head around. Some hit (throws another) your sternum, or (throws another) your neck....

I've run to simliar problems. But my biggest is the some players like to kill everyone in the game not just the villains, barmaids,storekeeps,hirlings you know people who might give plots clues. Then theres one member of the party who creates a character wether it be a elf or dwarf I ask whats his name? player says Mr. Elf or Joe Black he wont even come up with a fanatasy name or anything.

First I would like to say Im sorry if this is not the right way to join a play by post. I have never played like this before always at the table. My gaming party has left 3.5 for 4.0 and left me behind.Aw well! I looking to be added to the next list for your Eberron campaign hopefully to be considered. Unsure how to contact I created post. The name I am using is a halfling character that I use for Eberron he is a air courier(aka: smuggler) in the city of Sharn rides a giant dragonfly named zipper. Please contact me back & let me know about my method of contacting you back, oh and how it works play by post. Thanks

I think Ebberron is a good choice, much of the new Pathfinder material fits in great, if you run a Xendrik adventure you can use all the new jungle and sagava/serpent skull info, or anything. Whats FLGS? I love running Ebberron and so do many other gamers but its always good to add your own stuff