Hobgoblin Lieutenant

Khari Sidare Transformed's page

34 posts. Alias of chadius.


Base Form Chaotic Good


HP 11/11 | AC 15 (T 10 FF 15) | CMD 15 | Saves 4/2/0 | Perception +0 | Init +0 | Mutagen 10 minutes (+4 str, -2 Int, +2 Natural Armor)


Alter Self into a Bugbear (for 1 hour)

About Khari Sidare Transformed

Base Form

Khari Sidare's been dabbling with Alter Self, and she can choose a medium or small form. Based on the form, she can get darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, scent, and swim 30 feet.

Here are her current boosts:

Medium Form Gives a +2 Size bonus to Str. This implies +1 to CMB, CMD, Melee attacks and damage.


Bugbear provides darkvision and scent.

Aquatic Elf provides swim 30 feet, and a +8 racial bonus to swim checks. She also gets to take 10 on swim checks, even if threatened.

Gillman provides swim 30 feet, and a +8 racial bonus to swim checks. She also gets to take 10 on swim checks, even if threatened.
Alter Self into a Gillman

Small Form Gives a +2 size to Dex. This implies +1 to Reflex Saves, CMD and Ranged attacks
