We sort of used a narrative, I said which way and approximately how far each stretch of hallway went and when there was a choice they told me which way they turned. I would ask for d20 rolls sporadically against the random encounter chart.One of the players was trying to map where they were. But the funniest thing that happened was during an encounter with a Mustard Jelly. I have a house rule that if you confirm a critical with a second 20, then you roll again. If you hit on the third roll it is an automatic kill of the target. Well last night the Magus rolled two 1's in a row. He rolled a third time for another 1, so in keeping with standards he killed himself. They had purchased a Breath of Life scroll and used it. But I still got credit for certifying my Killer GM status.
After glancing through the thread I will add my 2 cp. The ongoing joke with my Friday night gamers is if you bring the GM (me) cookies from Subway you might not die that night. But that does not guarantee your continued survival in 2 weeks when we meet again. Besides I have to maintain my Killer GM status. So far one player was in 2 different games and has died once already, no twice in 2 games. He has been close in this game, but I still have hope of renewing my Killer GM #0706/286 status. Those numbers are from my copies of Rappan Athuk Reloaded and Rappan Athuk Pathfinder Edition. |