Sewer Goblin

Kezzat's page

25 posts. Alias of CorvusRed.


F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

still here, promise, just got busy

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

HP: -4
Constitution Check: 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (16) - 4 = 12
Status: Stable

The badly wounded goblin collapses onto the floor, bleeding profusely.

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

Screaming and wailing in agony, Kezzat whirls on whatever stabbed her, slashing blindly with her dagger.

Attack roll: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

just to confirm:

6 dmg from the ray from bangu Bangu, 11 dmg from the stabby stabby?

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

Kezzat stares daggers at Bangu Bangu from across the room, her sharp teeth gnashing. She draws her dagger out and points at the other goblin: but then she notices the skeletons, and a focused serenity seems to wash over her.

Strange words spill from her mouth, wisps of holy energy flowing from her. as she strides toward the skeletons. The chanting crescendos as she reaches the skeletons PURGAREM MORTIS! and holy fire bursts forth from the little goblin.

Channel Positive Energy on as many skeletons as she can get, after they've moved. DC 14 for half damage
Channel Positive Energy damage: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 5) = 7

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

Kezzat glances around warily at her new companions. She mutters to herself in the rhythms of a one-sided conversation, as she apparently does so often.

A moment's pause, and that otherworldly, deeper voice echoes from her: BENEDICTIO!and her eyes flash white. A wave of holy energy washes over the group.

Kezzat casts Bless. Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects. This lasts for 3 minutes.

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

Will Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

Kezzat grabs one of Blikbek's ears and tugs on it sharply.

"How's about I tear your ear off?" she says with the sweetest of sweet goblin smiles.

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

"Maybe you has to drink, Blikbek? Maybe she fix you?"

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

"You broken like Blikbek now, Pointy? You know how we fix him?" Kezzat says to the wizard.

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

Kezzat drops the dagger and cradles Blikbek's oversized head in her arms.

"Poor broken Blikbek," she coos. As much as a Goblin can coo. Which is to say, it sounds kind of like someone strangling a weasel. While stabbing it.

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

Knowledge Religion, as per Possessed Trait: 1d20 ⇒ 3

Kezzat seems lost in thought, whispering words to herself. She draws the knife she recently acquired and walks across the room toward her friend.

"Poor broken Blikbek... I find Bangu Bangu. I find him and make him sing the hurting songs." she pats the other goblin on the head, and starts to raise the blade, but hesitates, glancing to the side and hissing quietly.

"I helping him."

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

would i even have to roll to execute Blikbek? just out of curiosity

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3


was this guy always such a drunk or so callous with his own health and safety? is this unusual behavior?

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

"Blikbek. He makes the music for Bangu Bangu. He make the music like old Gammer, but not powerful music like old Gammer."

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

The threat having passed, and the fire having gone out, Kezzat scurries forward, and begins to pick over the corpses. She snatches one of the daggers, and gives it a long, appraising look, a wide grin breaking out on her face.

When she hears the faint strains of the song coming from the other side of the wall, her ears twitch, and she looks up.

"Gobbos singing gobbo songs... seems to be a bit in his cups though."

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

Kezzat is maybe three feet tall, for the record.

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

Perception Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
intelligence check: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9

Kezzat notes the grease, but mostly just the giant ball of fire. She begins to back away slowly, hands in front of her.

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

Kezzat scoots back in the group, interposing the taller, better armed, and more capable members between herself and the source of the voice.

"Benedictio! she speaks in that echoing voice, and a wave of divine energy washes over the party.

Bless is cast on all allies within 50'. Everyone gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects. Lasts 3 minutes

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

"This as far as I got. Bangu Bangu was taking me to see Xorshak, but instead Bangu Bangu trade me for safe passage..."

A vicious glint shines in her eyes. "I will pull out all Bang Bangu's teeth and feed them right back. Yes. Yes."

Here again a distracted, far away, momentary look, before the goblin's attention snaps back to reality.

"I am Kezzat!" she fairly shouts in enthusiasm, while pointing at herself. She goes to each of the strangers in turn, and repeats the same, walking off immediately after to the next closest person after each proclamation .

By the time she's done, she's introduced herself to everyone at least once (some more like four times) and listened to exactly zero people introducing themselves back.

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

Kezzat groans and stretches, shaking lose the pains of her imprisonment.

She regards Zhu and his blade with trepidation, backing slightly away. A distracted look takes her for a long moment, and she snaps back, blinking.

"Yes, I help. I know things! I tell you things!..." Again, the distance, and the hesitant silence. She nods, as if hearing some conversation with someone or something not there.

"Things like... I know where Bangu-Bangu, head of Red Debbuls is! I know he go up the tower, Bangu-Bangu have angry swords for Xorshak! Bangu-Bangu say Xorshak folding out on him! Have what right pully belongs to Bangu-Bangu!" Kezzat nods emphatically, smiling a horrible and probably not at all convincing goblin smile at her rescuers.

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

The upturned goblin grows still when the fracas ends, watching the newcomers with wide eyes. After a contemplative moment, and some mumbling, she begins to thrash around, and wails at the top of her goblin lungs.

"Down! Down! Down! You help! I help! Down! Please!"

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

The upturned Goblin swivels its over-sized head, taking in the scene as violence breaks out around her.

She begins to panic, visibly, writing and struggling to get free. Then her eyes flash bright white, and she becomes strangely composed. She points at Mirandix and in that same oddly-echoing voice, speaks a holy word.

Kezzat casts Guidance on Mirandix, he gets a +1 on a single attack roll, saving throw or skill check. lasts one minute or until used.

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

Escape Artist: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

The goblin hanging from the ceiling begins to thrash wildly, spouting words that resonate through the room oddly, casting a deep, masculine echo to the shrill goblin-shrieks.

"Placet! Placet auxilium!"


Please! Please help!

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

any suggestions for an actual language to use when Kezzat is spouting off in Celestial?

F Goblin Possessed Oracle (Life) 3

So I'll be joining up too in the near future too. This looks like a good game with a very interesting group of PCs. looking forward to jumping in

complete background forthcoming