Kevlarh's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Erosthenes.

Sovereign Court

At thee risk of beating a dead horse...

Has anyone found an errata that grants clarity to this reaction, or grants a definitive time limit?

Sovereign Court 1/5

That says it all....

Sovereign Court 1/5

That is pretty much it....

Sovereign Court 1/5

I played my first session of P2 the other night, so I am new to it. What has happened to the Players Guide? Someone mentioned it was going to be online from now on? Will it have targeted updates, as before?

Final question: WHERE IS IT?

Sovereign Court

I hope this is in the right place, forgive me if not. My question is this: Can I create a drone that my PC can ride in? If I have a Ysoki mechanic (Doesn't everyone?) who is small, why couldn't I create my drone (which is medium sized), to have a "cockpit" in which my PC could ride and fight?

Next Question: Would such a thing be society legal?

Sovereign Court

When can I sign up for organized play?

Also - will the new adventures be released on/before the release date for the CRB? (I know - you don't know yet, LOL)

Will the Starfinder Society thus use the same release schedule as the PFS?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am an Old Gamer, really a Grognard. I also love the comic book Knights of the Dinner Table, a spoof on all things FRP. As a joke they have elaborate methods for restoring "luck" to their dice. Since the authors are all old gamer's, their stories are based upon their experience and collected stories from across the world.

Here's the question-----What do you do, or your friends, to restore luck to dice, or the funniest story concerning folks behavior and their dice?

Sovereign Court

Has anyone experimented with the Mass Combat System, or Kingdom System? If there are previous threads on this topic, I apologize in advance for duplication.

Sovereign Court

Is there a map or resource showing the trade routes through Golarion?

Sovereign Court 1/5

Am I the only one, that DISTINCTLY DISLIKES Year 5 faction missions? I am frustrated enough that I cannot get the character class in a module providing gear useful to them--NOW I have to worry about getting the right class with the right equipment into a session that my faction gets credit for!

Yes, I know I can get full Prestige/Fame, I the only one?

EDIT: is that better LazarX, less offensive to you?

Sovereign Court 1/5

I want to clarify some points that bother me:

1. True or False If I have a character with fame, I am limited to the gp amount I can spend on an item equal to the specified amount for the fame table.

2. I can purchase an item WITH fame equal to the amount listed on the table.

3. I can purchase an item equal to the amount specified for the entry on the fame chart, AND it costs BOTH the fame AND the gold listed.

Sovereign Court 1/5

I went to an amazingly fun convention last weekend in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Green Country Comics and Gaming, run by a delightful chap, Nathan Lindy VL out of Stillwater, Oklahoma.

I had a blast, played many sessions late into the night, and went home tired, but satisfied. Then I discovered I left my notebook with all my characters behind! HORRORS!!! Now, in my case somebody found it and turned it in (THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE!) It should be returned within this week, so no harm no foul.

My question is this - what would have happened if I could not retreive the records of my characters dering-do? Would I be out of luck and starting over? Is there a mechanism I am unaware of to assist?

Color me, Curious in Oklahoma

Sovereign Court 1/5

Is the WoTR an official PFS adventure path?

Sovereign Court

I have always wondered why "knock back" has never been in the rules; especially now that guns are involved in the game. I play PFS so there are no "home rules" allowed, but in general - I think there should be a Knock back rule. Crossbows and bows had incredible kinetic energy, and even with the relatively low muzzle velocity of the guns now in the game, knock back should be a factor. Granted, not every hit would generate enough force, but short range shots from a crossbow, bow or gun should have the chance to knock the target on their prone-ation. LOL Perhaps as a result of a Critical Hit? Or if someone rolls max damage? That way it would not dominate the game.

Talk amongst yourselves! Mingle Mingle.........

Sovereign Court

I am creating my first Magus for PFS play. I think I have chosen my abilities etc but I have a point I am unclear on, and would appreciate some clarification. How many attacks does a 1st level Magus get?

Sovereign Court

I know a lot of folks do not like the Magus. I saw one in lay last weekend and I really liked the combination of abilities in the class, so now I have to work on building one. (Please don't make this a flame on Magi until I get my questions answered--please?!)

My question is this: Does anyone have constructive suggestions for Feats and Traits for a Human Magus

STR 13
DEX 14
CON 16
INT 16

I am thinking Eschew Components and Extra Arcane Pool, with traits; Eyes and Ears of the City (Adds Perception as class skill), Secret of the Sphinx (Knowledge Local boost).

Sovereign Court 1/5

I am making my first Gunslinger for PFS and I noted in the Additional Resources, that crafting ammunition and firearms is prohibited.

Is this true? Has this been amended or updated?

Also what feats are a good choice for a level one GS? Is "Extra Grit" necessary or worthwhile?

Sovereign Court

What is "The Immortal Principality"?

Sovereign Court

I am debating the purchase of a Mithril breastplate.

My character is a 5th level (4 Rogue/1 Fighter) currently equipped with a +1 chain shirt.

If I have the math/process correct it will cost 8200gp to purchase a Mithril Breastplate and have it enchanted to +2, 6200gp for +1 Mithril Breast Plate. To increase my chain shirt to +2 it will cost +2000gp to add the additional enchantment. (It is already enchanted to +1 so the increase difference is +2000gp) Do I remember it correctly? I am having a brain flatus, and cannot find where the rule is to confirm my thought.

