Bahor (Glorio Arkona)

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Highest quality 3rd party product I've read.


Comprehensive, balanced, flavourful, beautifully illustrated... I want to play one right away!

The Tattooed One especially; spiritual successor to 3.x's tattooed monks, with a dirty yakuza flavour. Would love to know if the summoning available via shadow conjuration is intended to be usable with feats that augment summoning.

My only criticism is a couple of favoured class bonuses are missing numerical values. Human and half-orc. Presumably they're the same as the similar ones for other races?

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Waste of time and money.


I have thoroughly enjoyed every other Pathfinder book I've bought, but this was a complete let-down. The majority of the entries in this book seem like parts of other monsters have been randomly thrown together and given a silly name.
The remainder are simply taken straight from somewhere else; fiction, books, movies, etc. and given pathfinder rules - really just something a half-competent dungeon master can do in half an hour anyway.
This kind of unimaginative drivel is far below the standard of every other pathfinder book I've read.
Stick to the first bestiary book; this one is pointless.