The debate here is - to Mithril Breastplate or not to Mithril Breastplate - that is the question?!

ANY help is appreciated in advance!


EDIT: I have about 5267gp and I can also purchase a +2 Cloak of Resistance and/or a +1 Ring of Protection. I do not have a cloak or a ring item.

Sovereign Court

Looking for wisdom on this choice. I know Short Bow has longer range, but the Sling does more damage, (Strength Bonus). Opinions? Discuss......

Sovereign Court

I am at something of a loss to understand how a character is supposed to be able to advance the goal of Taldor........seriously? Anyone have any ideas? I guess I simply do not comprehend how a character can establish a pro-Taldor system of nobility; short of becoming King of Varisia - but within the limitations of PFS play?

Sovereign Court

I have never played a Bard before, and I am about to embark on an effort to create a decent one. I have one started, but I am baffled by all the spell choices. I can see so many that would be useful in particular circumstances, but my personal crystal ball is fogged. I am open to suggestions on my spell choices for the Wealthy Dabbler, also if you can make a decent case for your choice.

Anyone that really likes to play Bards, or just has an informed opinion - what should my spell choices for cantrips and at first level be?

She is a Taldan Human
STR 13
DEX 14
CON 12
INT 14
WIS 10
CHA 16

Aspiring Bard
Extra Performance
Noble Scion of the Arts
Wealthy Dabbler (Dancing Lights and Detect Magic)

Bardic Performance 16 rnds/day

(0 Dancing Lights/Detect Magic - Per Dabbler Trait)
0 Daze
0 Unwitting Ally
0 Mage Hand
0 Read Magic
1 Forced Quiet
1 Fumbletongue

Sovereign Court 1/5

Has anyone run Season 4 #7 Severing Ties?

There is an encounter with 2 Basilisks, (Young Basilisks tire 1-2). The party first has to trip a trap that will drop an illusionary wall granting the Bassies a protected area to attack from. They are behind a secured gate at Disable Device DC of 15. I know this is not markedly high, but......

I am concerned these mobs will be too much for a group of low level characters. Has anyone run this that can give me some reassurance, or some suggestions on how to run this NOT to TPK the party?

Sovereign Court 1/5

At our PFS events we have a turnout of about 12-21 players. It is hard to plan how many GM's to have. Generally someone will step forward to run an extra table (new players are always welcome), but my OCD wants a method of being better prepared.

I was wondering what various groups do to address this issue - do you have a sign up sheet at your FLGS, or e-mail RSVP, or whatever.

Sovereign Court

Does anyone know of a batch of character sketches that can be imported to Hero Lab?

Sovereign Court

What realm(s) on Golarion has Gladitorial combat/games?

Sovereign Court 1/5

Alright, I have previously mentioned that I am new to PFS. One of my earliest forays into Golarion, I got "volunteered" into running a session at an event. I had played and run it before, so I blithely took GM credit and applied it to a first level character. (I did not clearly understand the rules on GM credit.)

My question is this - what the heck do I do now? I do not want to keep inappropriate XP on a character I plan to play again. On the other hand I have a chronicle for a succeeding adventure, which would leave it at the same level (Big 2nd!) But the Chronicle numbers would be off and so would the cash.

I made this mistake honestly, and I am trying to correct it; just not sure how.


Sovereign Court 1/5

It seems that the Cavalier is almost useless in PFS because none of the adventures involve riding. Except for the Halfing Cavalier mounted of a Wolf, of course ! LOL

Sovereign Court 1/5

Is there a limit to the number of PFS characters one can have active on the website, (and in active play)?

Sovereign Court

I have a player who very carefully created a Monk/Summoner. He is nigh on untouchable at his level (3). I do not scrye this forum often (I shall commence now, however); but I wouldst appreciate some help. Any suggestions for killing him? (read that as taking him down a peg or three!) We play PFS together, so my options are somewhat limited. I do not have a problem with him playing it, (he does have fun - that IS the point of the game, after all). However, he walks through mobs like they are not there. If I put something in the encounter he is challenged by, I could end up with a TPK. Suggestions?


Sovereign Court 1/5

Going to run my first event tomorrow, and I am in somewhat of a panic. I think I have enough modules to run, and enough people to GM (I HOPE!!) but since I have no idea how many people will show up, I have no idea.

ANYWAY!! I downloaded the first module (Written in Blood, Shades of Ice Part 1) but I did not get a PFS sheet showing tiers, XP, rewards and MI and the like, (whatever the hell it is called! LOL). I downloaded the module BEFORE I had the event actually posted on the website, so is that why I did not get one? How do I go about getting one (or making it up.) before tomorrow?

Don't worry, I am leaving my computer now to rip through all my crap to look again to make sure I did not misplace it. I looked through the download and did not see that page in the file; yes, I will triple/quintuple check that.

Hence, my panic! Any advice or answers?

Thanks in advance.


Sovereign Court

I just recently figured out what you guys are doing and I think it is FANTASTIC!! I am omw to my local brick and mortar game store to buy the basic book.

Question: I have a Sony reader on order and I was wondering if there is a version of the books I can legally obtain to carry on my Reader?